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Name = System Enhancer 1.1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:System Enhancer 1.1.3
Size: 29K Date:11/23/93 Version: 1.1.3
System Enhancer 1.1.3 - System Enhancer is a powerful new way to customize
your system. In addition to installing larger color patterns (on Mac with
Color QuickDraw) it can add colorful alert icons and much much more. This
copy comes with two sample files of ready to install resources. When you
register your copy you’ll receive additional files and an application for
creating your own installable resources. Warning - System Enhancers allows
you to exceed the normal limits of the Macintosh system software. In doing
so there is a risk under certain circumstances of damaging your system
file, make sure you work on a copy of your System. Compatible with Systems
4 through 7.x.
Name = Gatekeeper 1.3 Distribution
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Gatekeeper 1.3 Distribution
Size:247K Date:11/22/93 Version: 1.3
Gatekeeper 1.3 Distribution - Gatekeeper is a program designed to
continuously monitor the operation of your Macintosh, watching for
operations that are commonly carried out by viruses as they attempt to
spread. When Gatekeeper detects an infection attempt it will automatically
stop the attempt, almost before it's started. Gatekeeper 1.2.9 was created
to deal with the CODE 1 and MBDF-B viruses. The latter, MBDF-B, was already
dealt with by previous releases, but code was added to explicity identify
the virus as the "B" strain instead of as an "unknown" strain. Gatekeeper
1.3 was created to fix a bug that caused all pre-7 systems to hang during
startup, and crashed some System 7.x machines.
Name = Eclipse 2.1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:Eclipse 2.1.0
Size: 82K Date:11/22/93 Version: 2.1.0
Eclipse 2.1.0 - Eclipse is a full featured shareware screen saver which can
be set to dim your screen after a specified amount of time of Mac
non-usage. There are "sleep now" and "don't sleep" corners which can
automatically activate the program. This control panel also lets you cut
and paste a picture to be displayed during screen saving times. This is
another great product by Andrew Welch. Works with System 6 or 7. Shareware,
$10. Enjoy!
Name = AutoClock 1.4.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AutoClock 1.4.1
Size:115K Date:11/22/93 Version: 1.4.1
AutoClock 1.4.1 - AutoClock is an application and a system extension that
keeps your Macintosh's clock right. As a matter of fact, the Mac's clock
has the tendency to deviate from the standard time every day, which can
accumulate to minutes or dozens of minutes after one year. The "AutoClock"
application allows you to - set the clock by calling a time server, if you
have a modem; set the clock manually from an accurate source (for example a
vocal timeserver (303-499-7111) or the radio); display a logbook of all
clock changes on your Macintosh, whether they were done with AutoClock, or
with another application; display the date and time in almost any country
of the world, and more!
Name = TimeVideo 2.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TimeVideo 2.5
Size: 41K Date:11/20/93 Version: 2.5
TimeVideo 2.5 - TimeVideo reports the timing and accuracy of all your video
screens, as measured by TimeVideo, a component of the VideoToolbox. To
quickly test a large number of computers, run TimeVideo from a floppy disk;
all the results will be accumulate in a single results file. For each video
card, TimeVideo measures the video frame rate, frequency of VBL interrupts
(supposed to be one per frame), how long it takes to load the clut, and how
much of the screen you can fill with a real-time one-image-per-frame movie
shown by CopyBits() or CopyBitsQuickly(). It then performs a random
write-then-read test of the Color Lookup Table (clut), plus much more. The
results are written to a teachtext file.
Name = Saw1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Saw1.1
Size: 66K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.1
Saw1.1 - Sam is an After Dark module. Saw makes repeated cuts, in either
direction, across each monitor on your system, in turn. The bottom section
falls away, with a crash, and another cut starts. When it finishes a
monitor, it remains blank. "Speed" adjusts how fast it cuts. "Cut Size"
adjusts how big a section is cut at a time. You can adjust the cutting
style for "Clean", "Chips" flying, glass "Cracks", or "Chips & Cracks." The
annoying "Power Saw Sound" can be turned on and off independently. New to
version 1.1 - Saw can go both left-to-right and right-to-left; possible
multiple monitors bugs have been fixed.
Name = ReachOut 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:ReachOut 1.1
Size: 20K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.1
ReachOut 1.1 - ReachOut is an application/extension combination that will
let you gain some extra control on Macs on a network. After the extension
is installed on a remote system, you can use the application to restart or
shutdown the remote Macintosh. There are two restart/shutdown methods which
you can choose from - one will not let you shutdown a Mac with things that
need to first be saved, the other one doesn't care (use with caution-won't
save work). ReachOut is simple enough to use. Run the program and all the
options are available under the File menu. When you choose an option, you
will be prompted to select which process on which machine you want to
communicate with. Freeware.
Name = QuickTimeIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:QuickTimeIcons
Size: 25K Date:11/20/93 Version:
QuickTimeIcons - Seventeen Alternative Icons for use with Apple Computer’s
QuickTime extension and related files. The icons included in this folder
are for use with the Apple Computer QuickTime extension, Simple Player, and
QuickTime movies in general. The icons are pasted onto folders, and can
replace your current icons by just copy and pasting them via RESEDIT or
through the GET INFO boxes of the files themselves. You'll need System 7 to
view the icons.
Name = KenIconSys 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:KenIconSys 1.0
Size: 61K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0
KenIconSys 1.0 - KeniconSys is an Icon Artist document (or ResEdit, or
iContraption) containing the cool System icons (and a few stock ones for
fillers) that I use for my System icons. Apple's stock ones are plain, but
mine are not TOO fancy. Mine are just modernized. The folder icon Apple
uses is semi 2 dimensional. It has the outline of a folder but the
resemblence ends there. All they did was take their old B/W ones and put in
a lavender checker pattern and a few purple lines. Mine looks more like a
folder! It's taller to allow the folder appearence and shadowing, yet leave
exactly the right amound of room to paste in the small color icons of
applications for use in creating custom folder icons.
Name = Icon Marks 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icon Marks 1.01
Size:108K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.01
Icon Marks 1.01 - Icon Marks 1.01 is a desktop/folder organization tool
that everyone can use! Organize your documents with a colorful splash!
(This version features marble textures) Simply option-drag the mini-files
to the location you want to either label with a Letter or Number, and then
color it with the Finder's Label feature! You can organize several
documents by putting these Icon Marks by groups of them, or by copying the
icons onto folders or over other icons of documents. Any way you put it,
they are very useful!
Name = Forward-Delete 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Forward-Delete 1.1
Size: 7K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.1
Forward-Delete 1.1 - Forward Delete is a small extension letting you use
that mysterious key called forward delete, present on all Extended
Keyboards, which is used to delete the character at the right of the
insertion point. It also makes shift-delete equivalent to the forward
delete key, so that this feature is now available to all Mac users. Forward
Delete also allows the use of the Apple-approved key combinations
option-delete and option-forward delete to delete entire words
(interestingly enough, Apple made option-delete work inside the Macsbug
debugger). Works with any text, under any System.
Name = Flash-It 3.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Flash-It 3.0.2
Size: 80K Date:11/20/93 Version: 3.0.2
Flash-It 3.0.2 - This is a screen-capture control Panel. Flash-It defines
several HotKeys to capture a screen image and save it to clipboard, PICT
files, scrapbook or print it. It works under System 6.05 or 7.x in color
and B/W modes. It can capture images while a menu is pulled down. Options
include a choice of Marquee/Lasso selection, a choice of in(ex-)cluding the
cursor image, a choice of capturing the front window-only, displayed
menu-only, and more. A great screen capture utility!
Name = DrawDesktop 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DrawDesktop 1.0
Size: 6K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0
DrawDesktop 1.0 - This system extension simply causes the desktop pattern
(or picture) to be drawn on startup, without the menubar, so you can look
at an interesting pattern or picture while starting up rather than a boring
dithered grey screen. This is particularly useful for users of
MaxAppleZoom, since that paints the entire screen with the dithered grey
pattern. Of course, if you only run a few extensions this won’t bother you,
but if, like me, you run heaps of extensions, staring at greyness while
they load can get tedious.
Name = Disinfectant 3.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Disinfectant 3.3
Size:164K Date:11/20/93 Version: 3.3
Disinfectant 3.3 - Viruses and other kinds of destructive computer software
have become an increasingly serious problem in the computing world. A virus
is a piece of software which attaches itself to other programs or files.
Viruses quickly spread to other files, disks and Macs. Disinfectant will
both detect the viruses (and variations and clones) and, when possible,
repair files which have been infected by the viruses. Disinfectant is a
great freeware program to help protect our Macs from illness. If you've
never used Disinfectant, please read the documentation (found under the
Apple as help). Updated November 4, 1993. Now detects Code 1 virus and a
new B strain of the MBDF virus.
Name = ColorSwitch 2.2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:ColorSwitch 2.2.0
Size: 60K Date:11/20/93 Version: 2.20
ColorSwitch 2.2.0 - The latest version of Andrew Welch's little nifty that
places a monitor icon in the Finder menu or allows for modifier key
shortcut for quick color depth changes. ColorSwitch is a Control Panel that
allows you to effortlessly switch between the available color modes of any
attached monitors. Instead of the inconvenience of using the Monitors
Control Panel every time you want to switch between color modes, you can
simply hold down the ColorSwitch modifier keys and click anywhere on the
monitor you want to change. A menu will pop up listing the available color
modes for the monitor you clicked on; just select the color mode you want
and ColorSwitch will acquiesce. So Easy!
Name = Backup Reminder 1.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Backup Reminder 1.02
Size: 16K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.02
Backup Reminder 1.02 - Backup Reminder is an extension which was written
because the author couldn't find another utility that would do what he
wanted - remind him when his hard disk was due for backing up. At preset
intervals of between 2 to 14 days, Backup Reminder will display a dialog
box when you start up your Mac. This dialog will tell you it’s time for a
backup, will let you select when the next reminder will be displayed, and
gives you the option of launching your backup application immediately. Does
not include backup software, just the reminder!
Name = AV Speedup
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AV Speedup
Size: 4K Date:11/20/93 Version:
AV Speedup - Enclosed is version 1.0 of the AV Speedup extension. This
extension provides a performance improvement on Quadra 840 and 660 AVs for
any programs which use AddResource/ChangedResource a lot (eg development
environments especially). The INIT patches ChangedResource and AddResource
to prevent them calling FlushFile (which is the main slow down culprit).
The authors are currently investigating other culprits so that they can
further improve the code. If you know af any then please contact them.
Names are on in the code so in the unlikely event of you running into any
problems you can tell the authors about them. For the AV Macs only!
Name = Movies in the Dark 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Movies in the Dark 1.0
Size: 7K Date:11/11/93 Version: 1.0
Movies in the Dark 1.0 is a freeware After Dark™ module that plays
QuickTime™ movies. To be able to use it, you need to have both the After
Dark control panel (available from Berkeley Systems, Inc.) and the
QuickTime extension (available from Apple Computer, Inc.) installed. After
Dark keeps its modules in a folder called “After Dark files” in either the
System Folder (System 6) or in the Control Panels folder (System 7). Drag
the Movies in the Dark module into the “After Dark files” folder. Movies in
the Dark comes from Maurice Volaski, 173 Princeton Ave. Apt #2, Amherst, NY
14226-5006. Provided for BBS in a BOX by the author.
Name = WindowFinder 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WindowFinder 1.4
Size: 5K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.4
WindowFinder 1.4 - WindowFinder is an INIT, which when present in the
system folder at start up, will enable a command-click in the menu bar at
any time, except when a dialog or alert box is present. One can then select
any open window title from the resultant pop-up menu, and bring it to the
front. WindowFinder was written usingTHINK C and Assembly. WindowFinder
uses a patch which intercepts the _GetOSEvent trap, and on a
command-mouseDown in the menu bar, implements the pop-up menu. The INIT and
patch can be fiddled with if you want to intercept other kinds of traps or
call different co-routines. Multifinder and System 7 compatible. Handy for
searching through a mess of windows!
Name = Network Security Guard 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Network Security Guard 2.0
Size:303K Date:11/10/93 Version: 2.0 Demo
Network Security Guard 2.0 - Network Security Guard 2.0 is an AppleTalk
based utility that will scan multiple zones for the presence of Macintosh
servers and compile reports on the security of those servers. This utility
was designed as a tool to combat the alarming rise in software piracy and
as a safeguard against accidental sharing of confidential materials. It may
also be used to explore an AppleTalk network to uncover all available
servers and files. Reports show - computers which have file sharing
enabled, servers which allow guest access, a list of files accessible to
guests and much more!. Network Security Guard is available in a 3, 10 or
unlimited zone version.
Name = Find Stuff 1.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Find Stuff 1.02
Size: 97K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.02
Find Stuff 1.02 - Find Stuff is an application that will find your files.
It is similar to the Finder's find command but more sophisticated and
versatile. You ask, "Why should I use this instead of the finder find
then?" Well, because with Find Stuff you can search by multiple parameters
at one time and it is faster than the finder's find. You can search for
files by partial file name, label, type, creator, date created and date
modified or any combination of the parameters. This version fixes several
bugs including a bug which caused the program to crash on non-color Macs.
Name = TypeEdit 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TypeEdit 1.0
Size: 6K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.0
TypeEdit 1.0 - TypeEdit was written to automate and speed-up the process of
changing filetypes. This is often nessesary to do with files that you have
downloaded. When you run TypeEdit you will be asked to supply the file-type
and the creator code. These are 4 character codes that let the computer
know what type of file a file is. If you do not know the creator code then
you will be able to press the "Choose" button and select the program that
you want to use. After supplying the codes press the "OK" button and select
the files that you want converted. Press the "cancel" button when you have
selected all the files you wish to convert.
Name = PrivacyForPals 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PrivacyForPals 1.0
Size: 52K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.0
PrivacyForPals 1.0. - Privacy for Pals (PFP) is a state of the art
encryption system that uses not a common encrypt message, but a different
one for each message you choose. This means that if you encrypt the message
'This is a test' using the password 'Hello', and decrypt the encrypted
message using the password 'Goodbye', or anything other than hello, you
will receive garbage. PFP is the newest in personal encryption. It's uses
range from business, personal memos, electronic mail, etc. Simple leave a
disk with a text file on your partner's desk, and have no fear of anyone
swiping it and reading the information. All this safety for a small
shareware fee!
Name = LanTest 1.0.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:LanTest 1.0.3
Size: 40K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.03
LanTest 1.0.3 - HELIOS GmbH has written Lantest, a freeware utility for
testing the speed of AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) file servers. Lantest
tests the speed of these functions Creating 100 files at 20 KB each,
Opening and closing 100 files, Removing 100 files, Writing 3 MB to the file
server Reading 3 MB from the file server, Locking/unlocking records 4000
times (simulates database file access) and Reading a directory containing
320 files. You can run LanTest on multiple networked Macintoshes
Name = IconCdev 1.8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:IconCdev 1.8
Size: 9K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.8
IconCdev 1.8 - This is the newest improvement to an already fun program.
IconCdev will display multiple start-up icons every time you turn
on your computer. With the fantastic ability to choose how many icons to
display, this one of a kind program is just what you've been looking for.
Now, you can display tons of startup init/extensions across the bottom of
the screen at startup. Impress your friends! They won't believe what a
"power user" you have become! Make sure you install the control panel and
restart before opening, otherwise you'll crash!
Name = Iain’s Textures Vol II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Iain’s Textures Vol II
Size:539K Date:11/10/93 Version: vol 2
Iain’s Textures Vol II - This is a file of Desktop Texture patterns created
over some period of time I can’t really place. To install them, use the
excellent Desktop Textures Installer 2.1, part of the Desktop Textures III
Suite, by Geoff Adams and Stephen Krauth. If you like this, please do
something you probably normally wouldn’t (stare at the clouds for minutes
at a time, or doze in a hammock swinging gently with the tide) and then
tell me about it via e-mail. Created on an LC I with a 16-bit 12" monitor
and a Kurta IS/ADB, using Texture Scroller and Color-It! v1.0. Contains
over 30 very well done textures. Nice colors!
Name = Downer1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Downer1.5
Size: 6K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.5
Downer1.5 - If you've ever wanted your computer to be able to turn itself
off then you need Downer. Downer is the solution to forgetting that your
computer is on. This handy utility will automatically turn off your
computer for you if you do not move the mouse or type a key for a
customizeable amount of time. In case you know that your computer isn't
going to be used but you don't want it to turn off you can place the cursor
on the bottom of the screen. This also allows for the ability to prevent a
shutdown in conjuction with a screensaver "hot corner." This version fixed
an error that caused Downer to mess-up when closing the Control Panel.
Name = Donna and Paul 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Donna and Paul 2
Size:301K Date:11/10/93 Version: 2
Donna and Paul 2 - This file contains over 40 ppat images to be installed
on your desktop using Desktop Textures Installer. This product is the
culmination of around 2 weeks of the authors/artists playing with
Photoshop, Infini-D 2.0 and Desktop Textures Installer 2.1.
Name = Default Folder 2.42
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Default Folder 2.42
Size: 98K Date:11/10/93 Version: 2.42
Default Folder 2.42 - Default Folder is a control panel which allows you to
configure a "default" folder for individual applications or for all
applications. When you open or save a file, Default Folder makes sure that
the file dialogs initially show you the folder of your choice. Saves alot
of time usually spent navigating through the folders. Default folder also
allows you to switch between disks and will automatically save the last
folder used on each drive. It also provides a rebound feature - it sets the
selection back to the file you selected last time you used a file dialog.
This control panel used to be called DfaultD. Compatible with System 6 and
Name = CatFinder 1.22
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CatFinder 1.22
Size: 87K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.22
CatFinder 1.22 - CatFinder is a disk management tool that catalogs your
disks and provides an intuitive Finder-like interface for browsing the
catalogs. Floppies, hard disks, CD ROMs, any disk can be cataloged with
CatFinder. Once a disk is cataloged you can quickly browse the disks
contents without having the disk mounted. CatFinder also offers powerful
search and report features to help you find and orgranize your files.
CatFinder will even print diskette labels. New - Added Sorting capabilities
and View menu. Added Free space display to main window. The size and
position of the main window is saved and restored on the next execution.
Works with System 6 or 7.
Name = TextureSynth1.1 Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:TextureSynth1.1 Demo
Size: 75K Date:11/09/93 Version: 1.1
TextureSynth1.1 Demo - TextureSynth is a new graphics utility program for
the Macintosh that lets you create a wide variety of richly detailed
textures, quickly and easily. The program uses continuous-tone shading and
color to produce complex images, yet it is extremely fast. The textures can
be realistic or abstract they can range from fine-grained twill, to garish
day-glo, or many things in-between.
Name = WildMagic Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:WildMagic Icons
Size: 9K Date:10/28/93 Version:
WildMagic Icons - This file contains three QuickTime Icons, which have all
been placed on empty folders for easy viewing. The ResEdit file with the
icons is also included.
Name = Wacky Lights 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Wacky Lights 1.01
Size: 6K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.01
Wacky Lights 1.01 - Wacky Lights is a little INIT which plays with the
lights on the Apple Extended Keyboard, bouncing them back and forth. It is
absolutely free, works under System 6 and System 7, and is smart enough to
not load if you don't have an Extended Keyboard. To install Wacky Lights,
just drag it into your System Folder and restart your computer.
Name = TrashDisable 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TrashDisable 1.3
Size: 5K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.3
TrashDisable 1.3 - TrashDisable is an init which prevents deletion of files
from the Finder. The action can be toggled on and off by the accompanying
TrashDisableFKEY. TrashDisable does not interfere with the ability of any
application (except the Finder) to delete files, and does not prevent the
deleting of files by DA's (e.g. DiskTop) provided they are not allocated in
the Finder's application heap. The TrashDisableFKEY is currently set to Cmd
Shift 5. This is a very useful program for schools, children and when the
mass public uses a computer.
Name = SwitchBack 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:SwitchBack 2.1
Size: 95K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.1
SwitchBack 2.1 - SwitchBack is a utility program that synchronizes two
folders, so that both folders have a copy of the most recent version of
their files. The two folders can reside on the same volume, on two
different volumes, or indeed on two different computers connected by a
network. It has been designed principally for those people with two
computers (especially desktop and PowerBook) who need to ensure that they
have the most recent version of their documents available to them. It also
functions well as a simple backup utility for people with one computer. For
example, a folder residing on your main hard disk can be linked to a folder
residing on a floppy disk. Works with System 6 or 7.
Name = SCSIProbe3.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:SCSIProbe3.5
Size: 39K Date:10/28/93 Version: 3.5
SCSIProbe3.5 - SyQuest SCSIProbe3.5 - SCSIProbe is a Control Panel (cdev)
useful for identifying and mounting devices connected to your SCSI bus.
With SCSIProbe you can determine the device type, vendor, product and
version for every device connected to your bus. SCSIProbe also includes a
startup extension (INIT) that, when enabled, can mount volumes without
having to access the cdev. SCSIProbe is System 7 compatible and balloon
help is available for assistance.
Name = Rockets 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Rockets 1.1
Size: 35K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.1
Rockets 1.1 - Rockets is an After Dark Screen saver module which works in
8, 4 and 1 bit color modes, gray or black and white. The user can choose to
clear the screen, and can choose fountains, smoke or both. Sound is also
Name = QuickTimeIcon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:QuickTimeIcon
Size: 3K Date:10/28/93 Version:
QuickTimeIcon - This is a nice QuickTime icon which shows a rectangle with
four colors inside, each having a Q in it. The icon has been pasted on the
ResEdit file, and can be copied from there, or the ResEdit file can be
Name = PowerDown 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:PowerDown 1.1
Size: 18K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.1
PowerDown 1.1 - PowerDown 1.1 is an AfterDark module which will shut down
your Mac after the specified time (the user sets it). It does this by
sending a 'ShutDown' AppleEvent to the Finder, which is exactly the same as
when you choose 'Shut Down' from the Special menu. You can interrupt the
shutdown by moving the mouse during the warning alert. Any applications
that have unsaved documents will alert you as usual.
Name = Oracle 2.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Oracle 2.01
Size:184K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.01
Oracle 2.01 - Oracle is a Control Panel that you place into your System
Folder. Oracle will present you with a random thoughtful quotation each
time you start up your computer or once a day, whichever you specify.
Oracle also allows you to print out any quotations that you find of
particular interest, for later contemplation. This could perhaps be your
most practical program for your Macintosh, because it helps to perfect the
most important part of your computer system- you. Oracle has a library of
over 1,000 profound readings, which accounts for its large size. Although
it takes up a fair amount of disk space, Oracle uses very little system
memory (around 5K), and works with System 6 or 7.
Name = NoTrash!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NoTrash!
Size: 42K Date:10/28/93 Version:
NoTrash! - Since the advent of system 6.0.4 and the new SoundMaster with
finder sounds, life on the desktop has been so much more entertaining!
You see, it started in my youth...(flashback harp music) I HATED emptying
the trash, and as soon as I learned how to edit my first ICN# with ResEdit,
I changed my trashcan to a shredder! Now, with finder sound effects
available, I've been having REAL fun! If you don't know ResEdit - quit now!
This file includes a shredder and toilet replacements for the trash, and
includes sounds! Instructions are given for changing the System 6 trash.
Name = Meltdown 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Meltdown 1.1
Size: 6K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.1
Meltdown 1.1 - Meltdown is an After Dark module which dissolves the screen.
It is freeware. The user can control the Speed, Type, and turn Colorfill on
or off. The Types of melting you can set - Gravity melts downward, Curtain
melts upward, Gorge & Chasm melt outward, Flatline & Column melt inward,
Avalanche simulates snowfall, Cascade gathers at the bottom, Black Hole
melts toward the center, Centrifuge melts toward the edges, Pinwheel melts
in a spiral (cw/ccw), and Random uses any method.
Name = JurassIcon Park
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JurassIcon Park
Size: 11K Date:10/28/93 Version:
JurassIcon Park - This oh-so-wittily-named collection of general-purpose
dinosaur icons was created in the aftermath of the 1993 MacHack hack show.
Slapped together by Mark Simmons, it derives from a dinosaur obsession that
I suffered the entire con (for which I blame Bill Monk). Operating as I was
without reference material, these may not precisely resemble the creatures
from the presently popular movie. I deny any responsibility for peculiar
coloration, typos or misidentifications (not to mention excessive
dentition). Includes - Apatosaur, Dilophosaur, Hadrosaur, Styracosaur,
Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Velociraptor.
Name = Joel's Huge ppats 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's Huge ppats 2
Size:551K Date:10/28/93 Version: ppats 2
Joel's Huge ppats 2 - These textures (over 60 textures weighing in at 500k)
were created for use with Desktop Textures 2.0 or 2.1 with Aldus SuperPaint
3.0, Aldus Gallery Effects-Classic Art 1.0, and ResEdit 2.1.1. Most of
these textures I created from scratch. Some were originally from free use
artwork I found on Nautilus CD ROMs in 1992. Some are from the Kodak
PhotoCD Sampler. The PhotoCD images that I have not manipulated are
credited to their respective photographers as required in the copyright
information found in the sampler. Enjoy fun desktops!
Name = InvisiFile1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:InvisiFile1.0
Size: 14K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.0
InvisiFile1.0 - InvisiFile is a utility which allows the user to make
different files... INVISIBLE. Wow. InvisiFile was written for people whose
System Folders or other folders are so packed, that nothing can be found.
This program allows you to easily hide any files and keep things neat and
tidy. Just launch Invisifile, and you are presented with a dialog similar
to the open dialg. Find the file you want to make invisible, select it and
choose Make invisible. So easy. When a file has been hidden, you'll need to
re-launch Invisifile and then click on the file to make it visible again.
This program was written in 1988, but works okay on a Quadra with System
Name = Guitar Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Guitar Icons
Size: 6K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Guitar Icons - Here are 5 nifty icl8's for all you guitar afficionados out
there. The icons have all been pasted on empty folders for easy cutting and
pasting under System 7. These icons are pretty well done. I haven't seen
many icons for musical instruments. Cool!
Name = GetMyAddress 1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:GetMyAddress 1.5
Size: 17K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.5
GetMyAddress 1.5 - GetMyAddress is an application that queries the
Macintosh for information regarding its connection to the network (be it
LocalTalk, EtherTalk; TCPort, MacTCP;...) This version allows you to click
a button and save all that information to a file. If the file does not
exist, then it will be created, otherwise, the information will be appended
to the existing file. The filename is "GetMyAddress File". That name may be
modified with ResEdit. The file is tab-delimited so you may use it with
your favorite database program. There no longer is a Desk Accessory
version, as nobody really wants to check their address enough times to
warrant it. If you really want it, let the author know.
Name = Gamma 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Gamma 1.3
Size: 19K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.3
Gamma 1.3 - Apple has specified optional video drivers calls called
SetGamma and GetGamma to set and retrieve gamma correction tables. Although
this is well documented for developers, there is no easy way for
non-programmers to retrieve, adjust, and save the gamma correction for the
video board and monitor being used. The RasterOps Gamma Utility is a desk
accessory that allows you to create the desired gamma correction and save
it in (1) the System file, (2) a RasterOps Monitors Extension file, or (3)
a resource file readable by ResEdit. When the gamma correction is saved in
the System file, it is permanently saved and applied to the selected
monitor every time the machine is booted. Full documentation included.
Name = Fish!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Fish!
Size: 34K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Fish! - Fish is a control panel which relieves you of the boring Mac
desktop. When installed (with System 6 or 7), fish constantly swim across
your desktop, chasing others, eating fish food and having fun. This program
was developed in 1988, but it works fine on a Quadra 700 with System 7
Pro!! Has cute animation, plus you can edit the fish.
Name = ExtensionManagerIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:ExtensionManagerIcons
Size: 10K Date:10/28/93 Version:
ExtensionManagerIcons - Here is a collection of Icons for use in your
System Folder. Included are specific system folders with red x's across
them. Can be used to place uninstalled control panels, extensions, startup
items, apple menu items and preferences. All of the folders have been
pasted onto empty folders for easy cutting and pasting.
Name = Europe game 1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Education:E:Europe game 1.5
Size: 49K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.5
Europe game 1.5 - Third map game from same source. Like the USA and Canada
game this stack quizes your knowledge of European countries and capitals.
Quick, correct answers result in high scores. Some luck helps, too. High
scores saved in the hall of fame. Freeware, but it would be nice to get a
post card from users. I stick them up on my bulletin board at school (the
one by my desk not in the classroom.) Have fun with this and use in in your
classes. Requires HyperCard.
Name = DragAnyWindow 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DragAnyWindow 3.0
Size: 14K Date:10/28/93 Version: 3.0
DragAnyWindow 3.0 - DragAnyWindow is a control panel that allows you to
easily move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard "Open"
and "Save" dialogs, game windows and other non-movable windows. Versions
1.1 and later also let you bring back to the desktop any window that has
gone out of sight. This control panel is very useful for old applications
designed for the 9" screen (which often use fixed windows); it is also very
handy for moving modal dialogs or any windows behind them. DragAnyWindow
only takes about 2K of system memory and 15K of disk space. Works with
System 6 or 7. Version 3.0 Adds hot key to center the front window on the
main screen.
Name = Doug's Trashcans
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Doug's Trashcans
Size:129K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Doug's Trashcans - This folder contains two collections of replacement
color trashcans for use on Macs running System 7.0 or later. In order to
use these icons, you need a working knowledge of ResEdit 2.1 or later and
some experience with editing System resources. WARNING! Do NOT attempt to
edit an open (in use) System file! Always make a copy of your System file
and edit that one; when you are through, you can rename the files and
restart your Mac to take advantage of your new trashcan. Icons are in
ResEdit format, and pasted onto folders for easy viewing and cut and paste
use onto other folders (not the trash). Includes - Elf, Fire, Flowers,
Ghosts, Grinder, Hangman, Christmas, Easter and more!!
Name = DepthKey2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DepthKey2.0
Size: 9K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.0
DepthKey2.0 - DepthKey 2.0 makes the change from FKEY to an Extension!
DepthKey displays and changes the mode (screen) depth of any number of
monitors connected to a Color Mac. Mode change controlled by either the
mouse or by keyboard. Uses little memory. Makes Slot Manager calls so it's
more reliable, and also compatible with early versions of System 6.0.x.
Checked on a slew of Macs, from old Mac IIs, to PowerBooks, to the Quadra
840AV. Shareware, $5.
Name = Date Key 2.05
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Date Key 2.05
Size: 6K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.05
Date Key 2.05 - Date Key 2.0 is an FKEY resource that, when invoked, types
the current time or date (in a choice of formats) wherever the insertion
point is in a program or desk accessory you are running. It operates just
as if you had typed the date or time in yourself. The first time you invoke
Date Key 2.0, it will present you with a configuration screen showing a
choice of date or time, and a variety of formats for each; it will also ask
you to send me money if you like Date Key, and give my address. After you
choose your preferred format, click either the "Okay" button or the "Money
Is In The Mail" button.
Name = CursorAnimator 2.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:CursorAnimator 2.0.1
Size:148K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.0.1
CursorAnimator 2.0.1 - Welcome to the world of animated cursors!
CursorAnimator is a control panel that allows you to replace the five
standard system cursors (arrow, watch, text, plus, and cross-hair) with a
static or animated cursor of your choice. No matter if you just want to
replace that silly old watch with a more appealing rotating globe, or if
you’d like to have a colorful arrow pointing to the right Cursor Animator
will give you the freedom to choose whatever cursor you like. Fun for a
change of pace.
Name = Color Swarm! 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Color Swarm! 1.2
Size: 5K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.2
Color Swarm! 1.2 - Color Swarm is an After Dark module with color swarming
bees which can work with multiple monitors. The user can set the number of
bees, the Jiggle factor, the Queen speed and the Drone speeds. Requires
Berkeley's After Dark screen saver.
Name = Bomb Shelter 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bomb Shelter 1.01
Size: 7K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.01
Bomb Shelter 1.01 - Bomb shelter is a little INIT (it uses up under 1/2 K
of memory) that gives you some protection from System Bombs. System Bombs
occur when a program goes out of control due to programmer error and
crashes the machine. The Macintosh brings up a dialog box that says “Sorry,
a System Error has occurred” with two buttons in it, Restart and Resume.
Unfortunately, the Resume button will only be enabled if the application
you are currently running specifically enables it. Most don’t. So I created
Bomb Shelter. Bomb Shelter makes sure that the Resume button is always
enabled. Clicking on it will quit the crashed program and return you to the
finder where you can save other work and safely restart.
Name = Tell-Me 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Tell-Me 1.0
Size: 27K Date:10/27/93 Version: 1.0
Tell-Me 1.0 - Tell-Me is a note-block application intended to replace
Apple's standard Notepad DA. Its purpose is to supply a possibilty to drop
short notes quickly and easily. Since it is an application and not a desk
accessory, Multi-Finder or System 7 is required (well, it would run under
Finder, but would not make any sense there). Anyway, Tell-Me is written
with the features of System 7 in mind. Tell-Me supports the microphone
supplied with newer Macs, allowing you to simply speak your notes to your
Mac (hence the name Tell-Me). Tell-Me supports Apple Events, which in
particular allows an automatic save of your notes on shutdown.
Name = Notify 3.0.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Notify 3.0.5
Size: 87K Date:10/27/93 Version: 3.0.5
Notify 3.0.5 - Notify is a small Control Panel based reminder system that
allows multiple repeat intervals per message. (It takes the place of all
the sticky notes around the monitor.) Version 3.05 now retains the
modification date on the file when a message is rescheduled (per a user
request), and corrects a bug in the Copy Notify application. This version
works with either System 6 or 7. See the enclosed documentation.
Name = Verifile 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Verifile 1.0
Size: 26K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
Verifile 1.0 - Verifile is a small utility that calculates a checksum and a
CRC32 on both the data and resource forks of any file that's dropped on it.
This is useful if you want to compare two files that are not on the same
machine without having to copy them over a network or modem connection. If
the hexadecimal numbers displayed by Verifile match, chances are that the
two files are equal.
Name = Trapper 1.04
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:Trapper 1.04
Size: 19K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.04
Trapper 1.04 - Trapper is a Control Panel/Extension combination that keeps
track of ALL system routines (or "traps") by filtering the standard 680x0
trap dispatcher with a very compact counter routine. The Mac's speed won't
be visibly affected (it'll be losing about 1 or 2 percent) and you'll be
able to see ALL the system routines (even the undocumented ones) along with
the number of times they have been called. Since this is a fairly large
amount of data, it is stored into a text file for easy consultation and
retrieval. For those who have ever wondered where their CPU processing
power was going.
Name = Super Textures Vol 8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 8
Size:131K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 8
Super Textures Vol 8 - This is Volume 8 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 7
Size:162K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 7
Super Textures Vol 7 - This is Volume 7 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 6
Size:151K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 6
Super Textures Vol 6 - This is Volume 6 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 5
Size:163K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 5
Super Textures Vol 5 - This is Volume 5 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 4
Size:147K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 4
Super Textures Vol 4 - This is Volume 4 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 3
Size:183K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 3
Super Textures Vol 3 - This is Volume 3 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 2
Size:126K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 2
Super Textures Vol 2 - This is Volume 2 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Super Textures Vol 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Super Textures Vol 1
Size:121K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1
Super Textures Vol 1 - This is Volume 1 in a continuing series. These are
high quality, artist created, seamless textures. These were made using
Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools and Aldus Gallery Effects. These are not
repeated pictures or a bunch of squiggly lines; these are seamless
textures meant to be left on your desktop for long periods of time; they
will not give you headaches or burn your eyes to cinders. Well worth the
download. These are not ppat files and cannot be used with other texture
programs or with older versions of Desktop Textures! You must have the
current version of Desktop Textures, 2.1, in order to use these. You can,
however use Desktop Textures 2.1 to export these patterns. Very nice!!
Name = Shutdown Delay 2.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Shutdown Delay 2.01
Size: 17K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 2.01
Shutdown Delay 2.01 - What Shutdown Delay basically does is set up a dialog
at Restart/Shutdown time which gives the user four choices. 1. WAIT for the
chosen command to be automatically completed after a while. 2. CANCEL and
smoothly return to the caller application. 3. RESTART (you can always turn
a Shutdown in a Restart). 4. SHUT DOWN (turn power off or safe-shutdown
alert as usual). A fifth key-combination choice has been added in version
1.22 for power users - FORCE QUIT attempts to return to the Finder (this
can sometimes recover from system crashes if you get to the dialog after
the restart button of the error alert). Works with System 6 or 7.
Name = Rrrring!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Rrrring!
Size: 64K Date: 9/29/93 Version:
Rrrring! - Rrring is an After Dark module which was inspired by the
author's nightmare about a phone attacking him. In this module, a phone
rings (you pick how many times) and then one of four things happens to the
phone - a weight drops on it, a bomb hits it, a boxing glove hits it, a
snake appears, or magic happens. You can pick the scenario, or choose to
have them randomly happen. The animation speed is adjustable. Give this one
to your favorite phone answering friend!
Name = ResumeToFinder 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:ResumeToFinder 2.0
Size: 9K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 2.0
ResumeToFinder 2.0 - ResumeToFinder is a Control Panel/Extension that
installs a simple resume procedure in applications that don't have one.
When ResumeToFinder is installed, system error alerts (also known as
"bombs") will always show a "Resume" button. ResumeToFinder is only useful
in case of "minor" system bombs (the ones that don't freeze up your Mac
completely). When you get a system error alert (a "bomb"), you can try to
quit the application and return to the Finder by clicking in the "Resume"
button. If the bomb isn't too bad, you might find yourself harmlessly back
in the Finder (note that there's still no way to recover your work in the
application that bombed if you didn't save it already).
Name = QuickRedraw 2.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuickRedraw 2.01
Size: 11K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 2.01
QuickRedraw 2.01 - QuickRedraw is a free QuicKeys2 extension that lets you
force the current application to redraw either the front window (with or
without erasing it first) or the whole screen (with or without the menu
bar). It's often useful to get rid of all the garbage that many programs,
including Finder 7.0 and Word 5, leave on their windows. Version 1.01 lets
you restore the default colors for all screens. This can be useful when an
application modifies the system palette and doesn't restore it upon exit.
QuicKeys2 is a commercial program.
Name = PowerClicks 1.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PowerClicks 1.02
Size: 11K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.02
PowerClicks 1.02 - PowerClicks is a useful Control Panel which enables any
Macintosh to - Make a key combination act just like the mouse button, make
a different key combination toggle the mouse button on and off, disable the
"real" mouse button (in case it's broken) and assign graphical effects to
mouse clicks. PowerClick is useful if you have to use your PowerBook in a
very silent environment, where even a trackball click can be extremely
loud. Since the keyboard is a lot more quiet than the trackball button,
you'll be able to use your trackball while other people are reading or even
Name = List Files 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:List Files 1.0
Size: 26K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
ListFiles 1.0 - List Files is a very straight forward utility that creates
text catalogs of any folder or disk you drag on it. The text file can be
edited and saved for later use (you'll be able to read or print it with any
word processor or text editor). Text catalogs are a very convenient way to
keep track of unmounted volumes (like floppies or SyQuest's) because they
are small, easy to read and easy to search. Works with Systems 6 and 7.
Name = KeyClicks 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:KeyClicks 1.0
Size: 21K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
KeyClicks 1.0 - KeyClicks is a control panel that plays some very short
sounds when you press a key. I made it because many people I know have
trouble with the PowerBook and Duo keyboards (they have little feedback, so
you can't tell whether a key was pressed or not). The key-clicking
utilities I already had wouldn't let the hard disk spin down because they
didn't keep everything in memory. KeyClicks is very small - it uses about
2K of system memory if you only want the simple click and about 12K if you
want different sounds for different keys. It is also very easy to use, and
it only costs you a postcard and a stamp.
Name = Informer 0.1b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:Informer 0.1b1
Size:225K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 0.1b1
Informer 0.1b1 - If you are one of those people who leave their Macintosh
on for up to 24 hours a day, where much of the time it is left idle, you
can put it to use by turning it into a voice message machine. With
Informer, you can leave voice messages for any co-worker and/or friend who
has access to your Macintosh. Informer will work with either System 6 or 7,
it will support Apple's Speech Manager, it also has its own speech syntheis
if the speech manager is not present. This beta version is fully
functional. The reason why it is being released as beta is because I won't
be able to work on it until next year and it has not been thoroughly tested
for minor bugs.
Name = Ghost mouse 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Ghost mouse 1.0
Size: 3K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
Ghost mouse 1.0 - This fun little INIT will cause your pointer to disappear
as soon as you stop moving it. If you have to ask why this is useful, you
don't need it. Source code will probably be available at a later date for
interested parties. Note that the author take no responsibility for any
trouble you get in through improper use of this INIT. Tampering with other
people's computers is a crime in some states. This is intended for use on
your own computer only. Of course, if you have a powerbook, your pointer
probably disappears when you move it (at high speeds), you may not want
this INIT - you'll never find your pointer!!
Name = FileTyper 4.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FileTyper 4.1
Size:109K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 4.1
FileTyper 4.1 - FileTyper is a small “drop box” program that you can use to
quickly change types, creators, and Finder flags. If you already have
version 4.0, you will need to replace the entire old FileTyper Folder with
the new one included in this package, as all the files have been changed.
New to this version - Added an indicator for the size of folder contents.
Fixed a bug that caused a bus error when EvenBetterBusError is installed.
Moved the pop-up menu resources from the help file into a separate menus
file in the FileTyper Folder. Fixed an incompatibility between FileTyper
Menu and AliasMenu.
Name = Dotty da Doo 1.11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Dotty da Doo 1.11
Size: 4K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.11
Dotty da Doo 1.11 - Dotty da Doo is an AfterDark module that shows some
square dots bouncing horizontally in the screen and creating some weird
superposition effects after a few bounces. You can control the number of
dots, size of dots, and min. and max. speeds. I can't really explain it, so
just take a look and enjoy.
Name = Disk Charmer 1.4.6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Disk Charmer 1.4.6
Size: 17K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.4.6
Disk Charmer 1.4.6 - Disk Charmer is a small utility for erasing stacks of
floppy disks. Disk Charmer will, by default, follow these steps - format,
erase, verify; if verifying fails, it begins testing the disk, keeping
track of bad sectors. The integrity test includes writing and
read-verifying onto all the disk surface, and checking for retry errors,
too. I exclude bad spots by simply telling the system they are busy. Most
implementations create invisible files containing the bad sectors. I don't
like these implementations because they waste directory space, and leave
behind files that may confuse unexperienced users. Works with System 6 and
7. Disk Charmer 2.07 works with System 7 only.
Name = Depth&Volume 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Depth&Volume 1.0
Size: 10K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
Depth&Volume 1.0 - Depth & Volume is a Control Panel that lets you change
the main screen depth (i.e. the number of colors displayed) or the
speaker's volume on the fly with a keystroke. I made it because many people
I know were using huge commercial macro packages (requiring lots of system
RAM and often causing errors) only to perform these two simple operations.
Depth&Volume is very small (it uses about 2K of system memory) and very
easy to use.
Name = Chuuzr 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Chuuzr 1.3
Size: 27K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.3
Chuuzr 1.3 - Chuuzr is a system extension that allows you to quickly mount
server volumes using a hierarchical menu from the Chooser menu item or a
popup menu in standard file dialogs. Copy Chuuzr into your System folder
and restart to install. The Chooser menu item will then have a hierarchical
menu that says “Chuuzr…”. This item allows you to add server volumes to the
Chuuzr menu for quick access. Standard file dialogs also will have a popup
menu in the upper right hand corner for mounting these volumes.
Name = Bounce! 1.31
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Bounce! 1.31
Size: 5K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.31
Bounce 1.31 - is an AfterDark module that shows some balls bouncing around
the screen, each with its own speed and gravity acceleration. You can
select the number of balls to show, their size and the percent decay of
their elastic bouncing. The balls can either jump up again when their
bouncing is over or fall down from the screen's top. Version 1.31 makes use
of color and has round balls instead of square.
Name = B-Panel 1.17
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:B-Panel 1.17
Size: 10K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.17
BPanel 1.17 - B–Panel is a small Control Panel that lets you configure the
system beep by adding a text message to the standard beep procedure. What
you get is a window popping up at beep time with a one-line message, then
either the beep sound or a user-defined pause before it disappears. The
message and the beep can be switched on or off separately (no signal at
all, beep only, message only, or both). You can configure the font and size
of the text, the window location and size and the message to be displayed.
Great for configuring a message when someone else is using your mac.
Name = Accelerations 1.11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Accelerations 1.11
Size: 5K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.11
Accelerations 1.11 - Accelerations is an AfterDark module that shows some
balls moving in the screen with random accelerations. You can change the
number of balls, their size, the maximum acceleration and the frequency of
acceleration variations. Somewhat hypnotic!
Name = 2Way Talker 2.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:2Way Talker 2.0.1
Size: 69K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 2.01
2Way Talker 2.0.1 - Look at this exciting new product for Mac users called
2Way Talker. 2 Way Computing, Inc. has developed a real-time, full-duplex,
two-way voice communication system for two Mac users on a network. This
means you can carry on a voice conversation with another person by using
the Macintosh's built-in micophone and speaker. This demo allows you to try
Talker for 60 seconds at a time. All the instructions are included in the
notes. The following machines do not have sufficient performance to run
this program - Original Macintosh, Macintosh Plus.
Name = Watch Alarm
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Watch Alarm
Size: 4K Date: 9/21/93 Version:
Watch Alarm - This little INIT/Extension is a welcome addition to anyone
who has sat around waiting for the watch cursor to turn back into the
useable arrow. With Watch Alarm installed, your mac will beep when the
watch cursor changes back to the arrow. It won't beep unless the cursor is
the watch for 10 seconds or more, and can be turned off easily (by pressing
capslock). It doesn't make the wait any shorter, but allows you to do some
"multi-tasking" (like reading your favorite comic strip) while the Mac is
busy, without having to glance up every so often to see if the Mac is done.
Name = Sharing in the Dark 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Sharing in the Dark 1.0
Size: 6K Date: 9/21/93 Version: 1.0
Sharing in the Dark 1.0 - "Sharing in the Dark" is a shareware program that
allows anyone using System 7 File Sharing and After Dark to automatically
control the amount of CPU time allocated to File Sharing depending upon the
state of the screen saver. Without "Sharing in the Dark", System 7 File
Sharing defaults to 50% of the CPU time allocated to File Sharing. This 50%
setting can't be changed with System 7. "Sharing in the Dark" allows you to
allocate anywhere from 10% to 100% of the CPU time for File Sharing for
both normal working and screen saver active modes. You will gain increased
file sharing speed with this utility !! (The actual screen saver darkens
the screen to what ever percent of black you want it).
Name = HP LaserJet Driver 8.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HP LaserJet Driver 8.0
Size:1067K Date: 9/21/93 Version: 8.0
HP LaserJet Driver 8.0 - The package here is designed to support
Hewlett-Packard printers, but you may use the driver with most any
PostScript printer. The driver has a General setting that will offer good
printing performance with any PostScript printer. This file is very similar
to Apple's LaserWriter 8.0 drivers, but should be of use to those who own
Hewlett Packard printers and had problems with Apple's 8.0 printer release.
Read the read me for installation instructions.
Name = ZoomBar 2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:ZoomBar 2.2
Size: 23K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 2.2
ZoomBar 2.2 - ZoomBar is a control panel for people who always have lots of
windows open, for powerbook users, and for tidy folks. Press the zoombox
with the shift key down to shrink windows (to just see the top bar of the
window). The option key shrinks/unshrinks all of the current application's
windows. "Group" keeps zoombars form the same application together. Gap
count is the number of empty slots between groups. AutoZoom will make any
click unshrink the zoombar (hold down the shift or command key to move the
zoombar). This takes a little getting used to, but once you do, it sure is
fun. Great for people who like to be able to see the desktop (for drag and
dropping...). Works with the finder and applications. Sys. 6 or 7.
Name = TattleTale 1.7.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TattleTale 1.7.1
Size:194K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.7.1
TattleTale 1.7.1 - TattleTale is a system snooper and bug reporter
application. The reports are particularly thorough under System 7. This
version adds over 100 new Hardware and System software items to version
1.6.3 including many new managers, expanded info on SCSI, Network, CPU,
Apple updates, etc. Other features - Detailed info on following Hardware
and Software categories - General CPU/HW attributes; Volumes/Drives;
Monitors; Nubus/PDS, ADB, SCSIdevices (incl Manufacturer,ROMrevisions,etc);
Traps; Application versions; DAs, Fonts, INITs, CDEVs, etc; Mount volumes;
Close files; Standard and Bug reports to Screen, Printer or file. Balloon
Help. Ref: MacWEEK 9/10/91, MacUser Shareware Awards 9/92.
Name = MaxAppleZoom 1.44
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MaxAppleZoom 1.44
Size: 28K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.44
MaxAppleZoom 1.44 - MaxAppleZoom (or MAZ, for short) is an Extension which
reprograms Apple-brand NuBus video cards so that they display a larger (up
to 704 x 512 pixels) screen instead of the normal 640 x 480. Nearly every
application software you use (be it Word processing, Spreadsheet, Graphics,
Music composition etc. etc.) will gain more usefulness and comfort thanks
to this larger display area! MAZ is designed to be used with Apple-brand
video cards only. It will refuse to work with third-party (e.g. RasterOps,
Radius, SuperMac etc.) video cards. This is because MAZ uses capabilities
specific to the Apple NuBus color video cards. MAZ won't work with the
integrated (non-NuBus) video of the IIci, IIsi, LC, Quadra and Centris.
Name = MacLibrarian 1.5.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacLibrarian 1.5.5
Size:144K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.5.5
MacLibrarian 1.5.5 - MacLibrarian is a disk management program. You can use
it to find a particular file on a disk (including the ones that have been
sitting around in your desk or filing cabinet). It is also ideal for
recovering wasted space taken up by duplicate files and extremely old
versions which are of no use to anybody. It searches and sorts on file
name, date created and modified, file type, file creator, file size,
application memory size, version, disk number, disk name... In addition it
recognizes Stuffit and Compactor files and optionally expands the contents.
Just launch and insert those disks! Then you can print labels.
Name = In Box Notify 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:In Box Notify 1.0
Size: 18K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.0
In Box Notify 1.0 - "In Box Notify" is a system extension that monitors a
folder and reports when it contains anything. This is highly useful when
using a folder as an "in-box"to receive files or mail across the network.
On my Mac, I have setup a folder and assigned privileges so certain users
can mount my "in-box" (ie. folder) on their desktop and drag anything into
it. As soon as In Box Notify sees something in the folder, it flashes a
little icon on the Apple menu to let me know. In addition, if someone is
copying a file into your in-box, In Box Notify will wait until the copy is
complete before notifying you. This is handy when people send large files!
Simple, but powerful! Requires System 7.
Name = HP Deskwriter C 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HP Deskwriter C 3.0
Size:828K Date: 9/16/93 Version: C 3.0
HP Deskwriter C 3.0 - This file contains two disk images (open with
DiskCopy 4.2) for the Hewlett Packard Deskwriter C (Color) inkjet printer.
By using the installer, the following may be installed - HP Background, HP
Background Startup, HP Printmonitor, DW C (serial), DW C (appletalk), The
HP Namer, ColorSync and Deskwriter Color. The Deskwriter C printer requires
a Minimum of 2 MB of RAM with System 6, and 4 MB RAM with System 7. Also
included is a text file explaining installation, and some software notes
including tips and incompatibilities.
Name = Drop PS 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Drop PS 1.0
Size: 28K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.0
Drop PS 1.0 - Drop PS ("DPS") is a freeware utility to send text files
containing PostScript code to any PostScript printer connected to an
AppleTalk network. It works independently of any installed printer drivers,
so you don't need to have the LaserWriter driver installed. DPS is 32-bit
clean, and System 7 and 68040-compatible. Drop PS is part of a growing
family of fine commercial and freeware products from Bare-Bones Software.
Name = DiskPrint 2.0 Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DiskPrint 2.0 Demo
Size: 57K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 2.0 DEMO
DiskPrint 2.0 Demo - DiskPrint is a printer driver that allows you to print
to disk as a PICT file or as a standalone application that can be
transmitted to someone else. The application that is created by DiskPrint
will display and print your original document without the original
application. It can be used with all applications and all Macs. This demo
version will only print two pages at a time.
Name = Bungee
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Bungee
Size: 33K Date: 9/16/93 Version:
Bungee - Ever taken the Bungee jumping plunge? You may not want to after
running this After Dark screen saver module. Options exist for having a
man, cow, or half man bungee jump, and let me just say that jumps are not
always successful. Don't look at this before you go out jumping! Hilarious.
Name = 32-bit? 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:32-bit? 1.1
Size: 80K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.1
32-bit? 1.1 - This program is a small update to itself, which was uploaded
several months ago. It will tell you, with nice graphics, whether or not
your mac is running in 32-bit mode. It's easier than going to the control
panels folder, then the memory control panel, then closing everything. Just
launch this program and it'll tell ya. If you find yourself turning 32 bit
on and off, this program will help you keep track of your modes.
Name = Speedometer3.23
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sn-Sp:Speedometer3.23
Size:155K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 3.23
Speedometer3.23 - Speedometer is THE shareware performance testing software
for the Macintosh. It performs many different tests, and gives you the
ultimate report on your Macintosh's speed and performance. Tests performed
include - Hardware info, benchmarks, FPU benchmarks, color benchmarks,
performance ratings and system comparison. You can then save the data from
the tests and use the results to compare different machines.
Name = Programmer’s Key 1.4.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Programmer’s Key 1.4.2
Size: 5K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.4.2
Programmer’s Key 1.4.2 - The Programmer’s Key turns the Power On key on the
keyboard into a programmer’s key, similar to the programmer’s switch on the
side of the Macintosh. For keyboards without a power key (Macintosh
Classic, Portable, PowerBooks 100-170), the backquote (`) key is used as
the programmer’s key. To install Programmer’s Key, drag it into the system
folder. Programmer’s Key will be loaded after restarting. Then, whenever
you push the designated keys, you can restart, shutdown, interrupt, reset,
or get the Trap Switch. Programmer's Key will work with any debugger,
including the microdebugger in ROM. Programmer's Key is no more dangerous
than the real programmer's switch. This version is from 11/20/91.
Name = Postscript Vaccine 1.03
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Postscript Vaccine 1.03
Size: 16K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.03
Postscript Vaccine v1.03 - This application directly modifies the Apple
LaserWriter driver to protect your PostScript printer from PostScript
Trojan Horses that modify the printer's server password. The application
accomplishes this by modifying the 'Laser Prep' file that accompanies the
LaserWriter driver file in your System Folder. This application will work
with LaserWriter driver versions 5.2, 6.0 and 6.01. Use this application at
your own risk. (Unsure if it works with later drivers).
Name = Open-wide 3.5.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Open-wide 3.5.4
Size: 31K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 3.5.4
Open-wide 3.5.4 - Open-wide is an INIT/cdev that widens directory dialogs
(Open and Save dialogs), so you can see long file names. It can also
stretch these dialogs vertically, so you can see more file names. Online
documentation included. Version 3.5.3 fixes a cosmetic conflict with
PageMaker. This latest release fixes a conflict with Speedometer. This is a
great utility for people who give their files long names, and they want to
be able to read the whole thing in an open or save dialog!
Name = NiceStopShutDown 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NiceStopShutDown 1.0
Size: 10K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.0
NiceStopShutDown 1.0 - In a typical computer lab, computers have numerous
users during the day. Often, these users will shut down the computer when
they are finished using them. Studies show that there is less strain on a
computer's components when power is continually left on, than when the
power to the computer is repeatedly switched on and off. NiceStopShutDown
will restart the computer when 'Shutdown' is chosen from the 'Special'
menu. HOWEVER, if the option key is down, the computer will shut down
gracefully (and the hard disk's head will be parked--this is important).
There are other similar extensions, but they require that you turn the
power to the computer off while the Mac is in the proccess of rebooting.
Name = Bail 2.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bail 2.0b1
Size: 28K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 2.0b1
Bail 2.0b1 - If you've ever accidentally launched a program and had to wait
for it to completely load before you could quit it, you need Bail. Bail
gives you an opportunity early in the launch cycle of the application to
quit. When any application loads, Bail shows a couple of dots up in the
left corner for approximately 3 seconds. If you wish to bail out before the
loading contines, hold down the mouse button and you will return
immediately to the Finder. If you don't want to wait for the 3 seconds,
hold down the 'g' key ([G]o, get it?). Bail is now a Control Panel. You can
turn it off, change the Bail delay from 1 to 5 seconds, and exclude certain
applications (like Finder) from Bailing. The docs are in the control panel.
Name = 3D Color System Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color System Icons
Size: 19K Date: 9/10/93 Version:
3D Color System Icons - A collection of ResEdit format type ICONs (the
icons have also been pasted onto empty folders for easy viewing for System
7 users). Included are 15 folder icons, all in 3D grey, such as - fonts,
apple, networked folder, preferences, extensions, locked and more. Copy and
paste the icons to your own folders for fun looking icons.
Name = TypeIt4Me 4.0c
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TypeIt4Me 4.0c
Size: 79K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 4.0
TypeIt4Me 4.0c - What does TypeIt4Me do? Anytime you can enter text in your
Mac by typing it at the keyboard, TypeIt4Me can do it for you - faster and
more accurately. And since it actually fools the system into thinking that
YOU are doing the typing, it can go places where you wouldn't be able to
use the Paste command (if you click on its icon on the left of the Apple
menu, it will even pop up during a Modal dialog!). This version includes
new features and bugfixes. Also included is a Text2Type utility to help
format text entries. See enclosed documentation.
Name = Snap-To 2.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sn-Sp:Snap-To 2.01
Size: 34K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 2.01
Snap-To 2.01 - Snap-To is a Control Panel that snaps the cursor to the
default button whenever a dialog comes up on your screen. Simple as that.
Snap-To's features include - A Control Panel interface, which allows easy
customization of several of Snap-To's features; The ability for Snap-To to
draw default button outlines around default buttons which normally wouldn't
have them; Optional automatic disabling in Open and/or Save dialogs; The
ability for Snap-To to gradually move the cursor to the default button,
instead of abruptly snapping it there; The ability for Snap-To to move the
cursor back to its original location after you have closed a dialog box;
full balloon help and more. A great time saver!
Name = MyPageSetup 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MyPageSetup 1.3
Size: 17K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.3
MyPageSetup 1.3 - MyPageSetup will make your preferences for "Page Setup"
and the "Print" job dialogs of your printer the default choices. Allows you
to Set Imagewriter "Tall Adjusted" so that ImageWriter & LaserWriter
page sizes are similar. Set the type of paper you normally stock in your
printer. For Imagewriters, with the "Paper Size" button, you can change the
page sizes and names of paper choices, print quality, and page feed
method. For LaserWriters, you can change cover (user name) page printing.
For LaserWriters, you can add a "Disk File" check box to print to disk.
This lets you create a postscript file of the document which you can
transfer to any postscript printer. Works with the new Apple drivers (8.0).
Name = Jasik
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Jasik
Size: 18K Date: 9/01/93 Version:
Jasik - Jasik is an After Dark module which displays the familiar
environment of The Debugger program from Jasik Designs, so that you can
always appear to be hard at work. You can also use it to impress your
friends! Probably won't help protect your screen from burn in! Oh well,
it's fun! Requires After Dark or Darkside of the Mac to run.
Name = Greyscale 2.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Greyscale 2.3
Size: 92K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 2.3
Greyscale 2.3 - Converts your Hewlett Packard Macintosh Deskwriter to high
resolution (300 dpi) QuickDraw color and gray shades instead of its lower
default resolution shades (75 to 150 dpi). Typical QuickDraw grey shades
would be object fills from MacDraw, Canvas, MacDraft, etc. and various
application shading features (Excel cell shading, Word block shading,
DeltaPoint graph fills, etc.). Paint and bitmapped opjects are not affected
(MacPaint, SuperPaint bit drawings, Photoshop, etc.). HP Deskwriter
Greyscales 2.3 supports both BW and Color Deskwriters (fixes a bug in the
550C driver) and has been further updated to add a new Soft Line Greyscale
version giving a new total of 5 different greyscale options.
Name = FlyPBA Hardware Icons 6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Hardware Icons 6
Size: 36K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 7.1
FlyPBA Hardware Icons 6 - This is the latest installment of my file "FlyPBA
Hardware Icons" (Version 7.1). I am uploading this file in pieces, to make
it easier for those who may not want all of the icons. The divisions are as
follows - 1. Removable Media (CD-ROMs, Floppies, Etc...). 2. Other
Companies (non Apple Products). 3. Miscellaneous (Random icons). 4. Defunct
Apple computers (Apple Lisa, Apple 2e, old Macs), Future Macintoshes
(PowerBook165, Portable StyleWriter), Macintoshes W/ Monitors,
Miscellaneous Apple Icons. 5. Desktop and Portable Macs. 6. Apple
Newton/Personal Information Electronics (PIE), Apple Printers. All of these
icons have been pasted onto empty folders, you'll need Sys. 7 to see them.
Name = FlyPBA Hardware Icons 5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Hardware Icons 5
Size: 90K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 7.1
FlyPBA Hardware Icons 5 - This is the latest installment of my file "FlyPBA
Hardware Icons" (Version 7.1). I am uploading this file in pieces, to make
it easier for those who may not want all of the icons. The divisions are as
follows - 1. Removable Media (CD-ROMs, Floppies, Etc...). 2. Other
Companies (non Apple Products). 3. Miscellaneous (Random icons). 4. Defunct
Apple computers (Apple Lisa, Apple 2e, old Macs), Future Macintoshes
(PowerBook165, Portable StyleWriter), Macintoshes W/ Monitors,
Miscellaneous Apple Icons. 5. Desktop and Portable Macs. 6. Apple
Newton/Personal Information Electronics (PIE), Apple Printers. All of these
icons have been pasted onto empty folders, you'll need Sys. 7 to see them.
Name = FlyPBA Hardware Icons 4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Hardware Icons 4
Size: 59K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 7.1
FlyPBA Hardware Icons 4 - This is the latest installment of my file "FlyPBA
Hardware Icons" (Version 7.1). I am uploading this file in pieces, to make
it easier for those who may not want all of the icons. The divisions are as
follows - 1. Removable Media (CD-ROMs, Floppies, Etc...). 2. Other
Companies (non Apple Products). 3. Miscellaneous (Random icons). 4. Defunct
Apple computers (Apple Lisa, Apple 2e, old Macs), Future Macintoshes
(PowerBook165, Portable StyleWriter), Macintoshes W/ Monitors,
Miscellaneous Apple Icons. 5. Desktop and Portable Macs. 6. Apple
Newton/Personal Information Electronics (PIE), Apple Printers. All of these
icons have been pasted onto empty folders, you'll need Sys. 7 to see them.
Name = FlyPBA Hardware Icons 3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Hardware Icons 3
Size: 18K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 7.1
FlyPBA Hardware Icons 3 - This is the latest installment of my file "FlyPBA
Hardware Icons" (Version 7.1). I am uploading this file in pieces, to make
it easier for those who may not want all of the icons. The divisions are as
follows - 1. Removable Media (CD-ROMs, Floppies, Etc...). 2. Other
Companies (non Apple Products). 3. Miscellaneous (Random icons). 4. Defunct
Apple computers (Apple Lisa, Apple 2e, old Macs), Future Macintoshes
(PowerBook165, Portable StyleWriter), Macintoshes W/ Monitors,
Miscellaneous Apple Icons. 5. Desktop and Portable Macs. 6. Apple
Newton/Personal Information Electronics (PIE), Apple Printers. All of these
icons have been pasted onto empty folders, you'll need Sys. 7 to see them.
Name = FlyPBA Hardware Icons 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Hardware Icons 2
Size: 41K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 7.1
FlyPBA Hardware Icons 2 - This is the latest installment of my file "FlyPBA
Hardware Icons" (Version 7.1). I am uploading this file in pieces, to make
it easier for those who may not want all of the icons. The divisions are as
follows - 1. Removable Media (CD-ROMs, Floppies, Etc...). 2. Other
Companies (non Apple Products). 3. Miscellaneous (Random icons). 4. Defunct
Apple computers (Apple Lisa, Apple 2e, old Macs), Future Macintoshes
(PowerBook165, Portable StyleWriter), Macintoshes W/ Monitors,
Miscellaneous Apple Icons. 5. Desktop and Portable Macs. 6. Apple
Newton/Personal Information Electronics (PIE), Apple Printers. All of these
icons have been pasted onto empty folders, you'll need Sys. 7 to see them.
Name = FlyPBA Hardware Icons 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Hardware Icons 1
Size: 35K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 7.1
FlyPBA Hardware Icons 1 - This is the latest installment of my file "FlyPBA
Hardware Icons" (Version 7.1). I am uploading this file in pieces, to make
it easier for those who may not want all of the icons. The divisions are as
follows - 1. Removable Media (CD-ROMs, Floppies, Etc...). 2. Other
Companies (non Apple Products). 3. Miscellaneous (Random icons). 4. Defunct
Apple computers (Apple Lisa, Apple 2e, old Macs), Future Macintoshes
(PowerBook165, Portable StyleWriter), Macintoshes W/ Monitors,
Miscellaneous Apple Icons. 5. Desktop and Portable Macs. 6. Apple
Newton/Personal Information Electronics (PIE), Apple Printers. All of these
icons have been pasted onto empty folders, you'll need Sys. 7 to see them.
Name = Carpetbag 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Carpetbag 1.4
Size: 69K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.4
Carpetbag 1.4 - Carpetbag is a shareware ($5) control panel that makes
fonts, sounds, FKEYs, and keyboard layouts available to your programs
without altering the System file. Specify certain folders, and Carpetbag
opens all resource files therein at startup. It works under System 6, but
is smarter remembering folders under System 7. Includes Laser Path 1.4, a
utility for storing PostScript fonts outside the System Folder. Changes in
this version - You can postpone a folder, so it's in the list but not
opened at startup.
Name = Bat Signal 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Bat Signal 1.1
Size: 41K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.1
Bat Signal 1.1 - Citizens of Gotham, It is my duty to inform you that the
Batman has been called. Only the Batman can save your screens from the
forces of phosphor and decay. Our computerized bat signals are sending out
the summons even now, on the flickering screens that scatter our sprawling
metropolis. The Dark Knight will hear us, and he will come to our aid. Bat
Signal 1.1 is a freeware After Dark screen-saver module for use with After
Dark 2.0 or DarkSide of the Mac 4.0. This release adds an ‘Invert’ Option.
Also included are some Bat desktop textures, for use with the Desktop
Textures installer, or other large ppat installers.
Name = Stimpy icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Stimpy icons
Size: 4K Date: 8/20/93 Version:
Stimpy icons - This is what I think to be a very good Stimpy icon. Sorry,
as the author can't afford a color Mac, it's only in B&W, but feel free to
colorize it if you like. Also included is a Droopy icon for good measure.
This was originally uploaded as Joe's Icons, but I don't think it hit the
intended audience...
Name = ShowShare 1.2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:ShowShare 1.2.0
Size: 57K Date: 8/20/93 Version: 1.2.0
ShowShare 1.2.0 - ShowShare places a small icon on the users menu bar, or
optionally in a tiny window which can be positioned anywhere on the
desktop, indicating the current state of System 7's Filesharing - On, Off,
Starting, Stopping or Error. Showshare can start and stop Filesharing, and
open any of the Filesharing-related control panels. ShowShare is an
application which you may place anywhere on your hard disk. This is a good
utility for people who are always digging through their control panels to
set some aspect of file sharing!
Name = LastStartup 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LastStartup 1.0
Size: 4K Date: 8/20/93 Version: 1.0
LastStartup 1.0 - Last Startup is a small utility who's purpose is to serve
as a simple watchdog. Every time you double click on LastStartup, the
program will put up a window telling you the time of your computer's last
restart. This can be handy on communicating to you if an unauthorized
individual accessed your Mac at some time when you weren't around, whether
it be your office's janitor at midnight or a snoopy arch enemy during
lunchtime. It can also be handy if you want to check when you or someone
started up the computer - to bill clients, to know when someone came into
work... Works with System 6 and up.
Name = DiskDup2.22
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DiskDup2.22
Size: 22K Date: 8/20/93 Version: 2.22
DiskDup2.22 - The DiskDup+ utility has been written to automate as much as
possible the (sector by sector) duplication of a floppy onto one or more
duplicate floppies. It can be used to copy disks using a machine with only
one disk drive and 512k RAM! All controls of the program are displayed by
the control dialog which is always presented by the program. These controls
may be changed at any time. This is the program AMUG uses to duplicate the
library disks! Can duplicate 400k, 800k or 1.4 meg disks!
Name = Cool Icons 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cool Icons 1.0
Size: 66K Date: 8/20/93 Version: 1.0
Cool Icons 1.0 - Cool Icons is a collection of some of the COOLEST icons.
They are pasted onto (readable) TeachText documents so you don't have to
mess with ResEdit. Requires System 7 to see the pasted icons. Icons include
slippery (road sign), visa, diskette, bottle, AT & T, Puppy, Green m&m,
Worry Bird, Mac LC, Mountain Dew and more.
Name = Keyboard Switcher 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Keyboard Switcher 1.0
Size: 18K Date: 8/11/93 Version: 1.0
Keyboard Switcher 1.0 - Keyboard Switcher enables you to switch between
active applications totally via the keyboard, without using the mouse. It
also adds to the functionality of the application menu by providing a
keyboard command to switch to the "next" application in the list (enabling
you to cycle through active applications). Also adds a keyboard command to
display a list of running applications. (Note - Not to be confused with
James Walker's utility for switching between keyboard layouts, also named
Keyboard Switcher.)
Name = Interrupt Button 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:Interrupt Button 2.1
Size: 28K Date: 8/11/93 Version: 2.1
Interrupt Button 2.1 - This is an update of the popular System Extension,
Interrupt Button. This version now supports ALL Macs with Programmer's
Switches, including the Centris Line and the Quadra 800. Please refer to
the documentation for details. This is a system extension that will
UNFREEZE your Mac and return you to the desktop safely. You will then be
able to quit all of your open applications, save your documents, and
restart safely. You won't have to type in that silly "G FINDER" code! Also
works with System Errors (Bomb Alerts). The author STRONGLY suggests
restarting after any bomb/system error.
Name = IdleTime INIT 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:IdleTime INIT 1.0
Size: 19K Date: 8/11/93 Version: 1.0
IdleTime INIT 1.0 - The IdleTime INIT returns the number of clock ticks
since the last keystroke, disk insertion, mouse movement or mouse click.
This is a system-wide measurement, it tells you how long it's been since
the user has done anything in any application, control panel, or in the
Finder. It communicates with the client thru a call to the Gestalt system
routine. This package includes the INIT, a sample THINK C 6.0 program that
monitors the INIT (source code included), a Frontier verb that calls the
INIT, and DocServer docs.
Name = Dom's Roms
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Dom's Roms
Size: 14K Date: 8/11/93 Version:
Dom's Roms - These are a few nice icons of CD-Roms. Icons for Kodak CDs are
also included. There are also two icons of CDs in the caddy. The icons have
been pasted onto empty folders for System 7 users. Just select an icon,
choose get info, click on the icon, copy, then find the icon you want to
replace, choose get info, click on the icon and paste.
Name = Broadcast 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Broadcast 2.1
Size: 27K Date: 8/11/93 Version: 2.1
Broadcast 2.1 - BroadCast is a tool to exchange short messages between
Macintoshs. It is installed by dragging it into the system folder (and then
rebooting). To send a message, open the chooser and select broadcast, then
one or more recipients. Click OK and enter your message. You may select an
icon to accompany the text. Voila. The receiver will get a dialog on his
screen. The dialog shows the icon, text, the time the message was received,
the sender and two buttons - OK and Answer. The answer is used as the
direct path back to the sender without opening the chooser.
Name = Attention 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Attention 1.0.2
Size: 18K Date: 8/11/93 Version: 1.0.2
Attention 1.0.2 - Attention is a control panel that lets you control the
way inactive applications behave when they need user attention. In
particular, Attention lets you choose which sound is played when a
background application wants to tell you something. Without Attention, this
sound would be the system beep most of the time. You can also use Attention
to disable sound altogether or to prevent background applications to put up
alert boxes. To use Attention, you need System version 6.0.4 or better.
Drag Attention onto the System folder icon. If you re running System 7,
Attention goes to the Control Panels folder, otherwise it goes in the
System folder. You need to reboot your Macintosh to use Attention.
Name = Visage™ 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Visage™ 1.0.1
Size: 30K Date: 8/03/93 Version: 1.0.1
Visage 1.0.1 - Visage is a System 7 utility that makes it easier to select
new icons for your disks. While the System 7 Finder allows you to do this,
Visage provides an integrated way of adding colorful, new icons to your
disks. Please note that Visage requires System 7 or later. This version
provides compatibility with non–color Macintosh computers (Mac Plus, SE,
etc.). It also offers more icons. I previously had a hard drive icon which
would not let me change it (file sharing was off...), it was a stubborn
one! Well, this program let me change it, and now I can also change it with
the Get-Info, Paste method which wouldn't work before!!
Name = DesktopTexturesIII.v2.1cpt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:DesktopTexturesIII.v2.1cpt
Size:877K Date: 8/03/93 Version: 2.1
DesktopTexturesIII.v2.1 - This file includes the Desktop Texture Installer,
which is needed to install any of the files in the Textures folder. Also
included is Texture Randomizer (for System 7 users), where you can set your
favorite textures to change upon startup. Texture scroller 1.0 lets you
move the texture ppat up/down/right/left. The authors also include four
huge texture files, many which have great textures!! The desktop texture
installer will work on System 6 or 7, but 6 users must have 32 bit
QuickDraw installed. This is one of the greatest personalizing utilities
Name = Bigbrain icons!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Bigbrain icons!
Size: 15K Date: 8/03/93 Version:
Bigbrain icons! - Here are some icons which are ready for System 7 users to
cut and paste onto their own folders, disks, drives... Included are icons
such as - Apple logo, television, camera, color Mac, earth, envelope, get
it done (clipboard/check list), handshake, no-no (circle with line through
it), QuickTime, Memory icon, monitors icon, mouse and sound icons.
Name = AutoBoot 1.2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AutoBoot 1.2.2
Size: 86K Date: 8/03/93 Version: 1.2.2
AutoBoot 1.2.2 - AutoBoot is a Control Panel / System extension which will
reboot (restart) you Macintosh after a System Error or a Freeze-Up has
occurred. This comes in handy when your Macintosh must be 'on-line' at all
times, even when it is left unattended for long periods of time. For
instance, people using Timbuktu (a package which allows you to operate a
Mac remotely by modem) complained that they had to drive down to the
location of the Mac to reboot it after a system crash. Very nice if the Mac
is located at the other side of town! This version corrects an interface
bug which prevented the use of some of the check boxes in the control
Name = Wooden Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Wooden Folders
Size: 17K Date: 7/28/93 Version:
Wooden Folders - Here are some wooden folders for System 7 users. The
wooden folders (actually, they're kindof orange) are made for Excel, Word,
QuickTime, ResEdit, Shanghai, MacInTax, Think C, Think Pascal 4.0 and a few
Name = TrekCursor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TrekCursor
Size: 4K Date: 7/28/93 Version:
TrekCursor - All I have to say is Star Trek. Matthias Urlich wrote Color
Cursor which gave us a colorful arrow. Michael Donahue has modified the
init to create a cursor that resembles a star trek pin instead. Just drop
the init into the System Folder or the Extensions folder. I am counting the
downloads already!
Name = TacTiles
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:TacTiles
Size: 3K Date: 7/28/93 Version:
TacTiles - TacTiles is an After Dark module written by James J. Eastman.
This module displays somewhat circular images which are mainly linked
together. The images join with others to sort of open and close. I can't
describe it! If you like patterned screen savers, check this one out.
Name = PeeBee Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:PeeBee Icon
Size: 5K Date: 7/28/93 Version:
PeeBee Icon - This is a cute full color icon of an open powerbook, facing
you. To use it, get info on the icon, select it and copy it. Then choose
get info for the icon you want to replace, and paste. (Instructions are for
System 7 users).
Name = MFZoom INIT 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MFZoom INIT 2.1
Size: 7K Date: 7/28/93 Version: 2.1
MFZoom INIT 2.1 - MFZoom is a system extension that increases the menu and
window title font size to 14pt. This is useful for big screen monitor users
and those who have to squint to see the normal menu font. Using MFZoom -
There’s no trick to it, just toss it in your extension folder and restart
your mac. MFZoom will work fine in any application and will increase the
font size of ANY STANDARD menu (Including those in standard get file
dialogs). It will NOT however affect applications that have their own menu
Name = About This Mac 1.46
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:About This Mac 1.46
Size: 20K Date: 7/28/93 Version: 1.46
About This Mac 1.46 - ATM tells you everything, or at least almost
everything, you would ever want to know about your Macintosh. ATM tells you
what type of Mac you're running, the processor, RAM size, ROM size, FPU
type, MMU type, Addressing, Keyboard, System, ROM, QuickDraw, TextEdit,
TimeManager and Gestalt. The program is very straightforward, and can print
the report. Version 1.4.6 is free, but if you think it's worth a few bucks,
feel free to send the -Bloom! software authors something.
Name = SetInfo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:SetInfo
Size: 20K Date: 7/22/93 Version:
SetInfo - SetInfo is a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Rob-Box) which sets
file info for selected items. You can modify the type, creator, label,
finder flags, and locked bit of files and folders just by dragging them
over the application icon. This program is also helpful with the use of
aliases, by dropping an alias on SetInfo, the target is modified, if an
alias is inside a directory that is dropped in, the alias is modified. This
program works with System 6.0x and System 7. It is part of the 7.0 Plus
Utilities pack by Robert Gibson.
Name = LaserWriter Pro EnergySW
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LaserWriter Pro EnergySW
Size:162K Date: 7/22/93 Version:
LaserWriter Pro EnergySW - Setting the Sleep Mode on LaserWriter Pro
Printers - The contents of this disk allow you to set the sleep mode on a
LaserWriter Pro printer. The sleep mode is the period of time a printer
waits when not printing before going to “sleep.” In sleep mode, the
LaserWriter Pro printer use approximately 70% less power than when in
normal idle mode. To set the period of time before the LaserWriter Pro
printer goes to sleep, perform the steps in the read me documentation.
Name = Deflate 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Deflate 1.0
Size: 16K Date: 7/22/93 Version: 1.0
Deflate 1.0 - Deflate is a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Box) which removes
help resources from any file. It can be set to delete just the help
resources, or the resources and the data that they indicate. So you can
free up all that space help was taking up. Deflate can be used with System
6.0.X or 7.x. Deflate is one of over 25 System 7 utilities written by
Robert Gibson, and is part of the 7.0 PLUS Utilities set.
Name = Arties1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Arties1.0
Size: 4K Date: 7/22/93 Version: 1.0
Arties1.0 - This is an After Dark module written by Steve Scarborough, and
requires After Dark or Darkside of the Mac to run it. This screen saver
builds roads which run in straight lines until they hit another road, then
they turn. Displays nice graphics in color, and in Black and White, roads
can be removed. Gives a nice display for those who like line drawings and
graphical screen savers.
Name = The Seperator 1.00
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:The Seperator 1.00
Size: 45K Date: 7/15/93 Version: 1.00
The Seperator 1.00 - The Seperator is a Chooser level print driver that
saves printed documents to TIFF files - rather than printing to a device.
The TIFF files may be color separated. TIFF files created by the Seperator
may be read by other applications that can read TIFF. All of the files
created are full color images - either 24 bit RGB or 32 bit CMYK. The size,
resolution, and color space of Seperator TIFF files is selectable. A copy
that has not been registered prints a repeating string of "The Seperator"
across each printed page. A registered copy does not print this string. The
authors prefer the spelling as Seperator.
Name = FlyPBA Icons 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FlyPBA Icons 2.0
Size:191K Date: 7/15/93 Version: 2.0
FlyPBA Icons 2.0 - This is a nice large collection of icons in ResEdit
format, and also pasted onto folders for System 7 users. This is a mix of
icons, including application icons, application folder icons, trash, system
and misc. Also includes icons of cigarette packs, matches and pipes (I
don't know why?). Enjoy!
Name = The Mac Clapper
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:The Mac Clapper
Size: 34K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
The Mac Clapper - Remember the TV commercial featuring someone sitting in
the dark, too far from the light switch. Remember how they clapped twice
and the lights came on? Well, this application works the same way on your
microphone equipped Mac. When the application is running, just clap and
your computer will shut down. For those times when you just don't want to
use your mouse (but don't mind opening an application!
Name = Machine Records - Full Set
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:Machine Records - Full Set
Size: 7K Date: 7/07/93 Version:
Machine Records - Full Set - This is a relatively complete record file for
Speedometer, which can be used to compare your machine against others. This
file contains most of Apple's current offerings (June 1993). These are not
meant as official records... just machines the uploader was able to get.
Name = Keep the Bozos Out 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Keep the Bozos Out 1.2
Size: 33K Date: 7/07/93 Version: 1.2
Keep the Bozos Out 1.2 - Hard drive password protection for the price of a
postcard! Keep the Bozos Out is an INIT/Extension that requires a password
at startup to allow access to the files on your hard drive. Extension
bypassing and boot floppies will not overide protection. Also includes
BozoEdit, which allows password and exception list editing. Version 1.2
corrects problems with 68000 Macs running System 6.0.x Also includes
BozoEdit 1.1, which eliminates a bug allowing users to enter a return
character into their password.
Name = Wowee 3-D #6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Wowee 3-D #6
Size: 10K Date: 7/01/93 Version: #6
Wowee 3-D #6 - This "wowee! 3-D!" collection of button icons pays tribute
to the number of times I've been put on "megahold," waited for latecomers
to meetings/appointments, and taken (not necessarily needed) breaks from my
work. The icons are as follows - more games, mac, finder-related,
translation/communication, and loony icons. The author uses these babies
for aliases of oft used programs, and line 'em up at the bottom of my
screen. O how convenient! And how snazzy! They are in resedit format.
Name = Shutdown FKEY 1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Shutdown FKEY 1.0b1
Size: 6K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.0b1
Shutdown FKEY 1.0b1 - This program is in the form of an FKEY, which means
that it is accessed by typing the key combination Command-Shift-<number>,
where in this case the number is 0, though this number may be changed using
Suitcase or a similar utility. This FKEY puts up an alert which gives the
user a choice between shutting down, (similar to choosing Shut Down from
the Finder) restarting, exiting to the Finder, or cancelling. As an
additional option, the user may press Caps Lock when calling this FKEY to
just shutdown without bothering with the dialog. This is provided so the
user may shutdown properly even during a mouse freeze. Important - see note
in the docs under the Limitations & Known Problems section.
Name = ScreenChooser 2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:ScreenChooser 2.2
Size: 62K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 2.2
ScreenChooser 2.2 - ScreenChooser V2.2 is the ULTIMATE StartUp Screen
manager. Like previous ScreenChooser versions, it's primary job is to
randomize StartUp Screens (image files that spice up the boot process by
putting up beatiful images). New additions for this version - the control
panel interface has been redesigned, an "On/Off" toggle has been added, the
System restores so the General Controls control panel can access color
patterns, Fixes bug of disappearing tilings on some Macs, added "Stretch
to Fit" option, eliminated red line protection; program now fully
functional upon installation. Added "Read Me First!" file. Nice if you have
lots of StartUp screens and just can't choose which one to use.
Name = LockHD4Session 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LockHD4Session 1.0
Size: 4K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.0
LockHD4Session 1.0 - This application software-locks the startup disk when
executed, and installs a Shutdown task to unlock it when you Shut Down or
Restart the computer. I wrote this to protect my hard disk from my little
brother when he uses my Mac, without inconveniencing me.I place it in the
Startup Items folder so it is executed automatically on startup.Used in
conjunction with one of the AltToMain Folders extensions (another of my
Freeware products), the disk is only locked when he uses the hard disk with
his setup. Great for making sure people aren't throwing away your stuff!
Name = Hide Menubar FKEY 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Hide Menubar FKEY 1.0.1
Size: 5K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.01
Hide Menubar FKEY 1.0.1 - Ever wanted to temporarily hide that ubiquitous
menu bar? What about everything else on the screen? With this FKEY you
can do both at a touch of a key combination. To use the FKEY (once it’s
installed, of course), simply press Command-Shift-9 (or whichever number
you have renumbered the FKEY to) to hide the menubar, the menubar will
comeback as easily as it went. The other feature of this FKEY, hiding
everything on the screen so you can admire your current background picture
can be activated simply by pressing Caps Lock first, then pressing the
Command-Shift-9 sequence.
Name = GtrWiz Zipples
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:GtrWiz Zipples
Size: 3K Date: 7/01/93 Version:
GtrWiz Zipples - Here are 3 zipples created including - Heartthrob, Juggle
and Big Blue? Hope they are entertaining. Zipple 1.61 is needed to use this
file. Zipple is an extension and Control Panel which places an animated
image of your choice over the title of the Apple, Balloon Help, or
Application menu (in color if you have a color screen), it can be found in
the Util section.
Name = AltClipboard FKEY 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AltClipboard FKEY 1.1
Size: 9K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.1
AltClipboard FKEY 1.1 - The AltClipboard FKEY adds the functionality of a
second clipboard to any application. Simply copy something (anything —
text, picture, sound, whatever) into the Clipboard, activate the FKEY, and
then you can copy something else without the first item being lost. You can
then paste the second item; to paste the first item, activate the FKEY
again to retrieve it. Each time you activate the FKEY, the contents of the
active Clipboard and the alternative Clipboard are swapped. You can swap
them as much as you like, without losing either item (until you replace the
contents of one or both by cutting or copying, of course).
Name = 5-6-7 INIT 1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:5-6-7 INIT 1.0b1
Size: 8K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.0b1
5-6-7 INIT 1.0b1 - This INIT allows switching between Systems 5, 6 and 7
without having to boot off a floppy or whatever. It is useful for switching
between Systems to avoid compatibility problems, e.g. to run an old
application which is incompatible with System 7 under System 6. Please read
the comments under Installation, below, for more information. This init
only works with machines which can be booted with System 5, 6 or 7 (this
does not include many of the new macs.
Name = Talk2Me 1.3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Talk2Me 1.3.0
Size: 52K Date: 6/28/93 Version: 1.3.0
Talk2Me 1.3.0 - Talk•2•Me is the latest in talk ware from Chris Salzmann.
With Talk•2•Me your mac becomes an intercom allowing you to talk by voice
-in real time- to all connected macs. But wait, That's not all! It also
works as an answering machine, recording incoming messages and even playing
personalized messages to specific callers. Good read-me documentation is
included. Requires System 7.x.
Name = Star Trek Clock 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:Star Trek Clock 1.0
Size:130K Date: 6/28/93 Version: 1.0
Star Trek Clock 1.0 - This clock is just an excuse for an application with
a full Star Trek - The Next Generation look-alike interface. No normal
Macintosh controls are used, except in the help dialog. You must have a Mac
with at least 256 colors. With this clock, you can choose between two
displays, and can set an alarm which will play either the Next Generation
song or any beep you choose. Star Trek admirers won't pass this up.
Name = Mac computer icons 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Mac computer icons 3.0
Size: 98K Date: 6/28/93 Version: 3.0
Mac computer icons 3.0 - This is the most comprehensive archive of hardware
icons I have found to date. Covers all of the CPU’s including the new
Cyclone/Tempest and Newton, the older Macs such as Lisa, as well as a bunch
of others. Very well done and worth the download. These icons are pasted
onto empty folders for easy viewing.
Name = Keiths ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Keiths ppats
Size: 20K Date: 6/28/93 Version:
Keiths ppats - Here are some fun ppats which are ready to be used with
DeskTop Textures, a shareware program. This textures file includes ppats of
apples, scrapbook links, Apple's multi-colored Apple, fruity pebbles (a
cool tile display), Apples and logs, and cadaver flesh. Enjoy!
Name = Initial Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Initial Folders
Size: 34K Date: 6/28/93 Version:
Initial Folders - This is a collection of icons for use on hard drives,
files, folders, etc. These icons are all uppercase letters inside of a
beautifully decorated box. To use these icons in system 7, select one,
choose get info, copy the icon, then choose the file/drive whose icon you
want to replace, choose get info and paste the new icon.
Name = The Edge 1.00b15
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:The Edge 1.00b15
Size: 24K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 1.00b15
The Edge 1.00b15 - This application runs in the background and beeps when
you touch the edge of the screen, Why ? The Universal Question - Why not.
If you missed Finder Sounds which were around a few years ago, then this
may be for you. Works best with System 7.x. You can either install the
init, or use the application in the background. It's kind of a fun program
which grows on you, and it's nice for users who always lose their pointer.
Name = ScreenBounds 1.00b15
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:ScreenBounds 1.00b15
Size: 7K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 1.00b15
ScreenBounds 1.00b15 - Screen Bounds is a simple program which displays the
exact size of different Mac screen sizes - 512 / SE, 12 inch, 13 inch,
Powerbook... Remember 512k Macs? Now that you have a 21 inch screen, use
this utility to see just what working in 512 x 342 was really like. Try
eating spaghetti through a mail box. The clock is a bonus ? and marks the
centre of the screen. This program is very useful if you are programming
for different Mac screens, or just if you want to compare monitor sizes!
Requires Multifinder (System 6) or System 7.
Name = PermaTrash 1.00b15
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PermaTrash 1.00b15
Size: 5K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 1.00b15
PermaTrash 1.00b15 - Another in a family of programmer's tools. This is a
'Drag and Drop' Application that 'Trashes' any file selected or any file
dropped onto it. Why? Some people hate the way that the Trash works under
System 7, and don't want the hassle of the usual dialog box. This program
works with System 7.x as well as 6.x
Name = HP Deskwriter 4.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HP Deskwriter 4.0
Size:595K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 4.0
HP Deskwriter 4.0 - Here are Hewlett Packards latest drivers for serial and
appletalk Deskwriters. Included is an Installer for 4.0, as well as
documentation on installing, Commercial software incompatibilities and
notes, and solutions to common printing problems. The Deskwriter is an
InkJet printer which requires 1 meg of RAM under System 6.05 or later and 4
megs under System 7. Using the Easy Install option requires 7.5 megs of
Hard Disk space, while using the Customize Install uses less.
Name = Cogs 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cogs 1.0
Size: 8K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 1.0
Cogs 1.0 - Amaze your friends with these animated icons! Instructions are
given on how to replace your Start-up Disk's icon with an animated one.
Requires multifinder or System 7. If you just want to see the animated
icons, double click on the program, and view a few different ones. These
animated icons are black and white.
Name = Rich's Misc. Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Rich's Misc. Icons
Size:110K Date: 6/17/93 Version:
Rich's Misc. Icons - This folder contains over 80 nifty icons ranging from
application icons to trash icons, to strange things. These icons have all
been copied from resedit and pasted onto empty folders. To copy these icons
onto your own applications, files, hard drives or folders, select the icon
you want, choose get info, select the icon, choose copy, then do a get info
on where you want the new icon to go, then paste. The icons are all also in
one resedit document.
Name = Rich's Cool ppats2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Rich's Cool ppats2
Size: 39K Date: 6/17/93 Version:
Rich's Cool ppats2 - Here are some nice ppats which can be used with
Desktop Textures to install beautiful ppats on your desktop. This
collection includes around 50 patterns with nice designs.
Name = Rich's BIG ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Rich's BIG ppats
Size:102K Date: 6/17/93 Version:
Rich's BIG ppats - Here are some nice ppats which can be used with Desktop
Textures to install beautiful ppats on your desktop. The patterns include
skulls, designs, the author, cartoons, and women.
Name = 128x128 ppats How-To
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:128x128 ppats How-To
Size: 4K Date: 6/17/93 Version:
128x128 ppats How-To - ResEdit can only edit desktop patterns, or "ppat"s,
up to 64 x 64 pixels in size. Here's a way I used to create my own 128 x
128 pixel patterns, and convert all of those freeware Wallpaper format
desktop patterns!
Name = Ttro Maker 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:Ttro Maker 1.1
Size: 6K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.1
Ttro Maker 1.1 - One in a family of programmer's tools. This is a 'Drag and
Drop' Application that changes any TeachText file dropped onto it, toggling
the file between Read / Write and Read Only. It can also change any Brand X
Text file to a TeachText File. If you write any documentation with
TeachText then it would be nice to know that it will get to the User
unaltered, one way is to change the File Type used by the Finder from
'TEXT' to 'ttro', this is usually done with ResEdit, but now you can do it
with this Application, Holding the option key down while dragging any other
TEXT file onto this application will change it's Creator type to TeachText.
Name = E Meter I/II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:E Meter I/II
Size: 23K Date: 6/15/93 Version:
E Meter I/II - A Quick and Dirty way of viewing System activity. These apps
increment a counter every time they are allowed to go through their event
loop, if they are in the background then they must rely on the active
application to pass spare time onto other applications running under
Multifinder or system 7+. The readings shown by each application differ for
a few reasons, the main reason is the complexity of each app's display.
Name = LogIn 2.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LogIn 2.1.1
Size: 26K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 2.11
LogIn 2.1.1 - LogIn is a basic security protection program which keeps a
record of all login attempts (from startup), valid and invalid, and records
their time and date. This makes it easy to track who is using your
computer, and who is playing games when they should be elsewhere!. This
program will keep the novice user from getting on your computer. Read the
documents before installing.
Name = Zap 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Zap 1.0
Size: 19K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.0
Zap 1.0 - Zap! is a control panel which provides you with a means of
resetting the Parameter Ram without restarting your machine. Normally, this
can only be accomplished by zapping the PRAM with the
command-shift-option-P-R key sequence (yes, hold them all down at once) on
startup. Or you could pull the battery (only a good idea on a Mac with a
battery that isn’t soldered on) — but this also resets the date and time.
This control panel works with Systems 6 and 7, and with System 7, it does
not have to be installed to work.
Name = VirusBlockade II 2.06Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:VirusBlockade II 2.06Demo
Size:156K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 2.06 Demo
VirusBlockade II 2.06Demo - The DEMO version lets you sample MOST of
VirusBlockade II’s features and describes ALL of them. We have furnished
the DEMO version so people can evaluate and investigate whether
VirusBlockade II fits a majority of their anti-viral requirements. If,
after you have investigated it, you find it does fit your needs, purchase
the fully-operational version directly from Shulman Software Co. Know that
all their software comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions
Name = PC Shift
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PC Shift
Size: 5K Date: 6/15/93 Version:
PC Shift - PC Shift is an INIT type program which will allow a Macintosh
computer's shift key to behave like that of an IBM PC -- when the shift key
is depressed it will directly alter a characters case dependent upon the
state of the Caps Lock key. For example - the Caps Lock key is down, and
you're typing in all upper case letters. You need a lower case letter, but
instead of toggling the Caps Lock key, like the Macintosh System Software
dictates, simply depress the Shift key, and you will get a lower case
letter -- just like a PC! (Aren't PC's great)
Name = Moire 4.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Moire 4.01
Size: 28K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 4.01
Moire 4.01 - Moire is a simple screen saver which draws patterns on your
screen as it saves it from "burn in". Moire lets you set the length, shape,
speed and color of the design, allows a clock to be shown, allows the user
to define when Moire should come on (how many minutes of idle time) and
allows sleep and wake rectangles to be set on the screen.
Name = Lights, Camera, Action!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:Lights, Camera, Action!
Size: 13K Date: 6/15/93 Version:
Lights, Camera, Action! - This is an INIT / CDEV which lets anyone
customize the startup sequence with sound and animation. To use the
program, pick a PICS (animation) graphic and a sound from within the CDEV,
and select preview to see what it will look like during the startup
process. A fun way to play with multimedia. Does not support QuickTime.
Name = INSTANT Area Code
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:INSTANT Area Code
Size: 21K Date: 6/15/93 Version:
INSTANT Area Code - INSTANT Area Code is the easiest to use area code
utility available for the Macintosh. Just hit the hot key of your choice,
and the Instant Area Code program will jump into action. The second you
type in the area code, the state (and/or cities) will appear. Hit return,
enter, or Command Key-Q to exit back into the application you were working
with. No need to search on your hard drive for an Area Codes application.
No need to wait for the application to launch. No need to use the mouse at
all! One key does it all!
Name = Function Keys1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Function Keys1.1
Size: 5K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.1
Function Keys1.1 - This extension let's you use the function keys (NOT
FKEYs!!!) 1 to 15 on keyboards without them (like my PowerBook). To emulate
a function key do the following - Turn on CapsLock, Hold down the
Option-key, and type one of the following keys - 1 for F1, 2 for F2, etc.
Great program for those who have been spoiled by Apple's extended keyboard,
and suddenly find themselves in front of a standard keyboard!
Name = Finder Palette 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Finder Palette 1.0
Size: 71K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.0
Finder Palette 1.0 - Finder Palette is a file launch and organizational
utility. With Finder Palette, you install links to your frequently-used
applications, folders, desk accessories, etc., in a special launch palette.
You then use the launch palette to launch/open those frequently-used files.
With Finder Palette, you are not required to place your frequently-used
files in a special folder (like you are required to do with Apple Menu
Items). Since files can be located anywhere on your hard disk, the
installation process is simple, and customizing Finder Palette to suit your
personal preferences is a breeze.
Name = cyberMECHOIDZ II cursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:cyberMECHOIDZ II cursors
Size: 12K Date: 6/15/93 Version:
CyberMECHOIDZ II cursors - Enclosed are eight more watch cursors of the
accursed cyberMECHOIDZ! These robot monsters made of alloy, animal muscle,
and 40% polyester have been flashpointed by distant virtual reality
controllers into the present day state of Colorado! They're animated, in
colour, irritated as anything, and telebursting in from the Nexx2uss Five
alternative future! Included bonus cursor of the dread Central VR
Controller UTAK and a way cool cyberMECHOIDZ desktop pattern!!! Landing
into your Mac now--krackaBOOM! Requires ClickChange or the Demo.
Name = MenuMail 1.08
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:MenuMail 1.08
Size:142K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 1.08
MenuMail 1.0 - MenuMail is an unobtrusive paging and conferencing system
for the Mac. It consists of 3 parts - the MenuMail extension, the MenuMail
Sender, an application, and MenuMail Prefs, a preference file. MenuMail
lets you talk to other Mac users via the network without interrupting
anyone's work. You can send messages to one user or a group. This program
can be used until December 1993.
Name = SuperApple
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SuperApple
Size: 16K Date: 6/02/93 Version:
Super Apple - Bored by looking at your Apple Menu all day long? SuperApple
replaces the Apple-icon with a MOVING icon. Using the control panel
display, you can choose the icon to use and set the speed, and can even
design your own icons!
Name = WindowWarp2.12
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WindowWarp2.12
Size: 18K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 2.12
WindowWarp 2.1 - If you have several monitors attached to your Mac, then
WindowWarp is the INIT you have been waiting for! Option-click in the zoom
box of a window and that window will warp to the next screen. If the window
happens to be too large (or the screen too small), then the window is
resized. Using the control panel, Hot Keys can be configured to warp, smart
warp, or warp to full size.
Name = Video Icon Collection
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Video Icon Collection
Size: 72K Date: 6/02/93 Version:
Video Icon Collection - The Video Icon Collection contains over 50 Icons
including presidents, folder Icons for many popular applications, and a
file explaining how you can obtain a set of icons with your own face on
Name = Trawl 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Trawl 1.0.2
Size: 76K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 1.0.2
Trawl 1.0.2 - Trawl allows a network manager to selectively scan an
AppleTalk internet and produce a pictorial view of the network with the
devices and services found represented as icons. From this display, which
is similar to the Finder’s display of files, further information may be
obtained about specific devices by selecting the desired icons and choosing
the required action through the available menus. Furthermore, the data
obtained through the network scan may be exported to other programs for
further use either as a pictorial view of the network or as textual data.
Name = Smiley Face
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Smiley Face
Size: 3K Date: 6/02/93 Version:
Smiley Face - Remember those Smiley Faces that always say - Have a nice
day. Well here is a bunch of ppats that I put together to brighten your
day. There are also sad faces for your bad days, and neutral faces for your
humdrum days. I got tired of looking for this ppat collection on BBS's, so
I made them myself. Feel free to change them in any way you like.
Name = PortShare Lite
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:PortShare Lite
Size: 32K Date: 6/02/93 Version:
PortShare Lite - The PortShare Lite software enables your Macintosh to
share modem ports with other Macintosh computers connected to your network,
so a modem or a serial printer (like the ImageWriter or StyleWriter) can be
used from any computer on the network. PortShare Lite is serial port
sharing server and client software. This demo version of PortShare Lite has
limited session time of two minutes.
Name = Personal Bomb
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:Personal Bomb
Size: 9K Date: 6/02/93 Version:
Personal Bomb - Personal Bomb is a practical joke program that displays a
system error message containing the Macintosh's owner's name, and continue
and restart buttons. Pressing the continue button brings up information
about the author and the program, and luckily, pressing the restart button
does not restart your Mac, it just ends the joke.
Name = MacUpdate 3.2.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacUpdate 3.2.5
Size: 87K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 3.2.5
MacUpdate 3.2.5 - MacUpdate is a File Synchronization/Folder Reconciliation
program for Macs with HFS volumes. Works with Floppies, Hard Disks,
SyQuests, Opticals, AppleTalk & EtherNet, pretty much any HFS volume you
can mount on your desktop. MacUpdate knows exactly which folders & files
have changed, and ONLY copies these items to your backup volume. Great for
synchronizing folders on two Macs in different places. MacUpdate doubles as
a file copying utility, freeing the Finder of this task. Automates routine
backups. Works with Systems 6 & 7. Includes a lot of good documentation.
Name = FirstClick! 1.0b2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FirstClick! 1.0b2
Size: 34K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 1.0b2
FirstClick! 1.0b2 - FirstClick is a utility that allows you to modify ANY
application to process the first click that occurs within any of its
inactive windows. This utility is very handy when switching back and forth
between applications! This feature is similar to that found on a few Mac
applications and Microsoft Windows.
Name = Fast switchers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Fast switchers
Size: 36K Date: 6/02/93 Version:
Fast switchers - This is a collection of small (4 k) applications which set
the monitor depth or system volume of your Mac with just a double click.
There are 8 volume control applications (mute to level 7), and 6 monitor
depths (black and white to millions). It is handy to leave your favorite
volume and monitor depth applications on the desktop where you can quickly
change them.
Name = ZoneRanger.096
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:ZoneRanger.096
Size: 56K Date: 5/31/93 Version: .096
ZoneRanger.096 - ZoneRanger provides detailed information about each heap
zone that is currently active on the Macintosh. This information includes
both the counts and total sizes of the free blocks, pointers, handles,
locked handles, purgeable handles, and resource handles in each heap zone.
ZoneRanger also provides windows in which a heap zone can be displayed
graphically, with the size, type, and attributes of each block clearly
defined. The user can control the resolution and zoom factor of this
display, as well as click on any individual block to view its contents.
Name = WallPaper by Royce
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:WallPaper by Royce
Size: 52K Date: 5/31/93 Version:
WallPaper by Royce - 16 WallPapers for your enjoyment - 256 color cloth,
Astra Blue, Bed of shells, Blue Bricks, Blue Bubbleope, Dried Mud, Emerald
Dream, Hard on the Eyes, Just Blocks, Just Stars, Molten Lava, Red Fossil,
small cinder blocks, Thicket, Uneven Blocks II, Winter Berries. More
WallPapers are on the way.
Name = SimSoo IV
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:SimSoo IV
Size: 11K Date: 5/31/93 Version: IV
SimSoo IV - Simply Soothing Wallpaper IV. To view this wallpaper, you must
have Wallpaper, the Wallpaper demo, or Screenscapes. This wallpaper
provides a nice alternative to Apple's regular desktop patterns.
Name = Showpages1.4.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Showpages1.4.1
Size: 35K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 1.4
Showpages1.4.1 - ShowPages is a small utility for downloading PostScript
code and printing ASCII text file to your PS printer. The main features
allow you to download PS code in the background (Using PrintMonitor), and
print your documents simply by drag & drop. It treats text whose first 2
bytes are '%!' as postscript code, otherwise as plain text.
Name = MoonIT1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MoonIT1.1
Size: 30K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 1.1
MoonIT1.1 - This INIT (Extension) displays the current moon phase at the
bottom of your screen DURING STARTUP (watch for it during INIT loading), so
it does not occupy any system heap. Until 2005, this INIT also knows when a
lunar eclipse will occur (watch for 1993's lunar eclipses- June 4 and Nov
29). There are three dog/wolf sounds for normal startup, full moon and an
Name = Mac CPU Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Mac CPU Icons
Size: 50K Date: 5/31/93 Version:
Mac CPU Icons - This file contains icons for all of the Macintosh CPUs
(and some printers) that the author could think of. This includes all of
the "stand-alone" Macs, all of the 2 series, all LC models, all Performas,
Quadras, Portables, and Centrises. All of the icons are pasted onto folders
so that they are readily accessible and viewable. To copy the icons, use
get info to copy and paste them onto hard drives, documents, folders...
Name = HP DeskJet 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HP DeskJet 3.0
Size: 56K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 3.0
HP DeskJet 3.0 - This file contains a printer driver for Hewlett-Packard
DeskJet 300 dpi ink-jet printer. It can do normal Mac QuickDraw text and
graphics at various output qualities. This printer driver can be used with
the LaserJet, too. Documentation is included in the Release Notes file.
Name = ClockTools2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:ClockTools2.2
Size: 6K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 2.2
ClockTools2.2 - ClockTools, CT, is a rather simple program that tells you
if there are any problems with your clock chip. We suggest that you make
ClockTools your Startup Item, (in System 6 do this by clicking on the CT
icon, and selecting "Set Startup" from the "Special" menu. System 7 users:
drag CT into your "Startup Items" folder inside your System Folder), or
launch CT every time you move your computer. ClockTools requires at least
100k of free RAM. It is compatible with all Macintoshes.
Name = Changeling 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Changeling 2.0
Size: 18K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 2.0
Changeling 2.0 - This is Star's End Enterprises' critically acclaimed
Changeling program. The program can alter an application or document's file
type and various other characteristics, such as invisibility and various
forms of locking. It is quite good, quite fast, and programs can be dropped
on it to load (in System 7).
Name = 3D Control Panels
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Control Panels
Size: 33K Date: 5/31/93 Version:
3D Control Panels - Here is a collection of 3D Control Panel icons. The
author has included most of the control panels commonly found in the System
Folder, plus included a few icons for "add-ons" like BeHeirarchic, ATM,
Open Wide, etc. With System 7, the 3D control panels can be viewed without
using ResEdit, and can be copied and pasted by choosing Get Info on the
various icons.
Name = Rich's Trash Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Rich's Trash Icons
Size: 22K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Rich's Trash Icons - Trash Icons such as a toilet, wastebasket, mail box
and nuclear waste container.
Name = Rich's System Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Rich's System Icons
Size: 21K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Rich's System Icons - Folder replacement icons for inside the System
Folder, such as Users and Groups, Control Panels, etc.
Name = Rich's Computer Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Rich's Computer Icons
Size: 29K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Rich's Computer Icons - Icon replacements which look like computers, some
with happy faces on them. Some replacements are for IBM, a powerbook, Mac
Plus, Lisa, and newer models.
Name = Rich's Cartoon Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Rich's Cartoon Icons
Size: 47K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Rich's Cartoon Icons - Icon replacements which look like Calvin and Hobbes,
Oscar the Grouch, a heart, and many more!!
Name = Beaker Trash Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Beaker Trash Icon
Size: 2K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Beaker Trash Icon - A Trash Icon that looks like a full or empty beaker.
Name = Scrolling7.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Scrolling7.0.1
Size: 9K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 7.01
Scrolling7.0.1 - A control panel which lets you specify the maximum
scrolling speed, enables you to customize the time it takes you to reach
the maximum scrolling speed, and gives you the option to scroll in "real
times" when dragging the thumb.
Name = Rich's Cool ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Rich's Cool ppats
Size: 52K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Rich's Cool ppats - Over 30 new ppats which can be installed with Desktop
Name = Rich's Color Cursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:Rich's Color Cursors
Size: 14K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Rich's Color Cursors - New cursors use with for Cursor Animator. Includes a
front facing hand, black finger cursor, black counting hand, deluxe spinner
and more!
Name = RecognizeMouse
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:RecognizeMouse
Size: 46K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
RecognizeMouse - Automatically checks your ADB chain on startup to
recognize any devices (mice, trackballs, etc.) without drivers, so you
don't have to use ADB Probe or ADB Parser to connect.
Name = Keyboard PLUS
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Keyboard PLUS
Size: 22K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
Keyboard PLUS - This is a keyboard emulation program for PowerBook users
who miss/need the extra keys of the keypad. It allows you to create
function keys F1-F5.
Name = EarthSplash1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:EarthSplash1.1
Size: 9K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 1.1
EarthSplash1.1 - This is a small AfterDark module that catapults a small
rotating earth which will splash when the earth falls to the bottom of the
Name = DragWindow23
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DragWindow23
Size: 7K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 2.3
DragWindow2.3 - With this extension installed, whenever you click on the
titlebar of a window to drag it to a new location, you will drag the full
window around instead of the old familiar outline.
Name = TrashEmptier 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TrashEmptier 1.1
Size: 20K Date: 5/14/93 Version: 1.1
TrashEmptier 1.1 - When dragging and dropping the icon of a volume (disk,
hard disk, SyQuest etc...) onto TrashEmptier, all the files put in the
wastebasket are deleted. There is no confirmation dialogue unless a file is
locked. In the case that several files are locked, clicking 'OK' to confirm
will erase them all. When pressing 'Option', TrashEmptier ejects the
volume(s) after emptying the trash apart from the start-up disk.
TrashEmptier allows you to delete immediately and definitively a file or a
folder. THIS OPERATION IS IRREVERSIBLE but you have the safeguard of a
confirmation dialogue.
Name = Toms spring ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Toms spring ppats
Size: 11K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Toms spring ppats - 3 background patterns from video stills that I shot
today to memorialize the season now upon us. Spring forest, dogwood, and
the return of green grass!
Name = Tom's Palm ppat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Tom's Palm ppat
Size: 4K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Tom's Palm ppat - this is an interesting desktop texture of palm leaves on
your Mac.
Name = TextCat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TextCat
Size: 22K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
TextCat - Cat 2.0 contains an option which enables linked folders to be
searched for files matching the search criteria. In other words, Cat 2.0
will now search not only the designated folder, but all folders within the
designated folder, as well as all folders within those folders, as well
as.... (you get the idea). The resulting merged text document will appear
in the original designated folder. (ie the "top" folder in the search path.
Name = Soothing II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:Soothing II
Size: 5K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Soothing II - Here's 4 more of my **now** popular Simply Soothing
collection of Wallpaper files. Enjoy!
Name = Ricks ICV
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Ricks ICV
Size: 32K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Ricks ICV - Here is an Icon vault with some of the smaller, forgotten
programs. Included AfterDark, Expert Color Paint, Dollars & $ense,
HyperCard, Macpaint, MindWrite, ResEdit, SAM Virus Clinic, TeachText.
Name = Nuclear Waste
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Nuclear Waste
Size: 9K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Nuclear Waste - These resources can be used to replace the trash icon using
resedit. These resources also change the finder to reflect the fact that
you now have Nuclear Waste instead of a trash can. Included is a sound file
of a 'ZAP' which could be used as an empty trash sound using a sound
utility like SoundMaster.
Name = MacTCP-Watcher
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:MacTCP-Watcher
Size: 64K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
MacTCP-Watcher - MacTCP Watcher displays the internals of MacTcp, including
a list of all current connections and information on them.
Name = Macintosh CPU Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Macintosh CPU Icons
Size: 37K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Macintosh CPU Icons - This is a file containing all of the Macintosh CPU
icons along with some of the Printer icons. I didn't make most of
them...Apple did, but I collected them and pasted them all onto folders for
easy Cut & Pasting.
Name = Kenicon2.7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Kenicon2.7
Size: 37K Date: 5/14/93 Version: 2.7
Kenicon2.7 - These are in 'cicn' resource format for the sole purpose of
minimal download time for the recipient. They can be changed into ICN#,
icl8, icl4, ics8 and ics4 recources in just a few seconds using the
"Explode cicn" application. It takes a type 'rsrc', creator 'RSED'
(ResEdit document) containing any of the above resource types and creates
the remainder of the icon family for each ID number in the original file.
It's the only one I know of to "cross-pollenate" between cicn and icl8,
quickly and easily.
Name = GemStart™ 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:GemStart™ 3.0
Size: 42K Date: 5/14/93 Version: 3.0
GemStart™ 3.0 - This is the latest update to our accelerator utility
software. Fixed Apple's sound manager bug-improved floppy compatibility in
Mercury 030. Fully System 7 compatible. Can be used with 6.0.7 & 6.0.8 IF
NOT using Galileo large screen software. Be very sure that GemStart 3.0
loads VERY early during startup. For System 6 users, add extra spaces to
the beginning of GemStart 3.0 to assure this. System 7 users should put
GemStart 3.0 into the EXTENSIONS Folder. The only INIT we want on board
before GemStart 3.0 is Virtual(tm) from Connectix.
Name = David McLsPPATs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:David McLsPPATs
Size: 7K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
David McLsPPATs - Hi! I was playing Prince of Persia the other day, and
thought that some of the graphics would make beautiful background patterns,
so here some are! Simple to install, these are resedit-type PPATs. I
personally recommend Before Dark to install and use your PPATs, but you can
use resedit, too, if you wish. Anyway, enjoy! Comments welcome...
Name = Color Cursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Color Cursors
Size: 5K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Color Cursors - These are two color cursors I created one day when I should
have been doing something else. One is a hot air balloon and the other is
a blimp.
Name = Benchmark
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Benchmark
Size: 40K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Benchmark - This is a fun Benchmark program written with QuickApp. All the
source code is included. Also there are results from machines ranging from
a mac plus to a Quadra 950. How fast is your computer?
Name = AD Programming Examples
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD Programming Examples
Size: 50K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
AD Programming Examples - After Dark is a screen saving shell. It provides
all of the support and tools a programmer needs to quickly create unique
screen saving graphics. To create a new screen saver, you simply write a
new graphics module. A screen saver graphics module is a small, separately
compiled code resource. It is loaded into memory by After Dark when the
user places the pointer in a chosen corner of the screen, or after a
specified delay. You can develop a graphics module in any development
system that allows generation of code resources. This Programmer’s Manual
is a description of the structure of a graphics module.
Name = WDef III - 3.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WDef III - 3.1
Size:104K Date: 5/01/93 Version: 3.1
WDef III - 3.1 - Add NeXT-like windows to your Macintosh! This is Eric's
WDEF taken to the "NeXT" level of evolution, through a complete rewrite!
This is NOT a "Hacked" version. The NEW features include - Two versions of
Windows! A "TrUE" representations of NeXT Windows, as well as the improved,
Original WDef III version! 3D buttons for "Close","Zoom" and "Grow"! Fully
compatable with all documented Apple features! Full Color Support!
Including System 7's Color Control Panel!
Name = UPSMon1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:UPSMon1.1
Size: 6K Date: 5/01/93 Version: 1.1
UPSMon1.1 - UPS Monitor is a small hack, used to determine the status of a
serial-connected UPS. Many UPSes come with a DB-9 serial port, which serves
as a status line. I used a DB-9 to DB-25 converter cable and the standard
Apple MiniDIN-8 to DB-25 cable to connect it to the Mac. UPS Monitor works
with the modem port alone. UPS Monitor sends status requests to the UPS,
notifies you if the system is on battery power, and shuts down your Mac
automatically after a specified period of time. You can disable the
automatic shutdown or the battery alert, and change the status request rate
(default is one every 5 seconds).
Name = Type Resolve 2.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:Type Resolve 2.0.1
Size: 26K Date: 5/01/93 Version: 2.0.1
Type Resolve 2.0.1 - Type Resolve is a drag and drop application for System
7.x and later. It is intended for those people who get a lot of files from
non-macintosh sources and want to change their type and creator quickly and
without having to think too hard. For example, a file with the name
'dogcow.gif' could be turned into a Photoshop document of type 'GIFf' - a
Compuserve GIF image - simply by dropping it on the Type Resolve icon in
the Finder. Double-clicking the file would now launch Photoshop and open
the file correctly.
Name = Silver3Ds#13
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3Ds#13
Size: 41K Date: 5/01/93 Version: 13
Silver3Ds#13 - Welcome to installment #13 of the Toymaster's Silver 3D
Folder Collection. In this new segment you will find some great new folder
icons. Also included are three system folders for the new Apple machines
(Quadra 800, Centris 610, and Color Classic). In all, there are 35 new
folders and 2 updates in this upload.
Name = Quadra.icon2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Quadra.icon2
Size: 3K Date: 5/01/93 Version: 2
Quadra.icon - Here's an improved version of my original Quadra icon. I got
tired of looking at a black and white drive icon on a 24-bit monitor so I
created this color icon. Although it's a Quadra 950 with a 20" monitor in
front of it (well, maybe it's only a 17" monitor), it looks good on any
color or gray scale monitor with any CPU (it may even speed up some slower
Macs..Simply copy and paste to the "Get Info" window of your hard disk
icon. It's a quick download (less than a minute) and I'm sure you'll be
pleased with it.
Name = PowerBook.icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:PowerBook.icon
Size: 3K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
PowerBook.icon - I wanted to jazz up my wife's Duo icon into something a
bit slicker, so I whipped up this little PB icon. It's an open PowerBook
from the point of view that you usually look at one. I designed it in color
but it looks equally good in gray scale You may also want to check out my
other icons that have been fairly well received. The first is a Quadra
Color Icon that shows a 950 with a color monitor in front. The second is my
Wood File Drawer icon that has been really popular.
Name = Microspace Satellite
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Microspace Satellite
Size: 2K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
Microspace Satellite - Microspace satellite services have reduced
businesses communications costs. Over 90,000 locations are recieving their
data, multimedia, and audio information via Microspace's satellite
services. This file contains further details about this communication
service, specifically for businesses.
Name = Microspace Pricing
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Microspace Pricing
Size: 2K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
Microspace Pricing - Microspace satellite services have reduced businesses
communications costs. Over 90,000 locations are recieving their data,
multimedia, and audio information via Microspace's satellite services.
This file contains pricing details about this communication service,
specifically for businesses. Pricing inside.
Name = MacVcr+
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacVcr+
Size: 55K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
MacVcr+ - MacVCR+ will generate (encode) VCR+ codes given the show time and
length. MacVCR+ is also able to decode the VCR+ codes and give you the
channel, start time, and length.
Name = James' Patterns #1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:James' Patterns #1
Size: 76K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
James' Patterns #1 - I've included 7 patterns that are quite unique.
Having a cool desktop pattern can be very pleasing! Use Desktop Textures to
Name = James Patterns #2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:James Patterns #2
Size: 78K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
James Patterns #2 - I've included several patterns that are quite unique.
Having a cool desktop pattern can be very pleasing!
Name = ICON Wizard1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:ICON Wizard1.0
Size: 47K Date: 5/01/93 Version: 1.0
ICON Wizard1.0 - The ICON Wizard is a shareware product which provides the
capability to easily assign custom ICONs to files, folders and/or disk,
both original and alias. It has a simple drag and drop interface, and
provides a full color paint facility for ICONs. The unregistered version is
completely functional, but does not include an ICON library facility
included in the registered version. by Mike Samuels.
Name = Icon Vault
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icon Vault
Size: 8K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
Icon Vault - For all of those who have color monitors and would like to see
Disinfectant's icon family be represented in all its glory, help is finally
here - by the way of an Icon Vault that can easily be installed. Simply
place it in your System Folder, and those "plain Jane" black and white
Disinfectant icons can be a thing of the past. As long as Disinfectant
keeps its existing creator code, all future upgrades to Disinfectant will
be fixed as well.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:TALKTOME
Size: 4K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
TALKTOME - This is an AD module which listens to the mic and displays a
waveform on your Mac.
Name = SuperClock! 4.0.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SuperClock! 4.0.4
Size: 22K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
SuperClock! 4.0.4 - This version fixes two problems. There were crashes
when configuring the clock in the control panel if you're running on a Mac
Plus. Also, the multiple chime feature wasn't working correctly in all
cases. This is the latest release of SuperClock!, a control panel that puts
a clock on the right end of the menu bar. The enclosed documentation
(fascinating reading) describes its features plus changes specific to this
release. If you copy SuperClock! to another electronic service/BBS, please
use this file so its documentation goes with it. Thanks...
Name = Shaded 3D Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Shaded 3D Icons
Size: 25K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Shaded 3D Icons - If you like the cool silver 3D folder icons you can get
them for just about every application under the sun. They were created by
Toymaster, whose work is availiable through a file search under "color
folders" or something like that. He, Toymaster, likes getting EMailed
suggestions for new folders, and he's a very nice guy so send him your
requests, compliments, etc.
Name = Selvia Demonhead
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Selvia Demonhead
Size: 80K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Selvia Demonhead - Selvia's Demon is a standalone Screen Saver application.
It features a great looking (ghoulish) demon with ghastly eyes. The demon
floats across your screen staring at you with those eyes until...
The demon exits with an appropriately demonic laugh when you "dismiss" him.
Name = Radiation
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Radiation
Size: 18K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Radiation - Radiation is a pair of utilities (a sender & receiver) that
allow the user to put up mysterious error dialogs, containing any message,
on another user's computer over a network. People can be so cruel! Could
also be used as a simple network messaging system. Version 1.0 is
compatible with all manner of convoluted ethernets, ARA linksrouters,
bridges, etc. Requires System 7, at least two Macintoshes (you can send to
yourself, but it's not very fun that way), and a network.
Name = NetBunny 2 1/2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:NetBunny 2 1/2
Size: 19K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 2.5
NetBunny 2 1/2 - this is a totally hot demo of the ever ready battery bunny
going and going around the network.
Name = KingZow Textures24bit-Vol 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:KingZow Textures24bit-Vol 1
Size:152K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
KingZow Textures24bit-Vol 1 - About 15 24-bit patterns I created for use
with the wonderful shareware program Desktop Textures. You can view these
in 8-bit but it doesn't do justice to these beauties. Will create more if
this proves successful.
Name = Joel's ppats #11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's ppats #11
Size:367K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 11
Joel's ppats #11 - nice Textures from Joel in Desktop Textures format.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:ICONFAMILYMAKER2.3
Size: 91K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 2.3
ICONFAMILYMAKER2.3 - General Icon Family Maker is a program that will
create an entire icon family from a cicn, icl8 or PICT resource. I am
defining an entire icon family as icl8, ics8, icl4, ics4, ICN#, and ics#
resources. This is accomplished by plotting the cicn or icl8 in three
offscreen pixmaps of different pixel depths and copying the pixmap data to
the various icon family resources. Cicns can be created from icl8
resources. 32x32 pixel PICT resources can be created from cicn and icl8
Name = Comic Characters
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Comic Characters
Size: 12K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Comic Characters - 9 comic related icons. Batman, Spawn, ShadowHawk,
Spiderman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Savage Dragon...
Name = ColorMusicIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:ColorMusicIcons
Size: 38K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
ColorMusicIcons - Archive contains Resedit files containing color icon
families to the following music applications MOTU Mixer 7s Console
Mosaic, Galaxy, Unisyn, Vision, Performer, SampleCell, MidiTime Piece DA,
SoundDesigner II.
Name = Chris Holmes' Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Chris Holmes' Icons
Size:115K Date: 4/30/93 Version:
Chris Holmes' Icons - many great Icons by Chris Holmes for your use.
Name = Bob's space texture 11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Bob's space texture 11
Size: 59K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 11
Bob's space texture 11 - This is the 11th in the series. This is a return
to venus' surface but this time in color. These are several new images ---
not colorized re-submitted images. For those who wish to know accurate
scientific names on all the textures files, I am hoping to possibly convert
to Wallpaper--peer pressure. Please contact me if you desire to know the
names of these images please refer to the upload Set # and I will tell you
the names of the entire set as best I can. For those less inclined some of
the names are less than exciting ( ie NGC 1479) but some of them are quite
descriptive (ie Crab Nebula). So have fun with your own descriptions.
Name = Video Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Video Icons
Size: 10K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Video Icons - Here are a few color icons related to video. They include
SMPTE color bars, ENG cameras, BVU editing deck, Ikegami camera (tripod and
pedestal), Betacam SP tape, and a slate, Each should have B&W, icl4, icl8,
ics4 and ics8 resources included. If you like them, please drop me an
email. Also, I highly recommend Icon7 by Inline Design. Great program for
custom icons. More to follow if there is interest.
Name = TATAPP1.6.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TATAPP1.6.3
Size:174K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 1.6.3
TATAPP1.6.3 - TattleTale is a system snooper and bug reporter APPLICATION.
The reports are particularly thorough under System 7. It's functionality is
identical to TattleTale DA but some people prefer the Application version
under System 7, although the DA version works perfectly well. 1.6.3 UPDATE
= 1) New Tattle.INIT 1.04 + TattleTale.Trap files, 2) Bug Fixes -
Tattle.INIT conflicts, incorrect font listing under 7.1, main dialog bug,
occasional bad trap# in INIT Patch report, Radius 16 startup crash, Traps
file generation bug, etc.
Name = Space textures 8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space textures 8
Size: 29K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 8
Space textures 8 - This is the first installment in a series of images from
the Hubble Space Telescope, the floating telescope with bad vision. These
images are a variety of deep space images. These images are sometimes a
little grainy because NASA released them before the usual editing because
of all the scientists worries about the usefullness of the telescope.
Name = Space texture 9
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space texture 9
Size: 15K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 9
Space texture 9 - This is the second installment in a series of images from
the Hubble Space Telescope, the myopic telescope with now failing
electronics. These images are a variety of deep space images.
Name = Space texture 10
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space texture 10
Size: 21K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 10
Space texture 10 - This is the third installment in a series of images from
the Hubble Space Telescope. This marks the halfway point in the astronomy
collection that I have, can you believe it--I gotta get a life. I hope
that these images are interesting to people. I would like to hear some
feedback or even some requests. I could even upload the original graphics
for some of these if people would like. I hope more Wallpaper users start
converting these images or somebody writes a little utility for ppat to
wallpaper conversion, hint hint to the bored utilities programmmers. Oh
well people probably don't read this far anyway.
Name = Ppat->PICT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Ppat->PICT
Size: 5K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Ppat->PICT - Converts ppat resources in files to PICT resources (leaving
the ppat resources untouched). Only necessary if you need to convert many
ppats to PICTs or have ppats which are 16/32 bit or odd sizes. Requires
ResEdit or a similar utility to be of much use. PICTs created are always
in Millions of colors, regardless of the original ppat.
Name = HideFiles1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HideFiles1.2
Size: 29K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 1.2
HideFiles1.2 - HideFiles can now hide folders, too! HideFiles is a quick
and easy way to make files or folders visible or invisible. No need to mess
with ResEdit. And hey, if that's not neat enough, it's also got cool
3D-looking buttons.
Name = Crumpled
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Crumpled
Size: 8K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Crumpled - Here is a technique to create your own custom folder designs
that you can Iconize with Folder Icon Maker. Includes a crumpled folder,
and resources to modify Folder Icon maker to iconize crumpled folders. I
hate to claim authorship on this cause I didn't author any of the tools you
use to do this. I just tripped over the technique. Free.
Name = Color Wheel
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Color Wheel
Size: 4K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Color Wheel - Color Wheel is a simple (5k) After Dark module which draws a
wheel of 254 colors on the screen and then uses color table animation to
rotate. The screen background is the same color as the color at the top of
the wheel, so it is constantly changing. It runs tolerably fast on my IIci,
but it may be a little slow on slower Macs. Color Wheel is freeware.
Name = Bob's Space Textures GS
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:Bob's Space Textures GS
Size: 42K Date: 4/21/93 Version:
Bob's Space Textures GS - Bowing to public pressure, this is a collection
of of my favorite grayscale images from Bob's series of "Space Textures"
ppat's, which I've converted into Wallpaper format. Yes, I know what I said
earlier about color images, and yes these actually are grayscale patterns.
Converted to Wallpaper format and uploaded with approval.
Name = Utopiagrokware
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Utopiagrokware
Size: 34K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
Utopiagrokware - Demo of Flowfazer for a 256 color Mac II only. A very
interesting graphics program - called eyecandy by the author - Todd
Name = Switch-A-Roo™ 1.6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:Switch-A-Roo™ 1.6
Size: 30K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 1.6
Switch-A-Roo™ 1.6 - Switch–A–Roo is an FKey. An FKey (Function Key) is a
small program that you install in your system file. Once an FKey is
installed, you may invoke it by holding down the key and the <shift> key,
and then typing the number of the FKey. You probably know about FKeys
already, though you may not have known what they were called. Apple
includes four FKeys in the System. FKeys 1 & 2 eject the floppy in the
internal and external drives, FKey 3 does a screen dump to the disk, and
FKey 4 does a screen dump to the printer. Switch–A–Roo comes set to be FKey
number 9, though you can change the number when you are installing it.
Name = ShowSizes2.2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:ShowSizes2.2.2
Size:118K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 2.2.2
ShowSizes2.2.2 - ShowSizes is a fairly simple program. It scans your hard
disk and displays the structure much like the Finder does. It displays
each folder with a bar chart and text displaying the percentage it and its
descendants occupy. This percentage display is configurable to be either
the percent of the parent folder, the percent of the total disk that it
occupies, the percent of the folder that is wasted, the percent of the
parent’s wasted space, or the percent of the total wasted space. Both the
bar and text displays can be suppressed if desired.
Name = ScreenPicker 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:ScreenPicker 2.0
Size: 26K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 2.0
ScreenPicker 2.0 - ScreenPicker 2.0 is a Control Panel.INIT that randomizes
the PICT resources in StartupScreen and DeskPicture files. 2.0 add a simple
control panel to disble randomization and Icon display on startup.
Name = Screen flipper
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Screen flipper
Size: 26K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
Screen flipper - allows you to change you parameters for your monitors on
the fly with this easy to use tool.
Name = QuickLoc
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuickLoc
Size: 4K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
QuickLoc - QuickLoc is a goofy little utility that, once you get used to
it, is hard to live without. It simply opens all selected folders whenever
the user hits the return key and closes the front,ost window when when the
user hits the delete key. File names can still be edited by hitting the
enter key on the keypad.
Name = Kolor1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Kolor1.0
Size: 26K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 1.0
Kolor1.0 - Kolor is a program for Macintosh II owners. It allows you to
change the default colors associated with - Controls (buttons, check boxes,
radio buttons, and scroll bars), Windows, Menus Hiliting (most notably used
for text hiliting Kolor is used in conjunction with the Control Panel. It
creates resources which are used by the various Managers as default color
tables if an application hasn’t supplied them. As of this writing, very
few programs written for the Macintosh “colorize” their own resources, thus
allowing you to customize your system to suit your tastes.
Name = Deskpict
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Deskpict
Size: 17K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
Deskpict - this device allows to to save your favorite pict=0 format art,
name it deskpicture and place it in the system folder. Upon startup your
new color background picture will be on your screen.
Name = DepthCharge1.7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DepthCharge1.7
Size: 16K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 1.7
DepthCharge1.7 - DepthCharge is a control panel device/system extension
that lets you rapidly switch the color settings of any screen, or change
the speaker volume, without leaving the application you are running. It is
designed to work with multiple or single monitors. It also saves any
changes you make, so they are not forgotten when you turn the machine off.
In this respect it just implements the most frequently used bits of the
Monitors and Sound control panels in a more convenient form. It doesn't
replace either of these control panels completely.
Name = ColorKey1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:ColorKey1.3
Size: 8K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 1.3
ColorKey1.3 - ColorKey allows you to toggle between 2 different color
levels for the Mac II and SE/030's with color cards.
Name = Colorize302
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:Colorize302
Size: 10K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 3.0.2
Colorize302 - Colorize302 - Here is the latest new and improved Colorize
application!!!! Use Colorize to add color to ANY and all Macintosh
applications!!! Allows you to color Dialogs, Windows, Controls, and the
MenuBar. Each application can have different colors Version 3.0 is
compatible with all Macs and System 7.0 With System 7, Colorize v3.01
allows "dropping" applications onto the Colorize icon to add color to that
Name = ScreenLink
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:ScreenLink
Size:502K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
ScreenLink - this is a demo of a commercial program similar to Timbuktu.
This demo allows you access to all features for a short period of time.
Program is relatively inexpensive compared to Timbuktu.
Name = Tidy It Up ! II Intl.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:Tidy It Up ! II Intl.
Size:255K Date: 4/12/93 Version: II
Tidy It Up ! II Intl - Tidy It Up II attempts to solve the ever growing
problem of System Folder clutter. It does so in a "cosmetic" way, i.e. by
regrouping the icons according to a set of categories. The process is very
safe to use, since it doesn't patch anything and ultimately accomplishes
automatically and painlessly what you could very well do manually if you
are willing to spend the required time and effort. Files are sorted
alphabetically in each category. A file's category is determined by its
Type, Creator and name. Tidy It Up II creates one file per category, just
to act as a label for it on the left hand side of the window. Each category
name is preceded by a special token.
Name = Spacetextures6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Spacetextures6
Size: 44K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Spacetextures6 - This is the next installment in the series on space and
astronomy themes. I have included some pictures of astronauts in this one,
so let me know if you like these "pictures" as well as the more continious
textures type.
Name = Spacetexture7cpt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Spacetexture7cpt
Size: 32K Date: 4/12/93 Version: 7
Spacetexture7 - This is the next installment in the series on space and
astronomy themes. This is a series of Magellan images of the surface of
Venus. These images are in greyscale but show tremendous detail and some
pretty interesting and bizarre aspects of this planet's surface.
Name = Shiny Blanks
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Shiny Blanks
Size: 12K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Shiny Blanks - Contains "shiny blanks" in the spirit of the ever-popular
shiny 3D folder. "Blanks" include Mover(truck), INIT/Extension, Tile,
Name = PrintOne 1.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PrintOne 1.0.2
Size: 4K Date: 4/12/93 Version: 1.0.2
PrintOne 1.0.2 - PrintOne is a simple start-up document (INIT) which will
add a PrintOne menu item to the File menu. Selecting PrintOne will then
skip the print dialog and print a single copy of the document using the
standard default settings. PrintOne 1.0.2 now allows the Print menu item
to be changed to PrintOne by holding down the option key while selecting
the File menu. This new option is available to applications for which
PrintOne will not add the PrintOne menu item.
Name = Ppat->PICT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Ppat->PICT
Size: 5K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Ppat->PICT - Converts ppat resources in files to PICT resources (leaving
the ppat resources untouched). Only necessary if you need to convert many
ppats to PICTs or have ppats which are 16/32 bit or odd sizes. Requires
ResEdit or a similar utility to be of much use. PICTs created are always in
Millions of colors, regardless of the original ppat.
Name = Icons forGeneral work
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icons forGeneral work
Size: 31K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Icons forGeneral work - Here are some more icons to complement the ones I
uploaded earlier. These ones should help users keep better track of their
work. They are eye catching general folder icons. Hope you all like them.
Comments appreciated, if you like them and have some icons you have
designed I would welcome the download via Email.
Name = FsID
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:FsID
Size: 35K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
FsID - This set of three utilities (AppleShareSetup, Remote Control Server
and UnMount It) are from Jim Luther of Apple's Developer Technical Support.
They enhance people using FileSharing or AppleShare servers. Be the
Appleshare stud or studette in your office with these neat little goodies.
The AppleShareSetup control panel lets you set or disable various options
supported by the AppleShare Chooser extension. With AppleShareSetup, you ca
Make specific AppleShare alerts "time-out" after a set amount of time. For
example, you can make the "The file server is closing down in x minute(s)"
alert automatically dismiss itself after 10 seconds.
Name = EyeCon's Two
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:EyeCon's Two
Size: 38K Date: 4/12/93 Version: 2
EyeCon's Two - EyeCon's Two is a collection of 24 quality icons to adorn
your desktop with. You will need system 7 and a color or gray scale
monitor. Ian Fleming, Sean Conery - 007, Gerge Lazenby - 007, Roger Moore
- 007, Timothy Dalton - 007, Rod Serling, Don Adams, Ema Peel & Mr. Steed
to name a few...
Name = Drainage
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Drainage
Size: 2K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
Drainage - Tons of awesome modules running quickly! Funny! You've got to
see it! Check out some other files by choosing "Sacred Bod" in file search
Name = Desktop Notes 2.0x
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Desktop Notes 2.0x
Size: 62K Date: 4/12/93 Version: 2.0x
Desktop Notes 2.0x - Desktop Notes, formerly Post-it Notes, are nothing
more than small do-nothing apps that you can use to leave short notes on
file servers, desktops, or in folders. Each has a distinct color icon, some
of which help convey a message, while others are decorative or just silly.
You can enter a short note in the file's title and/or add more information
in the Get Info box. If opened accidentally they just run and quit, making
them MBA-proof (no confusing "can't find app" alert) and oblivious to just
about every user action. Desktop Notes are beerware. Worth the download for
the icons, if you're an icon sort of person.
Name = Talk 1.1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Talk 1.1.0
Size: 61K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 1.1.0
Talk 1.1.0 - Put an alias to Talk in your Startup Folder, and launch it.
Put an alias to Talk somewhere useful, and launch it. Set the Preferences
via the Preferences menu, and click Save. Choose Talk from the File menu
and type in the recipients name, click Talk. Choose Show Status from the
File menu and watch the connection progress.Wait until the person answers
and a talk window appears. You type into one half of the window and they
type into the other half. Save the Talk menu with the Save Menu command.
You can quit Talk.
Name = System7Blue-ResEdit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:System7Blue-ResEdit
Size: 77K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
System7Blue-ResEdit - Here is the complete collection of 607 System7 Blue
folders icons in ResEdit format. They have been constructed for those that
prefer the original color folders instead of the Silver3Ds Folders that I
offer, yet would like to have all the neat little program and generic icons
from the other set. For those that don't feel intimidated by ResEdit,
downloading this file will let you look over the complete set as of this
date. A reminder to those that choose to work from this file, please make
sure that you work only on copies of your files. The Silver 3D collection
is available for those who are unfamilar with ResEdit in the easy to use
"standard folder" format for simple copy and pasting.
Name = Suntar1.3.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Suntar1.3.3
Size: 77K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 1.3.3
Suntar1.3.3 - Suntar 1.3.3 is the cheapest way to transfer data between a
Macintosh and an UNIX workstation if a few, minimal hardware requirements
are met. Suntar 1.3.3 is also a MacBinary, BinHex and PackIt extractor
hence it may be moderately useful even to people without access to UNIX
Name = Space textures 5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space textures 5
Size: 26K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
Space textures 5 - Here is the fifth installment in a "series" of small
ppat uploads I am undertaking. This is similar in form to the last series
that I uploaded. I hope that these will be converted to Wallpaper format.
This point in the upload series is about 1/3 of the ppats of space,
astronomy theme that I have. I have a fair number of greyscale images
especially based on the Magellan satellite images based on the surface of
Venus. I hope there is interest for this, I would like to hear from people
about this series as this is my only reward I ask for this series.
Name = Space Textures 4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space Textures 4
Size: 34K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 4
Space Textures 4 - Here is the fourth installment in a "series" of small
ppat uploads I am undertaking. This is similar in form to the last series
that I uploaded. Again, I appreciate hearing from those people who like
these and will continue as long as interest exists. These are mostly NASA
images converted to size in Photoshop.
Name = Silver3Ds-ResEdit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3Ds-ResEdit
Size: 86K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
Silver3Ds-ResEdit - Here is the complete collection of 607 Silver 3D
folders icons in ResEdit format. For those that don't feel intimidated by
ResEdit. Downloading this file will let you look over the complete set as
of this date. A reminder to those that choose to work from this file,
please make sure that you work only on copies of your files. The Silver 3D
collection is also available in the easy to use "standard folder" format
for simple copy and pasting from the GetInfo box. They are found in 12
parts in the Resouces area of this sub. Happy customizing...
Name = Silver3Ds#12
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3Ds#12
Size: 41K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 12
Silver3Ds#12 - These folders are meant to be transferred onto your existing
folders by the copy and paste method in the "Get Info" box. The names have
been shortened so simply replacing your old folders with these can cause
your Finder to be confused. If you must simply replace one with the other,
please copy the name of your original folder "exactly" to the Silver 3D
folder before making the switch. Here is part 12 of a large collection of
Silver 3D folder icons in the standard folder format. They are in actual
folders, so that a simple copy and paste in the finder's get info box will
transfer the folder icon to your folder without having to deal with
Name = Ricks Trash
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Ricks Trash
Size: 6K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
Ricks Trash - Here are two trashcan replacements a Box with a trashbag and
a bucket. Look best in 250 colors. Must know how to use ResEdit to
install. Easy instructions are included.
Name = Prophylaxis1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Prophylaxis1.0.1
Size: 6K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 1.0.1
Prophylaxis1.0.1 - A simple, yet effective security INIT. Not hard to
bypass, but keeps the average meddler out of your files. ShareWare - $5.
Name = MST3Kicons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:MST3Kicons
Size: 15K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
MST3Kicons - Here are a few little icons that I created for those of us
that are huge fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000. As this is my first
attempt at a posting, i would sure appreciate any feedback (positive or
Name = Mac2tel v2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:Mac2tel v2
Size: 11K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 2
Mac2tel v2 - Illustrated Teachtext file describes how to build adapter to
connect any Mac, new or old, mono or stereo, to your phone line. Also
works with home stereos and Walkpersons. Circuit is easy to build, cheap,
legal, and effective. Parts cost less than $7 at your local shopping-mall
electronics store. Soldering is minimal.
Name = JK’s Menubar Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JK’s Menubar Icons
Size: 7K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
JK’s Menubar Icons - If you have the new Click-Change, you’ve undoubtedly
found that the ability to replace text in menus with icons is a major
enhancement. Many of the icons included with the package are exceptional;
however, being a tinkerer (and wanting to get to know the limits of the
package), I have come up with some replacements. This is a Menubar file
that can be accessed via the Import feature within CC 2.0’s Menubar
Name = ICONS!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:ICONS!
Size: 56K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
ICONS! - You are now the proud owner of 40 BEAUTIFUL icons especially
designed to enhance the inate "Idiom" of your most wondrous Macintosh
system. The individually handcrafted works of stylistically perfect art,
each possess the following great features Optimized for 256 colors. The
more colors you have, the better the icons look. A wide variety of really
neat styles. Yes!, you can choose anything from the "Pseudo-Sun Collection"
to the "Demonic Happy Faces". Make your computer fit you mood!
Name = Huge ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Huge ppats
Size:523K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
Huge ppats - These textures were created for Desktop Textures 2.0 with
Aldus SuperPaint 3.0, Aldus Gallery Effects: Classic Art 1.0, and ResEdit
2.1.1. Most of these textures I created from scratch. Some were originally
from free use artwork I found on Nautilus CD ROMs in 1992. Some are from
the Kodak PhotoCD Sampler. The PhotoCD images that I have not manipulated
are credited to their respective photographers as required in the copyright
information found in the sampler.
Name = Grapher361
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Grapher361
Size: 91K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 3.61
Grapher361 - Grapher is a function graphing program, intended as a low-cost
(but powerful) tool for students and researchers. Functions are entered in
the standard BASIC notation (e.g. 2*x; cos(x^3); 3*x-sqrt(x)) with the
usual order of operations assumed. Several functions may be graphed on the
same set of axes. The program supports the standard menus for saving and
loading files, printing, and copying graphs as PICT graphics to the
clipboard. Other features include zooming in on parts of the graph,
zooming out, and locating solutions and intercepts.
Name = EpsiTalk 2.0a Tour
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:EpsiTalk 2.0a Tour
Size:100K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 2.0a
EpsiTalk 2.0a Tour - epsiTalk 2.0 allows you to create multiuser HyperCard
databases and applications. E-Mail with store and forward, on-line
conferencing, instant messaging and real-time multi-user stacks. Any
epsiTalker can serve multiple epsiTalk applications, while being clients to
multiple servers, send mail and files, conduct meetings and broadcast
messages to still others, all at the same time. Multiply your productivity
and communications 5 times over with our starter 5 user package. "epsiTalk
2.0, a Tour" is a HyperCard stack and requires HyperCard 2.1 or the
HyperCard Player to run. It has been compacted with Stuffit Deluxe.
Name = Checksum 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Checksum 1.0
Size: 40K Date: 4/09/93 Version: 1.0
Checksum 1.0 - Checksum is a program that allows anyone to quickly and
easily calculate file checksums. Briefly, a checksum is a number calculated
for a file by performing some operation on all the characters in the file,
such as adding up all the character values and generating a total. A
checksum is useful for testing the integrity of a file — the calculated
checksum can either be compared against a previously calculated checksum,
or the checksum can be compared against a checksum for a file on another
computer. Checksum is the easiest way to compare two files on Macintosh
computers (either on the same machine or different ones), to tell if they
are identical or not!
Name = Chameleon DSP Patterns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Chameleon DSP Patterns
Size: 31K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
Chameleon DSP Patterns - This is a small sample of the patterns available
for Chameleon from Logical Solutions, Inc. Chameleon is the ultimate
desktop pattern enhancement utility. The enclosed patterns are from the
Logical Solutions Double Secret Probation (DSP) pattern set, which grows to
ever more frightening scale and proportion, even as we speak! Included
are GridWorld, Power Strip, Down the Chute, The Chameleon, Surrounded and
World Without End.
Name = Wowee!3-D!Buttons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Wowee!3-D!Buttons
Size: 34K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 3
Wowee!3-D!Buttons - This "wowee! 3-D!" collection of button icons pays
tribute to the number of times I've been put on "megahold," waited for
latecomers to meetings/appointments, and took (not necessarily needed)
breaks from my work. This file contains a delicious assortment of paint,
draw, art, quicktime and movie icons. I use these babies for aliaises of
oft used programs, and line 'em up at the bottom of my screen. Let's hear
it for GUI! (and I'm not talkin' windows. . .)
Name = Wind Warp
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Wind Warp
Size: 18K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Wind Warp - If you have several monitors attached to your Mac, then
WindowWarp is the INIT you have been waiting for! Option-click in the zoom
box of a window, and the window will warp to the next screen. If the window
happens to be too large (on the screen too small), then the window is
resized. Shift-Option-click in the zoom box of a window, and the window
will warp to the other screen AND be resized to fit the screen. Using the
control panel, you can customize the actions. Click on 'Warp', 'Smart Warp'
or 'Warp to full Size' (it will become inverted) to activate the recording.
Name = Tn3270 2.4d9
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Tn3270 2.4d9
Size:296K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 2.4d9
Tn3270 2.4d9 - This version of tn3270 is experimental, pre-production code.
Please keep that in mind when using or distributing it. Allows connections
with MacTCP. The major changes are support for multiple sessions and for
Paste. For a complete list of changes, see the file "tn3270.updates.2.4".
Peter DiCamillo
Name = Star Wars
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Star Wars
Size: 48K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Star Wars - Here are 43 of your favorite characters and spacecraft from
Star Wars for your icon pleasure, and 9 (64x64) pictures for your desktop
pleasure. (you can also use the 32x32 icons for your desktop!) From the
Star Wars logo to Darth Vader to Luke and R2-D2 they are all there. (I even
got uncle Owen.)
Name = Speed Message II2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Speed Message II2.0
Size:105K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 2.0
Speed Message II2.0 - Speed Message II is an application designed for small
networked environments -- particularly those whose users can't afford the
money required to get a full-fledged commercial E-Mail package. This
program enables users on these TANs ("Tiny Area Networks") to communicate
via text and short voice messages. All that is needed is a small network
of Macs, System 7.x, this program, and the desire to communicate!
Name = Space Textures III
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space Textures III
Size: 19K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Space Textures III - This is the third in the series of ppats based on
space and astronomy themes.
Name = Space Texture
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Space Texture
Size: 19K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Space Texture - Here are some neat patterns based on space and astronomy
themes from public domain images from NASA. These are pretty neat and are
128x128 so Resedit won't like them. If anybody likes them and would like
me to post more--(I have about 2 Meg's worth) I would be happy to upload
them--- Enjoy
Name = Snap Mail System 7 Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Snap Mail System 7 Demo
Size:210K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Snap Mail System 7 Demo - A wonderful mail software package. It runs under
System 7.0 only. It is complete with installation instructions. It takes
only 20K of memory and runs in the background. It has all the bells and
whistles one could want. Written by Eric Braun and Adam King.
Name = Silver3Ds#11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3Ds#11
Size: 41K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 11
Silver3Ds#11 - These folders are meant to be transferred onto your existing
folders by the copy and paste method in the "Get Info" box. The names have
been shortened so simply replacing your old folders with these can cause
your Finder to be confused. If you must simply replace one with the other,
please copy the name of your original folder "exactly" to the Silver 3D
folder before making the switch. Here is part 11 of a large collection of
Silver 3D folder icons in the standard folder format. They are in actual
folders, so that a simple copy and paste in the finder's get info box will
transfer the folder icon to your folder without having to deal with
Name = Sierpinski
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Sierpinski
Size: 15K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Sierpinski - This screen saver module produces the fractal named
Seirpenski’s Gasket/Triangle. It generates different sizes, shapes, and
colors (for those with color Mac’s). It begins by randomly selecting three
vertices of the selected type of triangle and setting the first plotted
point to the center of the monitor (Displays on Monitor 1 only). It then
randomly picks other points to plot corresponding to the three vertices.
After 24,000 points have been plotted, the module will begin anew,
therefore not burning into the monitor.
Name = SEA Icon Vault
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:SEA Icon Vault
Size: 27K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
SEA Icon Vault - This special icon vault (single file) contains a complete
icon family for self extracting archives. Complete icon family means that
if you have color capability, you'll get stupendous color with every
download. This is achieved after simply placing the vault anywhere on your
disk and rebuilding the desktop. Each 8bit icon (icl8) is optimized for the
utilization of the Apple Icon Colors, so that when they are selected you
get more than just uniform dimming, but also specifically selected pixels
that highlight themselves (don't dim).
Name = Reset DTDBs 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Reset DTDBs 2.0
Size: 17K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 2.0
Reset DTDBs 2.0 - This program will reset the Desktop Databases (DTDBs) on
each mounted volume. It is somewhat like the Desktop Reset™ extension
except that it is an application. Before running the program, however, you
should eject all floppy disks and read-only disks (like CD-ROMs), and quit
all running applications. After running Reset DTDBs, the computer will
restart. Then the Finder will rebuild all the desktop files from scratch.
The process is then finished; the databases have been totally rebuilt.
Name = QuicKeys™ Test Drive
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuicKeys™ Test Drive
Size:744K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
QuicKeys™ Test Drive - this is the test drive for the new Quickeys
available from CE Software. Try it and see what you think.
Name = Quadra.icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Quadra.icon
Size: 3K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Quadra.icon - I got tired of looking at a black and white drive icon on a
24-bit monitor so I created this color icon. Although it's a Quadra 950
with a 20" monitor in front of it, it looks good on any color monitor with
any cpu (I thinks it even speeds up some lesser Macs I've installed it on
... uh, yea). Simply copy and paste to the get info window of your hard
disk icon. It's a quick download and I'm sure you'll be pleased with it.
Check out my "File Drawer" icon also ... it's a big hit.
Name = Powerless1.0b3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Powerless1.0b3
Size: 22K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.0b3
Powerless1.0b3 - Powerless lets you schedule automatic, unattended system
shutdowns. This allows you to leave your computer running so that it can
complete a task, then shut off after a period of time you specify. It is
most useful if your computer provides complete shutoff (that is, the
computer turns itself off completely when you choose Shutdown from the
Finder's Special menu). Powerless is easily accessible when placed into
your Apple Menu Items folder or on the Desktop.
Name = PawPaw
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:PawPaw
Size: 11K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
PawPaw - this is an after dark module that gives to tracks all over your
screen from horses, people, bears and other animals. Fun stuff.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:NEW "FOLDER" ICONS
Size: 9K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
NEW "FOLDER" ICONS - These are new "Folder" icons for the System file
running system 7.X. Recommend using iContraption. Great icons!
Name = NAFF
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NAFF
Size: 7K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
NAFF - allows you to convert from Mac to Unix, Mac to Dos, and the other
way. Interesting.
Name = MXM Clock 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MXM Clock 1.0.1
Size: 10K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.0.1
MXM Clock 1.0.1 - Enclosed is MXMClock, yet another menubar clock program.
This one requires 32bit Color QD and a system running multifinder or System
Seven. This is an update of MXMClock that I just sent out that crashed on
computers with bad/corrupt Menu Color entries. This version uses a PICT
instead of obtaining the menu bar color for a background. I also added pref
file code. Now when you quit MXMClock it writes the changes to a prefs
file. You can change the location of the clock by clicking on it and
Name = MicroClock
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MicroClock
Size: 14K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
MicroClock - this is a nice desktop clock from Graham Cox. Try it you will
like it.
Name = Micn19
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Micn19
Size: 25K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.9
Micn19 - This hack is an implementation of an idea suggested by USENET
readers* as a method for reclaiming menu bar space. It has no real
interface, but it is configurable (with ResEdit). I pronounce the name
“my-kin”; you can pronounce it however you like, Pat. MICN is still free,
still less than 20K on your disk, and it’s still only 580 bytes of code in
your System Heap! MICN does not replace the titles of menus in memory, so
programs that use these titles will find them in the proper place.
Name = MemINIT 2.0.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MemINIT 2.0.5
Size: 20K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 2.0.5
MemINIT 2.0.5 - MemINIT displays a pie graph and/or a pie graph of the
amount of memory used by the current program. It is useful to tell when to
give a program more memory, to tell if a program is doing something (the
memory generally jumps around when it is), and just because it's fun to
watch. This version 2.0.5 fixes a bug in 2.0.4 where MemINIT would not load
on any 68000 Mac (Plus, SE, Classic, Portable, PowerBook 100). MemINIT
2.0.4 is a bug fix to 2.0.3. It fixes a bug which may have caused problems
at startup.
Name = Machine icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Machine icons
Size: 28K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Machine icons - this is a collection of icons of many Apple machines. A
must for your Icon collection.
Name = Mac-to-iso1.0.1b
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:Mac-to-iso1.0.1b
Size: 20K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.0.1b
Mac-to-iso1.0.1b - This Mac program translates ASCII Macintosh files (type
'TEXT') into ISO Latin-1 files. Therefore, documents containing
international characters (documents written in French, Catalan or Spanish,
for instance) can be translated and sent to a UNIX gopher server, and
they will be seen properly with any ISO Latin-1 compliant gopher client,
like TurboGopher. (Obviously, you don't need MacToISO if you use a Mac
gopher server it does the translation for you.)
Name = Loodle5.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:Loodle5.3
Size:142K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 5.3
Loodle5.3 - The newest edition of this popular shareware utility.
Automatically prepares professional looking labels for floppy disks -
including file and folder names, icons, pictures, etc. Also prepares a text
catalog of floppy disk contents. Now Loodle also catalogs hard drives,
syquests, opticals and other large capacity storage devices. Many other new
features as well. Includes LoodleList, a Hypercard stack that maintains on
online database of disks cataloged by Loodle. $10 shareware fee (Cheap!)
Name = LockVol™ 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LockVol™ 1.4
Size: 19K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.4
LockVol™ 1.4 - LockVol is a Control Panel device that can be used to test
software handling of locked volumes, local or remote. LockVol displays a
popup menu containing all volumes in use by your Mac and allows you to
change the status of each volume from unlocked, to having a software or
hardware lock. Changes made in the Control Panel are immediate and remain
intact until you change them back or re-mount the affected volume. The
status of the startup volume is restored after a reboot. Use LockVol to
test software that may run on locked installer disks, CD's or remote
volumes that may not always have read/write privelages.
Name = Lockout/IdleLaunch ƒ
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:Lockout/IdleLaunch ƒ
Size: 43K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Lockout/IdleLaunch - Lockout is a bare-bones FREE security program. It
functions as a "screen locker", disallowing access to the Finder and other
programs until a valid password is entered. An unlimited number of User
Passwords may be assigned. One Master Password is used to add or delete
the User Passwords, and set message and warning text. IdleLaunch 1.2 is
included as a means to automatically launch Lockout 2.2 after a user
specifyable amount of "idle time" (pretty much like a screen saver, in this
regard). IdleLaunch is an application that runs in the background (but only
uses 35K of your precious RAM).
Name = Left dogear
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Left dogear
Size: 6K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Left dogear - This is a left-handed dog ear type button. If you don't know
what a dog ear button is, take a look at the note pad in the Finder. This
button works the same way. If you like to make stacks with flip up pages
(like a pad) this button will give you a more intuitive look and feel than
a plain vanilla round rectangle button. Version 1.0
Name = Jewish Calendar
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Jewish Calendar
Size: 11K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Jewish Calendar - this is a Jewish Calendar by Frank Yellin. Contains dates
and other info. Free!
Name = Icons! Getcher Icons!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icons! Getcher Icons!
Size: 18K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Icons! Getcher Icons! - These "Class C" icons (mostly color) are provided
for your personal enjoyment and/or edification. Please let me know if you
have found them useful.
Name = Grey Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Grey Folders
Size: 43K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Grey Folders - These are dark grey 3D folders for the system and lots of
applications, documents, and games. Thanks to those who gave me ideas for
this. This set of folders is complete with system icons and a wide variety
of application, game, and document folders. If you like these folders, let
me know. If you hate them, let me know. If you put them in your system and
design some I left out, why not re-upload the set-or send me the additional
ones and I will.
Name = File Drawer.icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:File Drawer.icon
Size: 3K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
File Drawer.icon - I keep all the files and folders I create in a
"DataFolder" on my desktop for easy access. I got tired of looking at this
generic folder, so I looked around my office and recreated a drawer from a
classic wood file cabinet. Now it visually makes sense that I file all my
documents in this "file drawer." I got many requests for a copy of it, so
maybe you'll like it too. Simply copy and paste to the get info window of
any folder icon and keep it on your desktop. It's a quick download and I'm
sure you'll be pleased with it. Also check out my "Quadra" icon ... it'll
jazz up your hard disk icon.
Name = Disk Replacement
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Disk Replacement
Size: 4K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Disk Replacement - This is a collection of icons you can use to replace
the drab disk icons on the Finder of the Mac. Included in the download are
six icons: one for normal, single sided, double sided, high density, locked
and PC compatible. Each icon will display in color, B & W, grey scale,
etc. Enjoy! All documentation included.
Name = Disk Rejuvenator
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Disk Rejuvenator
Size: 14K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Disk Rejuvenator - Disk Rejuvenator is designed to be a simple utility for
putting some life back into your disk. It does so by examining some common
attributes of your disk and correcting those that are in need of
correction. Disk Rejuvenator requires System 6.0.4 or later, and System 7
users additionally can enjoy an easy “drag and drop” interface.
Name = Deskscan2-patch
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Deskscan2-patch
Size: 18K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Deskscan2-patch - If you have DeskScan II v1.6 or later, run this patch.
It will prompt you to select the DeskScan II file in your TWAIN folder,
which is in your Preferences folder, which is in your System Folder. You
may want to make a backup copy first in case it doesn't work. Then run
DeskScan II and Shift-Opt-Cmd Click in the DeskScan II preview area.
Name = Deep Space 9
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Deep Space 9
Size:389K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Deep Space 9 - contains several icons from the deep space 9 series.
Name = Death Head
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:Death Head
Size: 14K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Death Head - Wallpaper for your more morbid moments. Guaranteed to scare
the dog and kids away from your Mac.
Name = Chameleon Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Chameleon Demo
Size:130K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Chameleon Demo - The Chameleon Demo from Logical Solutions! The ultimate
Macintosh desktop enhancement utility! Chameleon includes all the tools you
will need to create and display beautiful color, gray scale or black &
white desktop patterns quickly and easily. The entire Artbeats Marble &
Granite collection and over a hundred other patterns are included. The
powerful pattern editor includes a broad set of drawing tools to make
creating new patterns fun and easy. PICTs from the clipboard may be pasted
in directly for fast pattern creation. Full import and export capability
allows you to easily share patterns with others.
Name = Catalog 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Catalog 3.0
Size: 30K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Catalog 3.0 - Catalog 3.0 is an application that catalogs HFS volumes. To
catalog a disk, for example, just choose the disk's name from under the
Catalog menu. The disk's catalog is immediately displayed in a window, and,
optionally, can be saved as a TEXT file, or printed. The catalog is
displayed in its hierarchical organization using a very easy-to-read
Name = Bob's space textures II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Bob's space textures II
Size: 21K Date: 3/26/93 Version: II
Bob's space textures II - Here is the second installment in a "series" of
small ppat uploads I may undertake, depending upon response. This is
similar in form to the last series that I uploaded. Again, I appreciate
hearing from those people who like these and will continue as long as
interest exists. These are mostly NASA images converted to size in
Photoshop. Resedit does not like most of these because it can't handle
128x128 ppats, but Desktop textures and Before Dark and Wallpaper can.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:BILL TRASH
Size: 4K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
BILL TRASH - This is a pair of Icon Families to replace the standard Trash
Can icon in System 7.x. They bear the similarity to Bill The Cat from
Bloom County/Outland.
Name = Backdrop Screens Vol. 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Backdrop Screens Vol. 2
Size: 25K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 2
Backdrop Screens Vol. 2 - Here are SIXTEEN 3-D Backdrop Screens I created
for the Backdrop INIT by Tim Maroney. They are in Startup Screen format so
you can use them for that purpose, but I think they look much better as
Name = 610 Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:610 Icon
Size: 2K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
610 Icon - This is the standard 610 color icon from System 7.1, with a 14"
monitor on top. I have pasted it on a folder, so you can use the "Get info"
command to copy and paste it on anything you like. No need for ResEdit.
Name = Patterns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:Patterns
Size: 69K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Patterns - great Wallpaper patterns from SMUG.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:PATTERNMANIA 2
Size: 14K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
PATTERNMANIA 2 - PatternMania continues to sweep the telephone lines with
its second edition. This time, sixteen new 'ppat' resources with a twist.
These are not your average patterns. These designs are more like
simulations. There's grid paper; a football field; dollar bills; fruit;
wood; moons and stars; gold bars and more. And everything is 'hand painted'
using only ResEdit. No scanned photographs here. Download it today, and let
me know if you like it. Regards, N. Jonas Englund.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:PATTERNMANIA 1
Size: 15K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
PATTERNMANIA 1 - I am a professional artist and graphic designer, with a
passion for computing. Maybe it is my profession that makes me grow tired
of the same old desktop, but I have found a cure: ResEdit! Here are a
dozen of my best desktop pattern designs. They range from brick walls to
M.C. Escher, via Disney (c) Walt Disney Productions) and desert scrub. It
is my first submission. Feel free to share with friends and colleagues; no
cost involved. Cheers and jeers are welcome. Please enjoy!
Name = Mac Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Mac Icon
Size: 3K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Mac Icon - Two color icons. One is a Macintosh modular computer (IIcx,
IIci) with a couple of hands shaking above it. The other icon is a SyQuest
cartridge drive with a couple of hands shaking above it. These icons can be
used in many situations (i.e.: to indicate computer connectivity, to
indicate a main computer hooked to a peripheral drive, etcThere is an
additional icon included. It's a SIMM module. This icon is black and white
Name = Ken's ppat's 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Ken's ppat's 1
Size: 5K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Ken's ppat's 1 - Five patterns here two versions of a star chart of the
constellation Cygnus (64 X 64) (light blue is the Milky Way, green are
nebula); Two versions of Balanced Rock in Arches National Park, UT (64 X
64); and a beach babe (32 X 32). These are in desktop textures format.
Name = Iconstartup
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Iconstartup
Size: 61K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Iconstartup - This file contains a nice Color Icon Startup Screen for Mac
Name = Icons for Macintosh™ II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icons for Macintosh™ II
Size: 6K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Icons for Macintosh™ II - Icons for MacII.
Name = Iconcol1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Iconcol1.5
Size: 51K Date: 2/23/93 Version: 1.5
Iconcol1.5 - Color Iconizer version 1.5 for Mac II color icons.
Name = Czicons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Czicons
Size: 27K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Czicons - This file contains additional color icons for Color Iconizer
version 1.5.
Name = Color Icon Editor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Color Icon Editor
Size: 13K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Color Icon Editor - Color Icon Editor for editing CICN's.
Name = CIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:CIcons
Size: 7K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
CIcons - Color Icons.
Name = CIconEdit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:CIconEdit
Size: 12K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
CIconEdit - MacII Color Icon Editor.
Name = Cicns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cicns
Size: 4K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Cicns - Nice color dialog icons for MacII.
Name = Apple ICL8 Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Apple ICL8 Icons
Size: 27K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Apple ICL8 Icons - Apple ICL8 Icons.sit contains additional Apple icons for
256 color icon maker SunDesk.
Name = AppleColorIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:AppleColorIcons
Size: 27K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
AppleColorIcons - additional icons for Sundesk a great color icon init.
Name = Remotestyle 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Remotestyle 1.1
Size: 16K Date: 2/17/93 Version: 1.1
Remotestyle 1.1 - RemoteStyle is a small application that let you share on
the network any printer that is background-capable, for instance the
StyleWriter, or the original DeskWriter. It can also transfer on a more
powerful Macintosh the burden of doing the printing. You can use it if your
Macintosh is not powerful enough to print in the background without causing
your mouse to have jerky movements. This new version of RemoteStyle is much
different from the first one. The user interface has been a lot improved,
some bugs have been corrected, and backgrounding is more cooperative and
Name = Walk Folder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Walk Folder
Size: 7K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Walk Folder - A couple of random walk After Dark modules. RGBWalk changes
the colors abruptly. RainbowWalk changes the colors smoothly. On a B&W Mac
it makes no difference which module you use as there are no colors to
change. The walk will travel across multiple monitors if such are
Name = IconStack
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IconStack
Size:618K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
IconStack - IconStack is the ultimate HyperCard B/W icon library by Geoff
Williams, the author of other notable HyperCard stacks such as Bomb Hunter,
Pig Professional, ArtBlox and the HyperMagic series (for magicians only).
This handy HyperCard stack contains over 100 screens (cards) totaling MORE
THAN 7000 icon-size black & white pictures (32 pixels by 32 pixels) of
almost every conceivable form. Users can modify, copy and create their own
icons for use in graphics programs, System 7 desktop icons, HyperCard
buttons, ResEdit, etc. Icons can easily be added to this library.
Name = IconsRUs 2.0S
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IconsRUs 2.0S
Size: 46K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
IconsRUs 2.0S - This is the Sampler Pack for Icons 'R' Us 2.0. It contains
a sample of the icons that are available in the full version, and should
enable you to determine whether or not you want to spend an hour
downloading the complete package. I hope you like it :)
Name = IconsRUs2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IconsRUs2.0
Size:457K Date: 2/16/93 Version: 2.0
IconsRUs2.0 - contains lots of great icons for your Macintosh. Eight
folders of icons and instructions.
Name = Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icons
Size: 25K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Icons - a number of great icons for your desktop decoration.
Name = FunIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FunIcons
Size: 20K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
FunIcons - Restart your machine and when extensions are loaded hold down
the option and apple keys, you will get a dialogue asking if you want to
rebuild the desktop. Hit "yes". It'll only take a couple of minutes. After
that you will have a folder full of neato new icons for folders and the
like. To use them hit get info on any of them, click the icon in the corner
of the get info box and hit copy from the edit menu (apple-c). Then get
info on whatever you want to copy them to, click the corner icon box in the
get info window and select paste from the edit menu (apple-v). These are in
16 and 256 color as well as black and white so they work with all macs and
all settings, though, 256 is definitely preferred.
Name = Floppy icons 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Floppy icons 1
Size: 6K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Floppy icons - So, how long have you been aching for floppy disk icons that
tell you more than "this is a floppy disk?" Your call has been answered.
Here are a bunch of disk icons that you can use to identify your floppies
on insert or even as relacement folder icons. What fun!
Name = FKEY Display
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FKEY Display
Size: 4K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
FKEY Display - FKEY Display is an FKEY that shows a list of the names of
all the FKEYs installed in your System. It will also show you that an FKEY
is installed even if it is not named. It shows the standard Apple FKEYs 1-4
with a description of what they do, if they are not named. Note that you
can install your own FKEYs here and they will override the ROM FKEYs (what
Adam Stein says about this in his FKEY Master is NOT true).
Name = Dog Kiss ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Dog Kiss ppats
Size: 18K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Dog Kiss ppats - Two ppats of an interesting painting... A couple engaged
in a passionate kiss. The back of each person's head is a dog's face.
Name = Button icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Button icons
Size: 23K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Button icons - Nestled within this bunch of icons to beautify your desktop.
They're based on Renderer's "button icons." I use them for aliaises of oft
used programs, and line 'em up at the bottom of my screen. O how
convenient! And how snazzy!
Name = Bongo Bob302
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bongo Bob302
Size:621K Date: 2/16/93 Version: 3.0.2
Bongo Bob302 - Bongo Bob is a system extension (INIT) that will display a
wacky, obnoxious, or meaningful saying when your Macintosh starts up.
Bongo Bob is PHOTOWARE! If you decide to keep Bongo Bob in your software
library, please send the author a funny, odd, strange, weird, or wild
picture of yourself (Please be sure to put your name, city, and state on
the back of the photo.) Your picture will be added to the author's "Bongo
Bob Registered Owners Collage" which is on display at his apartment.
Name = Zoomin’ INIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Zoomin’ INIT
Size: 32K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
Zoomin’ INIT - This INIT will increase your Mac's speed by 600% in opening
windows, closing programs, opening programs, opening documents. Amazing.
You can't believe how much faster this INIT makes things. Works on
ANY Macintosh, system 6, too! Incredible! A must-have!
Name = Shredder 7.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Shredder 7.0
Size: 9K Date: 2/05/93 Version: 7.0
Shredder 7.0 - contains the neccessary resources to change the
standard-issue trash can into a shredder. Shredder 7.0 has B/W, 16-color,
and 256-color icons. ResEdit needed.
Name = Tom's azalea ppat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Tom's azalea ppat
Size: 5K Date: 1/28/93 Version:
Tom's azalea ppat - A floral ppat from a video still of a pink azalea bush.
Name = Star Trek icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Star Trek icons
Size: 27K Date: 1/28/93 Version:
Star Trek icons - 22 icons of characters from The Next Generation and Deep
Space 9.
Name = RamDisk+ 3.22
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:RamDisk+ 3.22
Size: 37K Date: 1/28/93 Version: 3.22
RamDisk+ 3.22 - RamDisk+ is a system INIT that allows you to set aside some
portion of the memory inside of your Macintosh computer and use it as
though it were a file storage device such as a floppy disk or a SCSI hard
disk. The reason for using such a mechanism is to gain the very high speed
file access that a RAMdisk affords you, or simply to have more on line
storage. For those users without a hard disk, the speed gained over a
floppy disk is dramatic, and for those who have only on floppy disk drive,
the use of a RAMdisk is almost essential.
Name = More Kool Kursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:More Kool Kursors
Size: 3K Date: 1/28/93 Version:
More Kool Kursors - Here are three more color variations of the helocar
super deluxe/helicopter seen in Kool Kursors. Included are my all time
favorites, Zebra, Tiger, and Magnum (like Magnum PI's TC copter). Lightning
fast download. Enjoy!
Name = Kool Kursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Kool Kursors
Size: 9K Date: 1/28/93 Version:
Kool Kursors - Here are some nifty cursors I wrote for ClickChange,
including some way-kool variations of the helocar in eight or so colors.
I know what you're asking...Is it worth the download?
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CLIPCLOP
Size: 40K Date: 1/28/93 Version:
CLIPCLOP - This program allows you to use _multiple_ clipboards with
applications and allows you to print the clipboard, save it to a text or
PICT file, and read a text or PICT file directly into the clipboard.
ClipClop is a standard Mac program; it is not an INIT and it does not patch
traps or mess with your system. The program also provides an improved,
integrated version of the Scrapbook, with features for creating, saving,
and reading multiple custom scrapbook files in addition to the standard
System Scrapbook file.
Name = Spinner
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Spinner
Size: 4K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
Spinner - An AD module similar to the old Fire Organ effects on the Apple
][ computers...Nice.
Name = Restart
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Restart
Size: 5K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
Restart - Occasionally, at least on my system, the Finder locks up so that
menus and other windows are inaccessible, but items on the desktop can be
opened and used normally. The best thing to do in these situations is to
restart, but since the menus can't be used, I wrote this program. It's less
than 5K, and when left on the desktop, will allow you to restart without
using a menu. Note that open applications will NOT prompt you to save
changes to open documents, but the file system will be shut down properly.
Name = Mondrian 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Mondrian 1.1
Size: 4K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 1.1
Mondrian 1.1 - Mondrian is an AfterDark module which inverts random
rectangles on the screen.
Name = MacInfo 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacInfo 2.0
Size: 10K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 2.0
MacInfo 2.0 - Tests your computer and tells you things that you never knew
about your Macintosh!!
Name = Joel's ppats#8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's ppats#8
Size:128K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 8
Joel's ppats#8 - more great desktop patterns from Joel. These desktop
Textures allow you to customize your Macintosh desktop.
Name = ICONS! 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:ICONS! 1.1
Size: 19K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 1.1
ICONS! 1.1 - is an After Dark module which fills the screen with icons.
Name = FORTRAN Circles 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:FORTRAN Circles 1.0
Size: 4K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 1.0
FORTRAN Circles 1.0 - is an AfterDark module written in Language Systems
Fortran. It makes concentric color circles.
Name = Chomp 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Chomp 2.0
Size: 13K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 2.0
Chomp 2.0 - This is a screen eater AD module. You can control the size of
the bites and the speed. Delicious!
Name = Breathing Ball 1.0b5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Breathing Ball 1.0b5
Size: 6K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 1.0b5
Breathing Ball 1.0b5 - is an After Dark module which features a ball which
can be set from "dead" to "heavy breathing".
Name = BootLog 1.0.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BootLog 1.0.0
Size: 6K Date: 1/27/93 Version: 1.0.0
BootLog 1.0.0 - at startup time, it appends the current date and time to a
text file in the System Folder, to log the boot. The file is named
"BootLog Log of Boots". The five leading spaces are there to force it to
the top in View by Name. If the file does not exist, BootLog creates it,
then adds the current date and time. If you hold down the 'b' key while the
boot is happening, BootLog deletes the existing "BootLog Log of Boots" then
creates a new one and adds the date and time. That's it.
Name = AD-HaveABlast
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD-HaveABlast
Size: 92K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
AD-HaveABlast - About a month ago, I saw a cute little hack on the market
that allowed you to take your frustration out on your Mac by shooting it
full of virtual holes. I thought that was a really wicked-cool idea until I
saw the price tag. I think 40 bucks is a little expensive for something
that frivolous, so drew up some pictures, whipped out the AfterDark manual
and a few hours later, a rough version of Have-A-Blast was putting holes in
my screen. Three weeks later, I found my old MacRecorder in a box in the
closet and added the crucial element of sound.
Name = Zach's Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Zach's Icons
Size: 14K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Zach's Icons - This is a series of 7 icons that were made by Zach Pitkow, a
high school senior and graphic artist, for use as folder icons for system
7. They are full color images that have been shrunken and antialiased for 8
bit color. The icons are Word Processing, Utilities, Sound, Graphics,
Layout, Networking, Telecomunications and Games.
Name = Vics Icons I
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Vics Icons I
Size: 14K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Vics Icons - A few folder icons for general use (my 1st icon upload) --
In/Out baskets, disk tools, ResEdit and some abstract designs. Love the
3D/2 tab folders from Vernon Brown and "Toymaster" (and others involved in
their creation). Used that folder for base on some of these. Combined bits
and pieces of others to create disk tools and baskets. Copy and paste from
finder, ResEdit, iContraption or I Like Icon.
Name = Tom's tropical ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Tom's tropical ppats
Size: 9K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Tom's tropical ppats - Send your desktop to the Caribbean with these 3
colorful ppats taken from video stills I made while in a St. Lucian rain
Name = Tom's snow forest ppat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Tom's snow forest ppat
Size: 4K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Tom's snow forest ppat - Desktop pattern ppat from a video still. Another
"mini forest", this time in winter. Please let me know what you think of
these nature ppats.
Name = TedG's Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:TedG's Icons
Size: 37K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
TedG's Icons - There are lots of nice icons around, but not many which
comprise sets. Here are some from larger sets which I have made from
downloaded GIFs. There are ten from the "Cartoon" set and ten from the
"Cheesecake" set. Commonality is by theme and shared background colors.
Also included are three challenges which qualify one to receive the
remaining members of the sets.
Name = Silver3DFolders#9
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3DFolders#9
Size: 65K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 9
Silver3DFolders#9 - These folders are meant to be transfered onto your
existing folders by the copy and paste method in the "Get Info" box. The
names have been shortened so simply replacing your old ones with these can
cause your Finder to be confused. If you must simply replace one with the
other, please copy the name of your original folder "exactly" to the Silver
3D folder before making the switch. Here is part 9 of a large collection of
Silver 3D folder icons in the standard folder format. They are in actual
folders, so that a simple copy and paste in the finder's get info box will
transfer the folder icon to your folder without having to deal with
ResEdit. Safe, easy, and foolproof!
Name = Silver3DFolders#8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3DFolders#8
Size: 39K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
Silver3DFolders - These folders are meant to be transfered onto your
existing folders by the copy and paste method in the "Get Info" box. The
names have been shortened so simply replacing your old ones with these can
cause your Finder to be confused. If you must simply replace one with the
other, please copy the name of your original folder "exactly" to the Silver
3D folder before making the switch. Here is part 8 of a large collection of
Silver 3D folder icons in the standard folder format. They are in actual
folders, so that a simple copy and paste in the finder's get info box will
transfer the folder icon to your folder without having to deal with
ResEdit. Safe, easy, and foolproof!
Name = My 3D MAC II Icns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:My 3D MAC II Icns
Size: 7K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
My 3D MAC II Icns - So, Mona Lisas they're not. And your MAC II may not
look like mine. So what the heck... Use 'em anyway. Just paste 'em into
your System (Sys 7), all except # -16455, which is the file's custom icon
and would be used instead of the snazzy suitcase unless you paste all but
that one. BTW, there are many 3D Mac icon competitors out there, but mine
have the apple on the screen.
Name = MenuetteSetups
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MenuetteSetups
Size: 23K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
MenuetteSetups - Sets for ResEdit 2.x, Edit II, FirstClass, Kubik and
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:KEYQXP
Size: 40K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
KEYQXP - An extensive, predefined QuicKeys keyset for QuarkXPress 3.1.
Earlier versions of this keyset along with companion sets for Freehand and
PageMaker won a contest from CE Software for Best Implementation of
QuicKeys. The keysets use extra keys on the extended keyboard to create
shortcuts for almost all menu commands and many other functions. Where
possible, they make shortcuts identical for all three programs (For
example, the manual kerning shortcuts are the same in Quark, PageMaker, and
Name = KEYPM
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:KEYPM
Size: 48K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
KEYPM - An extensive, predefined QuicKeys keyset for PageMaker 4.2. Earlier
versions of this keyset along with companion sets for Freehand and
QuarkXPress won a contest from CE Software for Best Implementation of
QuicKeys. The keysets use extra keys on the extended keyboard to create
shortcuts for almost all menu commands and many other functions. Where
possible, they make shortcuts identical for all three programs (For
example, the manual kerning shortcuts are the same in Quark, PageMaker, and
Name = KEYFH
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:KEYFH
Size: 32K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
KEYFH - An extensive, predefined QuicKeys keyset for FreeHand 3.1. Earlier
versions of this keyset along with companion sets for PageMaker and
QuarkXPress won a contest from CE Software for Best Implementation of
QuicKeys. The keysets use extra keys on the extended keyboard to create
shortcuts for almost all menu commands and many other functions. Where
possible, they make shortcuts identical for all three programs (For
example, the manual kerning shortcuts are the same in Quark, PageMaker, and
Name = Joel's ppats#7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's ppats#7
Size: 96K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 7
Joel's ppats#7 - More cool ppats for use with desktop textures!
Name = Joel's ppats#6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's ppats#6
Size:167K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 6
Joel's ppats#6 - More ppats I made for use with Desktop Textures 2.0 or
ResEdit. I experimented with a few new techniques. Drop me a line if you
like these!
Name = Joel's ppats#5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's ppats#5
Size:216K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 5
Joel's ppats#5 - More ppats for use with Desktop Textures 2.0 or ResEdit.
Several continuous patterns.
Name = InstallerSpy 0.40
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:InstallerSpy 0.40
Size:142K Date: 1/15/93 Version: .4
InstallerSpy 0.40 - InstallerSpy is an application which allows you to
browse scripts written for use with Apple's Installer utility. Scripts
designed for versions 3.1 through 3.4 of the Installer are currently
supported. InstallerSpy is a read-only browser. You cannot modify scripts
with this utility. Version 0.40 is a major rewrite of version 0.31.
InstallerSpy is now a fully interactive browser with extensive searching
capabilities. InstallerSpy is free!
Name = Icon Maker 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icon Maker 2.0
Size: 9K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 2.0
Icon Maker 2.0 - Use this stack to make icon substitutions for the Finder.
Copy the finished product, Get Info, on any icon in the Finder, Click on
the icon in the Get Info window, Select "Paste" from the Edit menu. That's
all it takes! This stack is quickWare. Use it quickly, and give it to two
other people, as fast as you can. It was written by Dani Goldenholz, also
known as the Real Mac Man. For other public domain software by The Real Mac
Man, send an 800K disk, and 5$.
Name = EyeCon's One
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:EyeCon's One
Size: 38K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 1.0
EyeCon's One - EyeCon's One is a collection of 23 cerebral quality icons
to adorn your desktop with. You will need system 7 and a color or gray
scale monitor.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:BONE DECEMBER
Size: 26K Date: 1/15/93 Version:
BONE DECEMBER - Our December edition includes 40, count em' 40 new color
icons. This time around we mutate-various Marvel Comics Heros (inc. Spider
Man-The Green Goblin-Dare Devil and more) Some painful faces from the pen
of underground comic guru Daniel Clowes-Freda Kahlo-Rossetti-Dr Hannibal
Lector (Silence of the Lambs)-GWAR-Woody Allen-Bergmans Death-DiNero as
Travis-Peter Gabriel
Name = Bomb INIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bomb INIT
Size: 56K Date: 1/15/93 Version: 1.2
Bomb INIT - This Extension demonstrates the newest version (1.2) of
AnimINIT! Now, with SOUND! A color (sorry, no b/w) animation of a Bomb is
displayed with sound! This Init can be easly edited to use your own
animation and sound! (It's also FreeWare!)
Name = AD™ Mod——“Fractal Forest”
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD™ Mod——“Fractal Forest”
Size: 29K Date: 1/01/93 Version:
AD™ Mod——“Fractal Forest” - This After Dark mod produces a fractal forest
on your screen, in all seasons. That is, it rotates through, per your
adjustments. The trees are EXCELLENT, and the sounds are par perfection!
This is one good module, a must for all AD users!
Name = Joel's ppats#4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's ppats#4
Size:289K Date:12/29/92 Version: 4
Joel's ppats#4 - Wow! More cool new patterns for Desktop Textures 2.0!
This collection contains some of the lowest resolution images from the new
Kodak Photo CD Photo Sampler. These are properly credited according to
Kodak's copyright information as stated in the Sampler. Have fun with
Name = 3D 2-Tab Sys 7.1 Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D 2-Tab Sys 7.1 Folders
Size: 9K Date:12/29/92 Version: 7.1
3D 2-Tab Sys 7.1 Folders - The resources contained in the ResEdit file "3D
Two-Tab Folders (7.1.x)" replace the basic 13 single tab folders you find
in your System File with three dimensional two-tab folders that have a tab
on each side of the folder.There appear to be two folders, where in fact
there is only one. The front folder has the tab on the left, and what
appears to be a second folder has its tab on the right. The icl4 and icl8
folders really jump out in lovely GrayScale and 8-bit or 4-bit color
(depending on your monitor settings) and actually have that three
dimensional look to them.
Name = P-Utes
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:P-Utes
Size: 98K Date:12/28/92 Version:
P-Utes - Several utilities from Paul Jones including Blind_Freddy, Emeter,
EmeterII, File_Reader, File_Reader_II, InstallCustomIcon_II, Mandrake,
ttro_Maker, Peek_a_Boo, Charge Time. Most of these Utilities work best when
moved to the start-up disk. This is required under System 7 to allow the
'Drag and Drop' features to work.
Name = NewOnesppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:NewOnesppats
Size:199K Date:12/28/92 Version:
NewOnesppats - More creative and colorful desktop patterns for your
Macintosh Desktop.
Name = MoreppatsfromJoel
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:MoreppatsfromJoel
Size:391K Date:12/28/92 Version:
MoreppatsfromJoel - Here are more great desktop texture patterns for use as
Macintosh background screens.
Name = MembersOnly1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:MembersOnly1.1
Size: 30K Date:12/28/92 Version: 1.1
MembersOnly1.1 - Members Only will scan your network for other Macintoshes,
and build a list of their users’ names. You can select users from this list
and add them to your Users & Groups. Members Only requires System 7. The
Members Only window shows a list of your network’s zones on the left. You
can select multiple zones from this list using the shift and command keys.
You can also select zones by typing their names or by using the arrow keys.
Use “Select All” from the Edit menu (command-A) to select all zones.
Members Only scans all selected zones for users simultaneously in the
Name = Joel'sOwnppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel'sOwnppats
Size: 54K Date:12/28/92 Version:
Joel'sOwnppats- Here are more great desktop texture patterns for use as
Macintosh background screens.
Name = Gumboot
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Gumboot
Size:153K Date:12/28/92 Version:
Gumboot - Gumboot is a Microprocessor based addition to a computer that
enables the user to access data from the outside world through the serial
port. Because it uses the serial port Gumboot can be used with the entire
range of Macintosh computers, and can be adapted to many others. An 8 bit
A/D conversion and Software combination that can be used to monitor simple
processes, lab experiments, movement and direction. With access to other
portions of the Microprocessor that allow for Input counting and timing,
digital input and output control.
Name = FileList1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FileList1.4
Size: 24K Date:12/28/92 Version: 1.4
FileList1.4 - "FileList" is a file and disk organizer. It reads entire
volumes and saves volume and file information. There is an option that
enables "StuffIt(Classic and Deluxe) and/or "Compactor" archives to be
opened and to be treated like a folder,all files in the archive will be
listed. The collected information can be displayed, sorted by multiple
criteria, searched for, saved as text files (to be printed later on, or to
be imported into databases). Entire volumes can be deleted or renamed.
There is an automatic disk insert/eject mode, meaning any inserted disk (be
it a floppy or a CD-ROM disk) gets scanned then ejected.
Name = BigCheeseKey1.2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BigCheeseKey1.2.1
Size: 42K Date:12/28/92 Version: 1.2.1
BigCheeseKey1.2.1 - This control panel device allows you to place a fake
screen on your monitor to cover your work that may be behind it. This may
be used for confidentiality or to coverup a game you have been playing from
your boss! By Andrew Welch from the Ambrosia collection.
Name = Window Manager1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Window Manager1.0b1
Size: 25K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.0b1
Window Manager1.0b1 - Window Manager is a window management utility that
adds a list of all open windows in any open application to the apple menu.
It also allows the user to cycle windows and layers, and assign HotKeys to
these items. Hot Keys can also be assigned to evoke the window/application
menu where the mouse is clicked or from the keyboard. Window Manager is
compatible with any System 6.0 or up.
Name = While You Were Out
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:While You Were Out
Size:100K Date:12/23/92 Version:
While You Were Out - The premiere Macintosh office messaging system for
your network from Caliente. This is a client/user based system, _not_
requiring a dedicated server. Inspired by the all too familiar universal
telephone note, While You Were Out allows users to send, receive, search,
and print encrypted/password protected messages. Includes a Monitor app
for a graphical overview as to who has new messages.
Name = VicsPatternsII
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:VicsPatternsII
Size: 30K Date:12/23/92 Version:
VicsPatternsII - This file contains several wallpaper patterns for the
commercial program Wallpaper.
Name = VicsPatternsI
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:VicsPatternsI
Size: 51K Date:12/23/92 Version:
VicsPatternsI - This file contains several wallpaper patterns for the
commercial program Wallpaper.
Name = Versionary
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Versionary
Size:129K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Versionary - Have you ever saved a document you were working on only to
recoil in horror with the realization that you saved over something you
wanted, losing it forever? Have you ever forgotten to save a document and
then had the application or your machine crash, losing the changes you just
made? Have you ever forgotten to back up your documents and then lost them
forever? If you have, you're just like the rest of us. You need
Versionary. Versionary is an innovative utility developed by Santorini
Consulting & Design, Inc., designed to protect your critical documents
automatically in a variety of unique ways.
Name = VectorBalls
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:VectorBalls
Size: 16K Date:12/23/92 Version:
VectorBalls - VectorBalls is an After Dark module that shows 3d shapes made
up of colored balls that spin & bounce around a virtual space inside your
screen. Works in color or B&W, and has options to change speed, shapes,
and colors. VectorBalls is public domain, and free to distribute on a
non-commerical basis.
Name = Useful Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Useful Icons
Size: 47K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Useful Icons - These are a bunch of folder icons I had made for myself to
help with organization, and I figured other people might want to use them
too. (They're pretty good, they look enough like folders to not be mistaken
for applications- but they're not just small icons of the programs pasted
on top of an icon of a folder, either.) About 40 icons.
Name = Tom's bark ppat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Tom's bark ppat
Size: 4K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Tom's bark ppat - Another background pattern from nature. Tree bark in rich
golden browns.
Name = Text Capture 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Text Capture 2.1
Size: 12K Date:12/23/92 Version: 2.1
Text Capture 2.1 - This FKEY copies styled text from the front window to
the clipboard. It works in applications like THINK Reference 1.0 that do
not support normal copying, and can even copy static text from modal
dialogs. It could also be used to copy columns of text. Free.
Name = System 7.1 Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:System 7.1 Icons
Size: 25K Date:12/23/92 Version:
System 7.1 Icons - This is a great collection of funky 3D icons that I put
in one file for your system. All you have to do is select all, and paste!!
For those of you who don't have ResEdit, and want to just copy and paste,
get a life, buy a book and learn ResEdit! If you like it, great, if not,
Name = SpazPatterns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:SpazPatterns
Size: 11K Date:12/23/92 Version:
SpazPatterns - This file contains several wallpaper patterns for your use
with the commercial program Wallpaper.
Name = SpazPaperII
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:SpazPaperII
Size: 40K Date:12/23/92 Version: II
SpazPaperII - This file contains several wallpaper patterns for your use
with the commercial program Wallpaper.
Name = SpazPaperI
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:SpazPaperI
Size: 32K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1
SpazPaperI - This file contains several wallpaper patterns for your use
with the commercial program Wallpaper.
Name = Silver3DsPt6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Silver3DsPt6
Size: 46K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Silver3DsPt6 - This is a great group of silver colored folders for many
Name = Program Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Program Icons
Size: 22K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Program Icons - Just so much to tell you, download it, and you won't be
sorry! Hey take the resources out, and paste them in any application you
want!! Yeah, I said it, Fight the power!!!
Name = Pre Version™1.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Pre Version™1.1.1
Size:125K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.1.1
Pre Version™1.1.1 - System extension (INIT) System 7 compatible. PreVersion
maintains a version history of your documents word proc., spreadsheet,
draw/paint, database, or any other kind. You select the document types and
folders you wish PreVersion to monitor. Very reassuring to have preserved
copies of complex docs you (or your Mac) just ruined or if you change your
mind about changes you've made. Sort of like have an adjustable multi-level
undo for any application.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PICTIFY
Size: 19K Date:12/23/92 Version:
PICTIFY - PICTify is a screen capturing control panel/extension that allows
you to capture any rectangular area of the screen you define. Easy to use
simply click the mouse while holding down the hot key combination you've
defined and drag! Freeware.
Name = personal ppat's
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:personal ppat's
Size: 10K Date:12/23/92 Version:
personal ppat's - This ResEdit document contains a dozen different 64x64
pixel color patterns for your desktop. See the enclosed "about ppat's" file
for instructions for installing these desktop patterns in your System file.
Name = Peace of Mind Lite
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:Peace of Mind Lite
Size:163K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Peace of Mind Lite - Peace of Mind Lite is a demo version of Peace of Mind,
the Macintosh hardware diagnostic. Peace of Mind Lite tests memory and
system performance. Peace of Mind is a software utility that verifies the
proper working condition of every major hardware subsystem and selected
peripherals for the Macintosh product family. Peace of Mind provides a
comprehensive suite of diagnostics that exercises each hardware component
and reports results in an intuitive, easy-to-understand format. Peace of
Mind is ideal for testing of existing hardware as well as for verification
of new hardware additions or alterations.
Name = Okey Dokey1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Okey Dokey1.0.1
Size: 10K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.0.1
Okey Dokey1.0.1 - This is something that we have wanted to have for a long
time. Have you ever typed command-P then tromped across campus to pick up
your nice 300dpi output, only to wait and wait and wait while nothing comes
out of the printer? When you return to your office, there's your mac,
politely asking how many copies you would like. This is a little INIT/CDEV
that automatically chooses the default button in a modal dialog box after a
specified amount of time. The control panel lets you set the time and
specify if you want a little countdown display in the lower lefthand corner
of the modal dialog box. It effects only MODAL dialog boxes that use the
system trap ModalDialog.
Name = OhhNoo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:OhhNoo
Size: 22K Date:12/23/92 Version:
OhhNoo - This is a silly little AD module that behaves like a Mac that's
not feeling very well. It could be fun for playing a joke on someone who
doesn't know it is there. I hope no-one freaks out and thinks their machine
really has anything wrong with it. If you use the "Restore Delay" feature
you should exercise some restraint. Even though the longest possible delay
is 60 seconds that can be an eternity to someone who thinks his or her
machine has crashed. This module is free and freely distributable. Enjoy.
Name = Nisus replacement icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Nisus replacement icons
Size: 9K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Nisus replacement icons - Three Nisus® app. icon, Nisus® Programming
Dialect icon, and Nisus® Help icons with the three icons contained in the
accompanying archive (only the small icon resources have been changed).
Name = Momiji pattern 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:Momiji pattern 1
Size: 32K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Momiji pattern 1 - several interesting wallpaper patterns.
Name = Modal Keys 1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Modal Keys 1.0b1
Size: 22K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.0b1
Modal Keys 1.0b1 - Modal Keys adds command keys to all dialogs and a
variety of other useful features. Modal Keys is compatible with any System
6.0 or up.
Name = MeanScreen
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MeanScreen
Size: 18K Date:12/23/92 Version:
MeanScreen - MeanScreen 7.0 is the latest version of a small, efficient
screen saver. Has never crashed the author's Mac. No frills, no spills.
Flying Line algorithm from the Macintosh C Programming Primer provides the
graphics. A control panel is provided to configure it to your liking.
System 7 users will be glad to see the end of the "icon rearranging" bug.
Name = Ken
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Ken
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Ken - Icon of Ken, Barbie's friend.
Name = Ken's Cursing
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Ken's Cursing
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Ken's Cursing - This is a variation and elaboration of one cursor that came
with Cursor Animator (color version). This one operates FLAWLESSLY in AOL,
and appears instead of the B/W "beachball" acur. Try it! You might like
Name = JTK’s Color Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JTK’s Color Folders
Size: 94K Date:12/23/92 Version:
JTK’s Color Folders - A few months ago, I got the creative urge and
produced and uploaded a set of folder icons (color and B&W) as well as the
icl/icn resources associated with them. BMUG recently asked for a set for
a CD they are creating so I went back and significantly expanded my sets
(about doubled) and am uploading them again for your entertainment (i.e.
Freeware!). This set includes 98 color folders and a ReadMe which explains
the System 7 Cut and Paste method of applying these icons to your folders
via Get Info. Please contact me if you have any questions and/or run into
any problems (or have comments, of course).
Name = Jon’s FKEYs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Jon’s FKEYs
Size: 9K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Jon’s FKEYs - Here are four free FKEYs to (1) display a list of all
installed FKEYs, (2) display/compact free RAM and list resource types in
the scrap, (3) get global/local coordinates of screen objects, (4) get
RGB/HSV/CMY value of any screen pixel.
Name = Joe's Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Joe's Icons
Size: 2K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Joe's Icons - This is a Stimpy ICON and icn# that I drew on Res Edit 2.1. I
use it as my hard drive icon. If you have res edit, copy the icn# Stimpy
resource, and paste it to your hard drive (using system 7). If you don't
have system 7, you need a third party program to apply an icon to your hard
disk. Have fun.
Name = ICONOpen! 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:ICONOpen! 1.2
Size: 17K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.2
ICONOpen! 1.2 - ICONOpen! shows the icon of the currently selected file in
any "Open File..." dialog box. Allows toggling the display from showing the
full creator application name to showing just the creator code. Speeds
things up on when multiple volumes are mounted. Displays the System Folder
and the special folders inside it correctly. Displays sound files, font
files, and keyboard files correctly. Fixes a cosmetic problem when using
QuarkXPress. Fixes a "hidden bug" that could cause system crashes.
Name = Flush Disk 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Flush Disk 1.0
Size: 6K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.0
Flush Disk 1.0 - Often the Finder does not update the disk properly after
you change folder or file names, attributes, or window locations. Running
Flush Disk after doing this will make sure the changes "stick" in the event
of a system crash.
Name = File Commander
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:File Commander
Size: 10K Date:12/23/92 Version:
File Commander - A small, easy-to-use utility which allows quick changes of
file types and creator codes. Much easier and a thousand times faster than
bulkier utilities to do a simple task, like ResEdit or MacTools. SHOULD
work on most Macs, new and old.
Name = File & Folder Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:File & Folder Icons
Size: 8K Date:12/23/92 Version:
File & Folder Icons - A bunch of color folders and file icons. They're
fairly 3-D looking. Enjoy :)
Name = DvorakINIT1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DvorakINIT1.2
Size: 10K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.2
DvorakINIT1.2 - This CDEV/INIT flashes the Scroll lock key on Apples
Extended keyboard is a selectable script is currently active. You can
change the keyboard script to watch for us the new CDEV interface. Much
improvement over version 1.0. Shareware.
Name = Disk Icons2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Disk Icons2
Size: 45K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Disk Icons - A collection of 80 color disk icons for most of today's
popular programs.
Name = Digit102
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Digit102
Size: 13K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.02
Digit102 - This is a cdev that tells the user that other programs are
running in the background.
Name = DEL Key
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DEL Key
Size: 20K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.1
DEL Key - Some applications still do not recognize the forward delete key
on the extended keyboard. So this control panel traps the key and
translates it into right cursor plus backspace. It may be disabled for any
apps that already handle forward delete. Due to popular demand from
PowerBook owners, version 1.1 allows the user to specify a key to use
instead of del.
Name = D’s Custom Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:D’s Custom Icons
Size: 19K Date:12/23/92 Version:
D’s Custom Icons - Fifteen custom icons, including icons for books, the
Golden Gate Bridge, a hot folder, a famous seventeenth-century philosopher
and much much more. These are complete icon families.
Name = Brian’s Menu Bar ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Brian’s Menu Bar ppats
Size: 4K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Brian’s Menu Bar ppats - This ResEdit file contains six color ppats that
may be used either for your desktop pattern, your menu bar pattern, or
both! Specifically, these ppats have been optimized to take advantage of
your menu bar's vertical height and then flow somewhat seamlessly into the
regular desktop area. For those who want to know, the menu bar's vertical
heighth is 19 pixels.OK, OK, two of them are not too difficult to figure
out: one is all black, which works well when you have changed your menu bar
text color to something like bright yellow. The other one is the most
attractive (I think) pattern from System 6 that was modified in System 7 to
have a bland color scheme.
Name = BlinkMail 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:BlinkMail 1.1
Size: 83K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.1
BlinkMail 1.1 - BlinkMail is a Hypercard based network message system.
It is intended for use in small, local networks that run Hypercard as a
primary program. It has a great interface that allows you to read and reply
to your mail quickly. Messages can be composed, mailed, read, replied to,
saved, copied and printed. It's fast. It's easy to setup. It's not
protected in any way. It's Shareware, $40. per network.
Name = Barbie
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Barbie
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Barbie - Icon of Barbie.
Name = Bar Pattern1.04
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bar Pattern1.04
Size: 68K Date:12/23/92 Version: 1.04
Bar Pattern1.04 - Menu Bar Pattern allows you to install a pattern in your
Menu Bar! Version 1.04 fixes a problem between 1.03 and SuperClock.
System 7 compatible. Shareware $7.
Name = After Dark Star Trek Art
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:After Dark Star Trek Art
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
After Dark Star Trek Art - If you open Berkeley Systems Star Trek screen
saver modules or art files with ResEdit, hoping to see or copy (for your
own use only, of course) the neat art work, you are disappointed. No PICTs.
Just code. This file contains RMAP resources that you simply paste into
your ResEdit Preferences file. Then when you open Star Trek stuff with
ResEdit, the art is visible. Easy instructions included.
Name = AD™ Mod——MacTabloid™ v2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD™ Mod——MacTabloid™ v2.0
Size: 34K Date:12/23/92 Version: 2.0
AD™ Mod——MacTabloid™ v2.0 - Sex, Scandal & the Supernatural with this WILD
After Dark module MacTabloid v2.0! This "must-have" module will have you
sitting for very large blocks of time, just waiting for what OUTRAGEOUS
thing it'll do next! What it is is a Random Supermarket Tabloid Headline
Generator. Thousands ocombinations! Here's some samples: "Experimental
weather satellite seen in Paula Abdul's driveway!," "Mr. Spock seen driving
Ford Tempo --- The Pope says it's true!," "Macintosh Programmers discover
Middle Earth!" "CAUGHT! Howard Stern with busty babe!"
Name = SaveAll
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:SaveAll
Size: 59K Date:12/11/92 Version:
SaveAll - This is a file compression utility that can achieve astonishing
compression rates of more than 100:1 - on all kinds of files including
text. It is specifically designed to compress multiple versions of the same
document. It lets you store the complete history of changes for a document
in a single super-compressed file. This program is RewardWare. Registered
users receive a demo with a unique ID. Give it away to your friends, etc.
If any of them register, you get a reward. Details inside.
Name = Icon7demoFolder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icon7demoFolder
Size: 57K Date:11/16/92 Version:
Icon7demoFolder - Icon 7 is an icon editor which is integrated into the
Finder under System 7 or later. It allows you to modify existing icons or
create new icons to customize your files, folders, or disks in the Finder.
This demo version of Icon 7 contains all the features of the regular
version of Icon 7 except you can not save any changes you make to an actual
file, folder, or disk. You may save changes into an Icon 7 library which
you can use with the full version of Icon 7 if you decide to purchase it.
Name = Invert
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Invert
Size: 6K Date:11/16/92 Version:
Invert - The Invert after dark module simply inverts the screen by starting
at the outside edges and working toward the center. The speed of this
process is controlled by the user.
Name = DP 1.1s.sit Small
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:DP 1.1s.sit Small
Size: 41K Date:11/16/92 Version: 1.1
DP 1.1s.sit Small - Desktop Pattern is a control panel device that lets you
change the patterns on your Macintosh® desktop. It allows much larger
patterns than are allowed in the General Controls control panel. It will
only operate on Macintoshes equipped with Color Quickdraw such as the
Macintosh SE/30, Macintosh Classic II, Macintosh LC, Macintosh II line and
the Macintosh Quadra line. This is the small version.
Name = DP 1.1s.sit Large
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:DP 1.1s.sit Large
Size:192K Date:11/16/92 Version: 1.1large
DP 1.1s.sit Large - Desktop Pattern is a control panel device that lets you
change the patterns on your Macintosh® desktop. It allows much larger
patterns than are allowed in the General Controls control panel. It will
only operate on Macintoshes equipped with Color Quickdraw such as the
Macintosh SE/30, Macintosh Classic II, Macintosh LC, Macintosh II line and
the Macintosh Quadra line. This is the large version.
Name = Diatom
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Diatom
Size: 68K Date:11/16/92 Version:
Diatom - This is an after dark module. This module draws random designs
based on the discrete Fast Fourier Transform of two random data spikes.
Sliding the ‘Number of Lines’ slider to all the way to the right will cause
a random number of lines in the interval [10,1000] to be used. Moving it
all the way to the left causes data in the file ‘Diatom.data’ to be used to
draw the diatoms. This file is located in the After Dark folder within
your System folder under System 6.0 or the Control Panels folder under
System 7.0 and consists the data for a diatom on each line.
Name = Crabs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Crabs
Size: 8K Date:11/16/92 Version:
Crabs - This is an after dark module. Crabs is a genetic simulation of a
population of “crabs.” These crabs feed on the white pixels of the screen.
When crabs are born, they are bright green on a color Macintosh. When they
reach maturity and start producing offspring, they turn bright blue or red.
As they age, they become lighter and lighter until they turn white and die.
If a crab begins to starve, it will turn bright yellow and slowly become
lighter until it starves and becomes white. Each crab has attributes such
as size and metabolic rate (which both affect speed), life expectancy,
birth weight of offspring, breeding cycle and movement patterns.
Name = Snd Icns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Snd Icns
Size: 7K Date:11/13/92 Version:
Snd Icns - Blue horns on a variety of backgrounds. (Blue horn holders?)
Based on the Finder system 7 sound document. The 3-D suitcase is pretty and
if you give it TYPE="zsys" and Creator="MACS", system 7 sounds can be
dragged into and out of the suitcase
Name = NeuroPatterns #4•
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:NeuroPatterns #4•
Size: 78K Date:11/13/92 Version: 4
NeuroPatterns #4 - Here are the first four volumes of NeuroPatterns. These
are some cool patterns created by me for Wallpaper. If you do not already
know, Wallpaper is a desktop-pattern utility for the Mac. It will change
your desktop pattern at periodic time frames as specified by you. There are
10 Wallpaper Patterns in each Volume. This is what is called EMmailWare.
That means you should send me E-Mail me if you like these designs.
Name = NeuroPatterns #3•
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:NeuroPatterns #3•
Size: 68K Date:11/13/92 Version: 3
NeuroPatterns #3 - Here are the first four volumes of NeuroPatterns. These
are some cool patterns created by me for Wallpaper. If you do not already
know, Wallpaper is a desktop-pattern utility for the Mac. It will change
your desktop pattern at periodic time frames as specified by you.
Name = NeuroPatterns #2•
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:NeuroPatterns #2•
Size: 68K Date:11/13/92 Version: 2
NeuroPatterns #2 - Here are the first four volumes of NeuroPatterns. These
are some cool patterns created by me for Wallpaper. If you do not already
know, Wallpaper is a desktop-pattern utility for the Mac. It will change
your desktop pattern at periodic time frames as specified by you.
Name = NeuroPatterns #1•
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:NeuroPatterns #1•
Size: 62K Date:11/13/92 Version: 1
NeuroPatterns #1 - Here are the first four volumes of NeuroPatterns. These
are some cool patterns created by me for Wallpaper. If you do not already
know, Wallpaper is a desktop-pattern utility for the Mac. It will change
your desktop pattern at periodic time frames as specified by you. There are
10 Wallpaper Patterns in each Volume. This is what is called EMmailWare.
That means you should send me E-Mail me if you like these designs. This
will give me the added incentive to try and be creative with new designs in
the future.
Name = 3DSilver5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:icons:3DSilver5
Size: 49K Date:11/13/92 Version:
3DSilver5 - These folders are meant to be transfered onto your existing
folders by the copy and paste method in the "Get Info" box. The names have
been shortened so simply replacing your old ones with these can cause your
Finder to be confused. If you must simply replace one with the other,
please copy the name of your original folder "exactly" to the Silver 3D
folder before making the switch.
Name = Random Lines
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Random Lines
Size: 3K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Random Lines - This is an After Dark module of Random Lines.
Name = PortShareProDemo1.2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:PortShareProDemo1.2.1
Size: 46K Date:11/06/92 Version: 1.2.1
PortShareProDemo1.2.1 - This is version 1.2.1 demo of PortShare Pro.
Allows you to share any kind of serial devices over and AppleTalk network.
Requires System 7.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:ON LOCATION FILE KINDS
Size: 8K Date:11/06/92 Version:
ON LOCATION FILE KINDS - Enclosed is a new On Location File Kinds file
updated as of 10/15/92 by On Technology, Inc. Adds the following document
types-DeltaGraph Pro, WordPerfect 2.0, Nuntius public and personal file,
QuickTime movie, WriteNow 3.0, and Excel 4.0. To use, simply copy this file
into your system folder and create a new On Location index.
Name = Marx Bros
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Marx Bros
Size: 5K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Marx Bros - Color Marx Brothers Icons as folders. No need for ResEdit. With
System 7 use Get Info to copy and paste.
Name = Joel's Desktops#2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Joel's Desktops#2
Size:101K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Joel's Desktops#2 - Some more ppats that I made using SuperPaint, Gallery
Effects, and ResEdit. Drop me a line if you like them (or don't like
them)! Some of these are very large patterns that ResEdit can't edit.
Name = Cool Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cool Icons
Size: 5K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Cool Icons - This file contains three fun Resedit icons.
Name = Communications icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Communications icons
Size: 46K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Communications icons - Icons for First Class and Smartcom. Requires Resedit
to install.
Name = BUSH Dumpster 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:BUSH Dumpster 1.0.1
Size: 8K Date:11/06/92 Version: 1.0.1
BUSH Dumpster 1.0.1 - In this presidential election year, what could be
more appropriate than a new color trashcan with a political theme for your
Mac? Herewith is my modest contribution to a noble cause--The BUSH
Dumpster. Replace your tiredsystem 7.x trashcan with The BUSH Dumpster and
be the envy of your friends (and the gadfly of your Republican friends!)
It's all in good fun, and it comes with complete instructions on how you
can get up and running with a BUSH Dumpster of your very own. All I ask is
a $1.00 shareware fee (cheapNote: BUSH Dumpster requires Resedit 2.1.1 to
install. For the rest of you, God Bless you all, & God Bless America!
Name = FoldersPt4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FoldersPt4
Size: 60K Date:10/31/92 Version:
FoldersPt4 - Here is part 4 of a large collection of Silver 3D folder icons
in the standard folder format. They are in actual folders, so that a simple
copy and paste in the finder's get info box will transfer the folder icon
to your folder without having to deal with ResEdit. Safe, easy, and
foolproof. Most all of the major appliations, utilities and games have been
done. You will also find a great deal of generic folders for grouping of
your programs. Each folder has been optimised in black & white, 16-color,
and 256 color formats. Try one out and I am sure you will want the others.
There are 75 folder icons in each of part 1-3.
Name = FoldersPt3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FoldersPt3
Size: 74K Date:10/31/92 Version:
FoldersPt3 - Here is part 3 of a large collection of Silver 3D folder icons
in the standard folder format. They are in actual folders, so that a simple
copy and paste in the finder's get info box will transfer the folder icon
to your folder without having to deal with ResEdit. Safe, easy, and
foolproof. Most all of the major appliations, utilities and games have been
done. You will also find a great deal of generic folders for grouping of
your programs. Each folder has been optimised in black & white, 16-color,
and 256 color formats. Try one out and I am sure you will want the others.
There are 75 folder icons in each of part 1-4.
Name = FoldersPt2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FoldersPt2
Size: 76K Date:10/31/92 Version:
FoldersPt2 - Here is part 2 of a large collection of Silver 3D folder icons
in the standard folder format. They are in actual folders, so that a simple
copy and paste in the finder's get info box will transfer the folder icon
to your folder without having to deal with ResEdit. Safe, easy, and
foolproof. Most all of the major appliations, utilities and games have been
done. You will also find a great deal of generic folders for grouping of
your programs. Each folder has been optimised in black & white, 16-color,
and 256 color formats. Try one out and I am sure you will want the others.
There are 75 folder icons in each of part 1-4.
Name = FoldersPt1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FoldersPt1
Size: 74K Date:10/31/92 Version:
FoldersPt1 - Here is part 1 of a large collection of Silver 3D folder icons
in the standard folder format. They are in actual folders, so that a simple
copy and paste in the finder's get info box will transfer the folder icon
to your folder without having to deal with ResEdit. Safe, easy, and
foolproof. Most all of the major appliations, utilities and games have been
done. You will also find a great deal of generic folders for grouping of
your programs. Each folder has been optimised in black & white, 16-color,
and 256 color formats. Try one out and I am sure you will want the others.
There are 75 folder icons in each of part 1-4.
Name = EasyKeys v1.7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:EasyKeys v1.7
Size: 73K Date:10/31/92 Version: 1.7
EasyKeys v1.7 - Easy KEYS is a control panel device which lets you assign
function keys or key combinations to launch FKEYs, applications, desk
accessories, or control panels. With Easy KEYS, you can keep FKEYs
anywhere on your disk, instead of in the system file and assign them to any
key combination.
Name = ScanShare
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:ScanShare
Size: 15K Date:10/27/92 Version:
The ScanShare™ software enables your Macintosh to share Apple® Scanners
with other Macintosh computers connected to your network. The 20-pages
manual can be compressed into few paragraphs (System 7 users can use
Balloon Help™) Any Macintosh can operate as a ScanShare server and as a
ScanShare client: when somebody works with your scanner, you can use
scanners attached to other computers. This is a demo version.
Name = publicfolder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:publicfolder
Size: 24K Date:10/27/92 Version:
Publicfolder - is a CDEV that allows you to share a public folder on an
appletalk network.
Name = NetCatalog
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:NetCatalog
Size: 17K Date:10/27/92 Version:
NetCatalog - NetCatalog simultaneously catalogs files (and their version
numbers) on default volumes from one or more Macs on a local area network.
All of the catalogs compile into one text file, which can be manipulated
and printed from any word processor. An additional feature allows
broadcasting an "instant message" to one or more Macs on the network.
NetCatalog was developed as a research tool for asynchronous device manager
calls, but should provide a useful tool to network administrators. It's
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:FILESORTER
Size: 17K Date:10/27/92 Version:
FileSorter - Small application reads information from all the directories
on all mounted volumes on your Mac or network and generates a tab-delimited
text file with information including drive, path, name, creation date,
modified date, file type, file creator, data size and resource size. Text
file can then be read into database, spreadsheet or word processor for
analysis. No shareware fee required!
Name = OuterSpace Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:OuterSpace Icons
Size: 6K Date:10/27/92 Version:
OuterSpace Icons - There are ten OUTER-SPACE icons in ResEdit file
(icl8) and one Wallpaper file that works well with these icons. If you
don't have Wallpaper, turn your desktop into black using "General" Control
Name = Montalcini Utilities
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Montalcini Utilities
Size: 56K Date:10/27/92 Version:
Montalcini Utilities - Here is a set of utilities by Alessandro Levi
Montalcini. Two are shareware, two are freeware. ERRDITOR 1.01, Powerful
graphical editor for system startup & system error alerts (shareware -
System 7 to use Paste via Get Info), GLOBAL SEARCH 1.02, Small utility that
lets you search for an hexadecimal or character string in all the resources
of a file, QUICK CONVERT 1.02, Small freeware utility that converts integer
values to different bases (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal, base 2/32)
or to an OSType (a sequence of four ASCII characters, QUICK REDRAW 1.02.
Name = ZoomOther
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:ZoomOther
Size: 6K Date:10/26/92 Version:
ZoomOther - Do you have two or more monitors? Do you open more than one
document at one time? If you answered yes to either or both of the above
questions, then ZoomOther is for you. ZoomOther is a little extension
(INIT) which allows you to zoom your windows to various locations. If you
click in the zoom box while holding one of the following modifier keys, you
will get the following behaviors, option - zoom to the full size of the
second monitor; control - zoom to the left half of the largest monitor;
command - zoom to the right half of the largest monitor.
Name = Screen Shrink
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Screen Shrink
Size: 5K Date:10/26/92 Version: 1.0.2
Screen Shrink 1.0.2 - is a small system extension (INIT) that changes the
screen size of large monitors to the classic 9 inch screen found in the Mac
Plus, SE, SE/30, Classic, Classic II, and Performa 200. That might sound a
little sadistic, but ponder it a moment. If you design anything that gets
displayed on the Mac screen, you need to make sure it fits, and looks good,
on the classic Macs (unless you only hang around with big-screen people).
Screen Shrink makes this task easy! It actually reduces your desktop to the
9 inch screen size -- and you'll remember why you bought that large screen!
Name = Meadow
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Meadow
Size: 19K Date:10/26/92 Version:
Meadow - These are a few of my favorite Bloom County characters that
are just asking to be used as Hard Disk Icons! You can either "copy" and
"paste" them with System 7, or use ResEdit for previous system versions.
From the good ole' days of "Loose Tails", by Berke Breathed, with thanks
for all the sunny afternoons of my youth.
Name = InBasket Notifier 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:InBasket Notifier 1.1
Size: 19K Date:10/26/92 Version: 1.1
InBasket Notifier - is a simple Control Panel that will display a
notification window (and flash an icon in the menu bar) whenever files are
put into specified folders. It can be used, for instance, to monitor the
contents of folders shared over the network (using Personal Fileshare). If
you choose to share one folder for outgoing documents and another for
incoming ones (let's call them "Out Basket" and "In Basket"), you can then
have InBasket Notifier notify you whenever someone puts a file in your "In
Basket" folder over the network. You can also have it monitor your "Out
Basket" to avoid leaving shared files in it longer than needed.
Name = IIci Color Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IIci Color Icons
Size: 3K Date:10/26/92 Version:
IIci Color Icons - This is a Compact Pro file that contains two col
icons that can be used on a Mac IIci hard drive (or anywhere else). ResEdit
is not required; simply paste them with System 7's Get Info box onto a hard
drive, folder, or file.
Name = FolderIconMaker 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FolderIconMaker 1.1
Size: 24K Date:10/26/92 Version: 1.1
Folder Icon Maker - creates folders with custom icons. If you haven’t
already plastered your folders with icons from another program, or even if
you have, Folder Icon Maker creates attractive folders from almost any
file. To use Folder Icon Maker, just drag an application or document onto
the FIM icon. A new folder will be created in same directory as the file is
in. Requirements, System 7 or later, Color or greyscale monitor for best
Name = FileSharingToggle
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:FileSharingToggle
Size: 18K Date:10/26/92 Version:
File Sharing Toggle1.0 - is a set of two Macintosh applications that turn
File Sharing On and Off. Normally, Macintosh users have two choices—to
leave File Sharing on permanently, or to turn it on and off via the Sharing
Setup Control Panel. Leaving File Sharing on permanently wastes memory,
slows down your Mac, and makes you wonder if your Mac has a hangover when
it starts up. It also prevents you from renaming and unmounting drives—an
especially serious problem when using removeable media. The solution is the
File Sharing Toggle package. It contains two applications, named File
Sharing On and File Sharing Off. You can then just double-click on either
one to turn File Sharing on or off.
Name = EK
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:EK
Size:107K Date:10/26/92 Version:
Extension Kit - is an extension manager for System 6 and System 7 which
allows you to create up to 10 custom "kits" of extensions. Kits can be
loaded at boot time by holding down the numeric key for the appropriate
kit. Allows user to enable/disable individual kit items at boot time, or
use a "pick now" feature to choose a custom one-time kit. The kit editor is
a Macintosh application, which allows the user to view and edit multiple
kits at one time. Full support for System 7, with Balloon Help, required
AppleEvents, 32-bit clean. Complete online help system available for both
System 6/System 7 users.
Name = Clöck
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Clöck
Size: 22K Date:10/26/92 Version:
Clöck - is a simple, no nonsense LCD clock for your Macintosh running
system 7.x.x. I know there is a myriad of clocks already out there and
there are clocks much more sophistaced than this. My friend Christopher
Marshall looked high and low for a clock that was not an INIT or a CDEV
that was small, simplistic and pretty, no luck, ergo, Clöck! If you click
on the display it will flash the date for about a second. It checks in
about every 5 seconds or so to see if the time needs to updated to the
next minute, so the update may not be precise to the second, but your
system won’t even know this application is running.
Name = Blood 1.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Blood 1.02
Size: 8K Date:10/26/92 Version: 1.02
Blood - is a funny, useless Control Panel that digs a bunch of random red
holes in your screen (black holes on b&w Macs). All objects except the
menubar and the menus will be drawn BEHIND the holes. AfterDark™ and other
applications that draw directly to the screen may cover the holes, but they
will still be there when those programs quit. You may move the holes by
clicking on them and dragging them around the screen(s) (multiple screens
are supported). To remove a hole, hold down the Option key as you click on
Name = The Orbs Return 2.0.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:The Orbs Return 2.0.2
Size: 15K Date:10/26/92 Version: 2.02
The Orbs Return 2.0.2 - This strange and wonderful screen saver module
is like a cross between a 3-D gravitational simulation and frenetic
Macintosh pets. The long awaited sequel to The Orbs™ includes color, sound,
bouncing, trails, variable gravity, control of the boundaries of space,
good speed performance on slow Macs, and shading of the Orbs. Also, it's
an After Dark module rather than a DA.
Name = Fishing Line 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Fishing Line 1.01
Size: 5K Date:10/26/92 Version: 1.01
Fishing Line - is an AfterDark™ module that draws random curved lines on
the screen. The name comes from the close resemblance with a badly
entangled fishing line - kind of a fisherman's nightmare.
Name = WatchDos
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WatchDos
Size: 13K Date:10/14/92 Version:
WatchDos - The Macintosh system software is designed to protect the user
from accidentally losing information, and generally does a good job at
that. Except for one thing: if you insert an MS Dos disk into your drive,
your mac will happily offer you the opportunity to format it. Even with the
advent of system 7, this was not corrected in standard system software.
WatchDos corrects this problem. Whenever you insert an MS Dos disk into
your FDHD drive, WatchDos will issue a warning that this is a formatted MS
DOS disk. WatchDos is also compatible with SoftPC. It can be useful to use
SoftPC and WatchDos together. WatchDos will prevent accidental erasure
when you switch SoftPC to the background.
Name = SuperScrew
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SuperScrew
Size: 12K Date:10/14/92 Version:
SuperScrew - a collection of utilities that will help you avoid some of the
most tedious desktop chores, The application will quickly unmount your
drives and partitions. SuperScrew suspends dialog boxes so that you can
look behind them or check your files. A Go Finder button has been added
that can select or launch Finder. The hang up phone button has been
removed, but some source code is still included. It is FREEware! Use it
at your own risk. System 6 users who have SuperScrew 1.0 do not need this
Name = Radioactive trash cans
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Radioactive trash cans
Size: 2K Date:10/14/92 Version:
RadioActive - A ResEdit file containing Radioactive "trash can" icons.
Name = PowerBookIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:PowerBookIcons
Size: 9K Date:10/14/92 Version:
PowerBook Icons - Here is an updated and much more complete set of
PowerBook system icons for those of you with those powerful portable
machines. If you tire of looking at System, Finder and System Folder icons
of compact Macs, here is the answer. Included in this update is a full set
of icl8's, icl4's, and of course, icn#'s for every PowerBook out to date
and a few on the way. Represented faithfully are PB 100's, 140's, 145's,
and 170's, plus the new 160's, 180's, Duo 210's, and Duo 230's. They are
included in a ResEdit file as you will need that application to paste the
icons into a copy of your system file (always work on a copy!)
Name = Momentum
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Momentum
Size: 84K Date:10/14/92 Version:
Momentum - brings physics to the Mac desktop. Throw it in your System
folder & reboot. Then, whenever you drag a window (and some other things)
you will be able to toss it. It will bounce around the screen, until
friction brings it to a rest. You can stop it prematurely by hitting any
key except the arrow keys. That's because the arrow keys give the window
extra velocity in the appropriate direction. The CDEV allows you to adjust
the amount and direction of gravity, and the amounts of the Desktop
friction and the bounce friction. You can also restrict the bounce activity
to the Finder, and turn off the bounce sound.
Name = Macmen Cursor Collection
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Macmen Cursor Collection
Size: 36K Date:10/14/92 Version:
Macmen Cursor Collection - These are the most recent cursors that I have
created along the MacMan Line. I am working on about ten more right now
with the hopes of releasing a Complete MacMan Collection.
Name = IconBase
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IconBase
Size: 59K Date:10/14/92 Version:
IconBase - This is the first of a few neat little apps that I will be
uploading. There is no runtime engine, so you must have Helix to use this.
I wrote this for two reasons. The first was in response to an icon
database written in 4D that was posted on AOL. The second was because I
have become addicted to icons. Programmed by Hillel N. Cooperman in Double
Helix 3.5r9.
Name = HyperNet
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:HyperNet
Size: 16K Date:10/14/92 Version:
HyperNet - You can do many things including shutting down another computer
over a net, and send messages. You only need to have this stack running on
both nets.
Name = Folders Scrapbook
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Folders Scrapbook
Size: 24K Date:10/14/92 Version:
FoldersScrap - This is a Scrapbook containing over 90 varied folder icons,
and is a duplicate of a previously uploaded file in iContraption format.
The icons were made by using custom icons from many sources with Folder
Icon Maker 1.1. I hope you enjoy them.
Name = DayImager v0.2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DayImager v0.2.1
Size: 11K Date:10/14/92 Version: 0.2.1
DayImage - an extension which lets you replace Apple Icon (which locate on
the left side of the Menu Bar) with several animations. DayImager replace
Apple Icon with animations corresponding to the time period. There are 5
time period in a day, they are, Sunrise, Morning, Afternoon, Sunset, and
Night. Each period has a monocrhome and a color animation. Thus there are
10 animations to diaplay in total (5 for monochrome and 5 for color).
People who have monochrome screen won't be able to see color animations.
After you registered, you will be told a way to create your own animations.
Please read DayImager v0.2.1 ReadMe file for more information.
Name = CycleSpy
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:CycleSpy
Size: 36K Date:10/14/92 Version:
CycleSpy - Reports on real-time performance , showing how much memory and
CPU share is going to each working application or process. It offers some
interesting tidbits that can make your work habits more productive by
steering you away from power and memory hogs. Shareware $10.
Name = Color Desktops
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Color Desktops
Size: 51K Date:10/14/92 Version:
Color Desktops - An archive of forty-eight 256 color ppat resources to
spruce up your color Mac desktops. Comes with Word 4.0 document to ease
installation. Requires a resource editor such as ResEdit 2.1.1 to paste in
System file. SHAREWARE $5.
Name = Cleaning Lady 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Cleaning Lady 1.0
Size: 7K Date:10/14/92 Version: 1.0
Cleaning Lady - is a very small system extension that enhances Apple's
Finder(tm) application. With Cleaning Lady installed, whenever you select
'Clean up' from the Finder's Special menu, you will be asked to confirm
your selection.
Name = QuickStart 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuickStart 2
Size: 4K Date:10/09/92 Version:
QuickStart 2 - Make QuickStart your Startup Application. Then you can
activate a QuicKeys "File" key before you reach the Finder! Distributed
under the HappiWare System.
Name = Folder Check
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Folder Check
Size: 11K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Folder Check - The concept: a network reminder for Appleshare drop folders.
The reason- AppleShare, much like other network software, provides users
with the ability to exchange files on a central file server. AppleShare,
in particular, has Drop Folders which allow people to literally drop files
into them, yet not get access to whatever else happens to be in the folder.
Very good for privacy. Many people use Drop Folders to pass along files
when the recipient is out of the office/bedroom. When next they return,
they must check the Drop Folder for any new additions.
Name = BootCheck
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BootCheck
Size: 5K Date:10/09/92 Version:
BootCheck - Boot Check is a simple security system designed to keep
irritating visitors off of your hard disk. This is done by performing a
security check when starting the system. While it can be easily
circumvented by booting from floppy, most irritating users don't tend to be
technically capable of realising this fact. And if, by chance, said
irritating users happen to discover your keyboard code, it can be easily
and quickly changed.
Name = Animated Watch Cursor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Animated Watch Cursor
Size: 2K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Animated Watch Cursor - allows your cursor to animate.
Name = AltWDEFv1.6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AltWDEFv1.6
Size: 58K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.6
AltWDEFv1.6 - This is my version of the Window Definition (WDEF). The major
difference is the additional "shrink" button next to the "zoom" button in
the window bar. This button will shrink and un-shrink the window to an
iconic window and back to regular window. You may get the standard Apple's
window by holding the "option" key down while opening the window. You may
disable the Alternate WDEF installation by holding either the "shift" key
down or "mouse-button" down during boot-up sequence.
Name = AltCDEFv1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AltCDEFv1.3
Size: 30K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.3
AltCDEFv1.3 - This is my version of the scroll bar's Control Definition
(CDEF). This CDEF has special "shift" and "option" key combinations during
mouse-clicking within the "page up" and "page down" regions of the scroll
bars. The following table shows all the combinations.
Name = TwoTabFldrs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:TwoTabFldrs
Size: 85K Date:10/09/92 Version:
TwoTabFldrs - Welcome to the first collection of two tab folders that
covers much of the main applications, games, and utilities available for
the Macintosh. It also has a healthy supply of generic folder subjects to
fit most user's needs. This collection is presented in ResEdit format so
that many folders could be included in the smallest amount of download
time. While ResEdit is not for the uninitiated, it can be used to copy and
paste graphic resources as long as you use proper precautions of working
only on copies of files or documents that you will be using.
Name = SystemPicker 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SystemPicker 1.0
Size: 22K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.0
SystemPicker 1.0 - System Picker is a utility application which allows the
user to choose the folder that will be the active System Folder upon
restart. When System Picker is first opened it starts looking on all hard
disks (including the Portable's RAM disk) to create a list of blessable
System Folders. This list of System Folders is contained in the pop-up
menu that appears when the user clicks on the pop-up menu in the window of
System Picker. Selecting a System Folder from the pop-up menu, and
clicking the "Restart" button restarts the Macintosh using the selected
System Folder. It's that easy!
Name = Space Castle.pics
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Space Castle.pics
Size:276K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Space Castle.pics - Here is my second in a series of PICS animations for
After Dark. This is a 3D Space Castle (for lack of better description) that
can be used with the After Dark PICS player module. The animation was
created in a 3D program and looks quite realistic on your screen. It's
worth the time to download (especially if you liked my 3D Floppy Disk!!!)
Name = Network Calendar 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Network Calendar 1.4
Size: 70K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.4
Network Calendar 1.4 - Network Calendar (NetCal) places your "desk"
calendar in a window on your Macintosh. You see and edit a month's notes at
a glance. Notes are printable on a calendar or in a list. NetCal supports
multiple calendars on a single Mac and multiple calendars on networked
Macs. Ideal for individual or small work group schedules. Little to no user
training required. Built-in help is free. Add networking capability for $10
per user.
Name = FinderPaths1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FinderPaths1.1
Size: 14K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.1
FinderPaths1.1 - Do file and folder path names make you shake? Fear not,
FinderPaths 1.1 comes to your rescue. It's an extension that hooks into
the little path menus folder windows display when you command-click on
their name. It adds two items to the menu that copy the path name of the
folder itself or the selected items of the folder into the clipboard.
Name = Disk Expander 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Disk Expander 1.0
Size: 40K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.0
Disk Expander 1.0 - The Disk Expander is a system extension. Adding it to
your Macintosh System Folder will allow you to read and use files and
applications that have been compressed by More Disk Space. You will find
that applications are much smaller in compressed form and that they require
no extra time to launch. Compressed applications and compressed document
files behave exactly as you would expect them to. Even multi-megabyte
files will open without delay and without any disk space overhead.
Name = Aquarium Kit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Aquarium Kit
Size: 6K Date:10/09/92 Version:
Aquarium Kit - Aquarium Kit enhances the Fish module in AfterDark. Now
your desktop aquarium can have diagonally swimming turtles, cute but
harmless baby sharks, and a handsome mound of rocks, with gently waving
plants attached, to decorate the sea floor. These don't solve any of the
world's major problems but they do augment your daydreaming pleasure when
you are supposed to be working! Easy installation instructions included.
256 color Macs only.
Name = Preview 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Preview 3.0
Size: 18K Date:10/02/92 Version: 3.0
Preview 3.0 - Preview is a chooser-level printer driver for the Macintosh
Computer. Unlike other Macintosh printer drivers such as the LaserWriter,
ImageWriter or MacJet that send the output to a particular printer, Preview
sends the output to the Macintosh screen. This enables the user to see on
his screen exactly what is going to be sent to the printer. Although some
Macintosh software come with their own preview-like function, Preview is
application independent so no matter which application you are in, you will
always have access to Preview.
Name = On-Line Help Const Kit1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:On-Line Help Const Kit1.0
Size:137K Date:10/02/92 Version: 1.0
On-Line Help Const Kit1.0 - OnLine Help Construction Kit is an object code
library and utility program that is a powerful support package for
generating a heirachical and user-activated help system. The Help Panel
Generator is a user-friendly, stand-alone utility program that creates all
the help panels and desired heirarchy. The Help Engine is a linkable
object library included in a developed program that displays the help
contents and supports its heirarchy. Works with all Macintosh Systems 5.0
through 7.0. There are already major applications using On-Line Help that
are 100% System 7 compatible.
Name = ZOOMV32.ARA
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:ZOOMV32.ARA
Size: 3K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
ZOOMV32.ARA - The latest scripts from Zoom Telephonics' BBS in Boston --
these are for their FX9624V and FVXV32bis modems.
Name = Tye-Dye System Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Tye-Dye System Icons
Size: 7K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Tye-Dye System Icons - These are system folder icons for 12 systems and the
basic folder used to create them. It's a Berkeley theme. It's a small
file so download and enjoy.
Name = QuicKeys Scriptwriter!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuicKeys Scriptwriter!
Size: 9K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
QuicKeys Scriptwriter! - For professional and beginning scriptwriters, this
set of QuicKeys sequences and pre-set prefs for Word enables you to write
scripts very easily, with few formatting commands (8 total). Everything
from fully formatted Slug lines, Character lines, etc. including automatic
scene numbering is included. All formatting follows the guidlines of the
Writer's Guild. Shareware, $10.
Name = Fractious sphere.PICS
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Fractious sphere.PICS
Size: 38K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Fractious sphere.PICS - An 8-bit color, short animation of a sphere divided
into 16 separately rotating translucent facets, glinting as they change
angles to the light sources. Done in Stratavision based on an idea by AFC
Kai, in the Strata Inc. folder. Less than 80K expanded so it won't take up
much room on the hard disk. Sit and spin, and praise "Bob"!
Name = Fireplace
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Fireplace
Size: 75K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Fireplace - This is an After Dark module of an animated fire burning in a
brick fireplace with a nice deep blue wall in back of it. Quiet, soothing
but don't try to toast any marshmallows on your monitor. I made this module
using PROMotion, a multimedia program developed by Motion Works, Inc.
PROMotion is a fantastic program! This program allows you to make stand
alone animations, PICS files, QuickTime movies, PROmotion files, or After
Dark module.
Name = Desktop Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Desktop Icons
Size: 5K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Desktop Icons - Some monitors under some systems sport an unusual feature:
When an Icon is dragged very close to the bottom of the screen it slips
just below the edge of the desktop hiding the written name from view.
Problem is, I'm not sure what exactly makes one monitor do this and another
not do it. Try it now if you can. These Icons are specially designed to
exploit this potentially very cool "feature." Place one on an alias of an
application, drag it to that area (with your snap-to-grid turned on) and it
will appear as a simple buttondown there. So you get all the benefits of
Icons hanging around the desktop without all those ugly labels marring the
Name = ARA Client 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:NetWork:ARA Client 1.0.1
Size: 28K Date: 9/24/92 Version: 1.0.1
ARA Client 1.0.1 - ARAClient is a control panel/application maker that
provides more features than the AppleTalk Remote Access application. It's
purpose is to add value to ARA by adding a new features that save time,
keystrokes, and RAM. This utility provides a one-step connection scheme
that promises to let users forget all the details of network
telecommunications. Users must have already installed Apple's AppleTalk
Remote Access software. Version 1.01 fixes a resource problem for small
screen Macs ARAClient is Shareware, priced at $20. Like Apple's ARA
license, this license entitles use by 1 to 3 users.
Name = Apple Wallpaper ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Apple Wallpaper ppats
Size: 3K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Apple Wallpaper ppats - contains some great Apple Patterns for WallPaper
Name = SyQuest Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:SyQuest Icon
Size: 3K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
SyQuest Icon - This is a color icon, which I drew, for a SyQuest cartridge.
It can be used by copying and pasting it (from System 7's Get Info box)
onto a SyQuest cartridge's icon (or anything else.) It looks best in color
but includes all six icon types.
Name = MacMan Set 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:MacMan Set 2
Size: 10K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
MacMan Set 2 - Well here are some more Macmen. It seems that I have created
a monster for myself with these guys, I cant seem to tear myself away from
the computer. There are six included in this set MacAlien 1&2, MacBeam ME
UP, MacTrippin, MacWiz, and Maczilla. All except MacTrippin are in color
and b&w so they should be good for any Mac. I hope you like em.
Name = Lelands Cursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Lelands Cursors
Size: 5K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
Lelands Cursors - Two color cursors for use with Cursor Animator 2.0. First
cursor is a Spinning Mac Plus, second is a small man waiting impaitiently
for his file to load. He's pretty cool, looks around then at his watch,
taps his foot and throws his hands in the air.
Name = JKP Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JKP Icons
Size: 17K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
JKP Icons - These are icons converted to the new Sys 7 Control Panel style
for After Dark, DOS Mounter, Scroll 2, SuperClock, ATM 2.0.3, In Use, and
SummaTablet (a digitizer). Also included are customized icons for some
geologic applications (MacGridzo, Surface III, and others).
Name = IBM Can
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IBM Can
Size: 7K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
IBM Can - A set of resources needed to replace the trash can icon with what
we all hate the most; an IBM 80386.
Name = Fliegende Linie
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Fliegende Linie
Size: 7K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
Fliegende Linie - Fliegende Linie is a simple AD module wherein a string of
lines (colored, if your mac supports it) bounces around your screen. See
credits for more details. I'm just getting into AD programming. If there
are some other AD module programmers out there, I'd love to hear from you!
Name = FacesDark
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:FacesDark
Size: 5K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
FacesDark - Faces in the Dark is a freeware module for AD. It draws cartoon
faces and has many options for controlling how it works.
Name = EyeCon/Melt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:EyeCon/Melt
Size: 7K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
EyeCon/Melt - EyeCon (c1989 by MichAel C. Koss) displays "eyes" on the
desktop which follow the mouse. Great with MultiFinder! Make as many as
you want, and resize them!
Name = CleanSlate FKEY 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CleanSlate FKEY 1.0
Size: 4K Date: 9/19/92 Version: 1.0
CleanSlate FKEY 1.0 - CleanSlate is a small FKEY which forces an
application to update all of its windows. It was written because PageMaker
has problems updating its windows properly. I got tired of dragging
PageMaker's windows off screen and back on to force an update.
CleanSlate will work with any application. CleanSlate is free, but
copyright HCS Software.
Name = BlazingSaddles
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:BlazingSaddles
Size:112K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
BlazingSaddles - Here we have a tiny PICS file for yer After Dark PICS
player module, featuring Harvey Korman and Mel Brooks whacking their
paddleballs endlessly in the hallowed chambers of Governor William J. Le
Petomane's office. You need 8-bit color or better, and a wistful longing
for Mel Brooks better days. Pardon me, I've got to ride off into the
sunset in my limo. Happy trails, says Mongo.
Name = TrashBin
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:TrashBin
Size: 5K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
TrashBin - Wicker basket replacement for the standard trash can finder
icon. With color Macs, this icon appears 3-D. With trash in the basket,
colored papers are flowing over the top (with a few scattered on the
Name = Telex
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Telex
Size: 11K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Telex - Telex is a very simple E-Mail program for the Macintosh which can
be used to send messages to any Mac on a network which is on. It does this
well using very little memory. What is the most interesting about Telex is
that it is done by computer science department at Moscow State University
making Telex one of the first Russian public domain program to come out.
The author has an internet address so you can even write him from AOL.
Name = Royces ppats 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Royces ppats 2
Size: 22K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Royces ppats 2 -Great ppats for your Macintosh System.
Name = Point2Point 2.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Point2Point 2.0.1
Size: 54K Date: 9/04/92 Version: 2.0.1
Point2Point 2.0.1 - Point2Point is a measurement unit conversion utility.
Due to the fact that the Mac thinks points are exactly 1/72nd of an inch,
and in the real world they're actually slighly larger, Point2Point was
created to aid in the conversion of computer points to traditional points,
and back. Point2Point also converts between computer and traditional
picas, inches, and centimeters. Point2Point's *BIG* advantage over the
typical unit conversion utility is that you can calibrate it to your
printer. If you have any printer, from a StyleWriter to a SelectSet 5000,
Point2Point can be a valuable utility for making those painful unit
conversions without the need for brain-strain and a calculator.
Name = Pik-a-Pat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Pik-a-Pat
Size: 5K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Pik-a-Pat - Enclosed is a System 7-style icon set (ICN#,icl8,icl4) for
Pik-a-Pat, plus ten 'ppat's which I designed for myself and decided to
share with y'all. The "Chain-Link Flowers" pattern is actually several
patterns in one, and useful for visually centering items on the desktop.
If you already have Pik-a-Pat, use ResEdit to copy the patterns from my
file into your existing Background Pats file. Otherwise, you can just drag
the file itself into your System Folder. If you're new to Pik-a-Pat and run
System 7, note that the cdev and the Background Pats files must be stored
"loose" in the system folder.
Name = MacPass393
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacPass393
Size:172K Date: 9/04/92 Version: 3.93
MacPass393 - MacPassword™ was developed to provide security for the files
on my hard disk. Since I work in an environment where anyone can have
access to my Macintosh (and subsequently the files on my hard disk drive),
I needed something to discourage people from casual use of my equipment.
While it's true that a knowledgeable person with the right disk tools can
“break” through this or any protection method, it is every bit as good (and
gives you the same level of protection) as the commercial software selling
for hundreds of dollars. Besides, it was fun to write!
Name = Mac II System 7 Icns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Mac II System 7 Icns
Size: 22K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Mac II System 7 Icns - Tired of having your Finder look like a microwave?
If so, try these System 7 Icons that show Mac IIs instead of those little
MWs and use cool folders based on Drew Hodgson's cool folders. Even the
little ones look good. Also included are some cicns that I downloaded from
here. Just use resedit to paste these into your system and reboot. You may
have to rebuild the desktop to show all uv'em.
Name = KJLs ppats 3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:KJLs ppats 3
Size: 10K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
KJLs ppats 3 - contains great patterns for your color machine.
Name = HellFolderFix
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HellFolderFix
Size: 11K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
HellFolderFix - If you have a folder that is stuck in the trash and just
won't go away...download this file and let it work its magic. It overwrites
the file's entry in the directory structure. For more info see the read me
Name = FileShare Slider
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:FileShare Slider
Size: 3K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
FileShare Slider - The File Share slider resource adds a "slider bar" to
the Sharing Setup dialog. This allows you to change the speed with which
other users can access your machine under personal File Share. It can also
be useful if you access your Mac across the network, and want to increase
your access speed.
Name = CrazyPaper
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Wallpaper:CrazyPaper
Size: 38K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
CrazyPaper - contains several nice backgrounds for Wallpaper users.
Name = Cool crsr
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cool crsr
Size: 9K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Cool crsr - Cool Color Cursors Including: a spining baseball, basketball,
colorized counting fingers and more.
Name = Blue Poly Spirals ppat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Blue Poly Spirals ppat
Size: 4K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Blue Poly Spirals ppat - - These are some great ppats for your system.
Name = Blue & Purple Swirls ppat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Blue & Purple Swirls ppat
Size: 4K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Blue & Purple Swirls ppat - These are some great ppats for your system.
Name = Apple ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Textures:Apple ppats
Size: 6K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
Apple ppats - This contains some great Apple patterns.
Name = Announce 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Network:Announce 1.1
Size: 26K Date: 9/04/92 Version: 1.1
Announce 1.1 - A simple network utility for sending instant messages to
other users. Send the same message to many users. Save groups of users.
Send several different messages at the same time. Uses Notification Manager
alerts. Reports time when receiver acknowledges (OKs) the message. Fully-
functional Shareware. Unlimited user license inexpensive. Administrator
version can remotely set clocks, etc. System 6 and 7.
Name = Trashes
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Trashes
Size: 5K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
Trashes - This is a nice looking black, shiny trashcan that glows
forbiddingly red when full. Really looks great, I tell you! Includes
icl8, ics8, icl4, ics4 & ICN#.
Name = Trash!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Trash!
Size: 7K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
Trash! - This is a replacement for the earlier 'Funky H U G E trash can',
however, this one includes versions for 1-bit, and 4-bit as well as an
optimized 8-bit. What it is is a *H* *U* *G* *E* trash can that works! it
is composed of 6 trash aliases that when assembled correctly are this
monster trash can from hell! It will really blow your mind to see this
thing sitting on your desktop; put it on a buddys machine for a trick!
(hint: hide the real trash can below any finder icon already on the desktop
(aliases work great for this).
Name = TheaterAD
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:TheaterAD
Size: 48K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
TheaterAD - The Theater After Dark module will play a QuickTime movie w/ an
optional background picture. Included with the module is a drive-in
theater background. More backgrounds are available as part of the Theater
Maker shareware utility. If you like this module, check out Theater Maker
which lets you create standalone applications that play a quicktime movie
on a backdrop, and also create your own backgrounds from PICT files.
Name = TearOFFs1.0b1Manual(WORD)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TearOFFs1.0b1Manual(WORD)
Size: 24K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
TearOFFs1.0b1Manual(WORD) - Manual for TearOFFs 1.0 in MSWord format
Name = SystemScanINIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SystemScanINIT
Size: 6K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
SystemScanINIT - This extension scans your boot drive upon startup for
Multiple Systems and lets you know.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PASTE DARNIT!
Size: 5K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
PASTE DARNIT! - PASTE DARNIT! FKEY will paste into certain environments,
such as some dialog boxes, that don't allow the usual paste command. It
tricks the processor into thinking that you have typed the text contained
in the clipboard (desk scrap). This feature makes it useful for fast text
macros. It is FREEware! Use it at your own risk. This FKEY only pastes 20
characters. If you attempt to paste more, it will truncate the string. If
anyone can explain this limitation, the author will attempt to fix it.
Also, any other suggestions are welcome. The source code (THINK C) is
included. It has only been at home on his Mac+.
Name = More B4Dark Ppats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:More B4Dark Ppats
Size: 12K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
More B4Dark Ppats - 9 more Ppats for import into Before Dark. These range
from Mild to Wild --- Colorful to Drab --- Seamless to Tiled. Pick your
choice. Hope you enjoy them & best of all THEY'RE FREE !!!!!
Name = Lava Lamp
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Lava Lamp
Size: 6K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
Lava Lamp - An After Dark module that inverts the screen colors in patterns
that tell the time or just look cool, crazy, or relaxing. Dialogue boxes
provide infinite user modification.
Name = Fast Unfrag 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Fast Unfrag 1.0
Size: 8K Date: 8/22/92 Version: 1.0
Fast Unfrag 1.0 - Super-duper-fast hard disk defragmenter. Easy to use.
Reliable. Tiny. Effective. Works on System 6 or 7. Nice color graphics.
(Runs fine in black-and-white, too.) $10 shareware fee. Like most
defragmenters, this one can't defragment EVERY file (it'll tell you which
ones it wasn't able to stitch together), but if you've got an amount of
free disk space equal in size to your largest fragmented file, it'll do a
pretty efficient job.
Name = A Glass Darkly
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:A Glass Darkly
Size: 6K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
A Glass Darkly - An After Dark module that inverts the screen colors in
patterns that tell the time or just look cool, crazy, or relaxing.
Dialogue boxes provide infinite user modification.
Name = 3D Color System Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color System Folders
Size: 20K Date: 8/06/92 Version:
3D Color System Folders - This file contains "13" custom 3D Color System
Folder Icons, all of which include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s,
ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D
Color System Folders on your desktop, even if you choose the small icon
view! Without you having to know anything about ResEdit™ or even have the
Name = VoiceWaker 1.03
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:after dark:VoiceWaker 1.03
Size: 7K Date: 7/28/92 Version: 1.03
VoiceWaker 1.03 - VoiceWaker is a cool new AfterDark™ module that will let
any microphone-equipped Macintosh wake up at the sound of his master's
voice (or anybody else's). It works fine with the built-in microphone of
the new Macs and with Farallon's MacRecorder, as long as the MacRecorder
Driver is installed in the Extensions folder. In screen-saver mode,
VoiceWaker either dims the screen to a constant brightness or makes it
follow the input volume. If the main monitor can't dim, it only obscures
the screen. As soon as the sound input level gets higher than the selected
wake-up volume, VoiceWaker wakes up your Macintosh.
Name = TerrainMaker 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:TerrainMaker 2.0
Size: 15K Date: 7/28/92 Version: 2.0
TerrainMaker 2.0 - TerrainMaker 2.0 is a module for After Dark™ version
2.0. It generates a fractal landscape using rivers, canyons, mountains,
and lakes. You can even choose to have the lakes and rivers filled with
raw, toxic sludge! (Our environmental twist.)
Name = Spare Key v1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sn-Sp:Spare Key v1.2
Size: 5K Date: 7/28/92 Version: 1.2
Spare Key v1.2 - Spare Key-- Keyboard driver patch to allow power-on key on
Standard and Extended ADB Keyboards (used with Mac II's, LC's, SE's, and
Classics) to be used as more than just a power-on switch. Copyright © 1989,
1991 by Ryoji Watanabe.
Name = Slivers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Slivers
Size: 8K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Slivers - this is an After Dark module.
Name = Serial Mouse
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Serial Mouse
Size: 12K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Serial Mouse - This cdev/init allows you to connect a IBM type serial mouse
to your Macintosh, and use that instead of the standard Macintosh mouse.
It works with Microsoft and Mouse Systems compatible mice. (just about the
only two types of serial mice that are out there). Yocan even use IBM type
serial trackballs with it! Connect the mouse up to one of the serial ports
of your Macintosh, and drop this cdev/init into your System folder. Use
the control panel or System 7 to set-up the mouse driver. This allows you
to set up which port the mouse is connected to, and what type of mouse it
Name = Safety Belt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Safety Belt
Size: 23K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Safety Belt - The Alysis Safety Belt is a control panel that notifies users
whenever a temporary file is left on their hard disk. After a system
crash, these files may contain the most recently edited data of a work in
progress. Safety Belt alerts users to the presence of the files and
reminds them of how to make use of the files to avoid the loss of data.
Name = Reality AD
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:after dark:Reality AD
Size: 14K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Reality AD - is another After Dark module for your collection.
Name = Private
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Private
Size: 4K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Private - This is an INIT resource that you can put into your system folder
to keep track of what applications are used on your Macintosh. Whenever an
application is launched, Private Eye makes a note of the application name
and the time/date in a file called "logfile" that it creates in your system
folder. This is useful for machines with public access. It enables you to
tell what's happened while you were gone. Be sure to clear out the log
periodically as it can get quite large.
Name = Icons/Customizing FIM 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icons/Customizing FIM 1.1
Size: 37K Date: 7/28/92 Version: 1.1
Icons/Customizing FIM 1.1 - FIM 1.1 allows you to select a (preset)
resource file to use for the base icon, but you have to open it (FIM) each
time. For "the odd time," this is fine. But for those who have the space
and inclination to set up some "factory work" machinery, you can make a
copy of FIM (1.1) for each base icon, paste the appropriate res file in,
adjust 'SHFT' if needed, and just drag 'n drop like a maniac. I like to
keep such things handy at least, for the "even times," when you want to
chase a few crazy ideas around.
Name = FCB Monitor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FCB Monitor
Size: 7K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
FCB Monitor - This freeware application allows you to view how many files
you have open, what the maximum number of files you may have open is set
to, and a graph showing the percentage used. It also allows you to
increase the number of files you can have open (this feature only works
under System 6 - System 7 will automatically increase the number of open
files allowed if needed).
Name = Disk Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Disk Icons
Size: 9K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Disk Icons - System 7 provides facilities for color icons for files and for
disks. Through an inexplicable oversight, Apple forgot to make the icons
for floppy disks display in color. Furthermore, hard disks usually have
icons created by their manufacturer without provision for color icons. The
documents included in the Disk Icons folder will allow you to replace the
black & white icon for your hard disk with color icons. You can also make
floppies display in color.
Name = DimWatts
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:after dark:DimWatts
Size: 5K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
DimWatts - Although a PowerBook™ user always has the option of putting
his/her machine to “sleep,”, I wanted a more dynamic, but yet energy
efficient screen blanker. None of the available screen blankers had yet
incorporated the ability to dim the backlight, so I wrote one. DimWatts is
a simple, but useful hack I put together as an AfterDark™ module. I am
considering adding other Power Manager features such as “Rest,” and
“Sleep,” and localtalk, and modem control. Feedback may be influential.
Name = dClass
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:dClass
Size: 12K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
dClass - version 2.5 overwrites all data on a hard drive so that it may not
be retrieved in any manner.
Name = B4Dark Import FileMoser
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:B4Dark Import FileMoser
Size: 18K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
B4Dark Import FileMoser - 15 more colorful desktop patterns for import into
Craig Marciniak's Before Dark Desktop Pattern Utility. Very Cool.
Name = 3D Color Folders VIII
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders VIII
Size: 61K Date: 7/28/92 Version: VIII
3D Color Folders VIII - This file contains "49" custom 3D Color Folder
Icons, all of which include the necessary (ICN's, ic14's, ic18's, ics's,
ics4's, ics8's and masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color
Folders on your desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without
you having to know anything about ResEdit or even have the program. With my
new 3D Color Folder format, which are embedded ResEdit files, there is
absolutely no need for you to use ResEdit. No more, why does the blue
shadow of my new 3D Color Folder Icons seem to vanish once you "Paste" them
into the "Get Info Window" ????
Name = The Web
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:The Web
Size: 31K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
The Web - This is a screen saver module called "The Web" that I wrote for
the After Dark screen saver contest a few months ago. Unfortunately, it
didn't win anything so I'm releasing it to the public. It's a large module
so it may not run in all configurations (i.e., low free mem) -- Berkeley
uses temporary memory for large structures like offscreen color bitmaps,
but that is REALLY hard for background processes like After Dark, so The
Web has to fit into the System Heap. The Web works in B/W, but color,
naturally, looks better. If you're into spiders and webs in a Monty
Pythonish way, give this a try.
Name = StickyClick1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:StickyClick1.2
Size: 9K Date: 7/22/92 Version: 1.2
StickyClick1.2 - StickyClick makes your mouse button "Sticky" when you
click in the Menubar. When you use a trackball on a bouncy bus or
aircraft, it can really make menu navigation much more pleasent. Freeware.
Name = ShutDown Later 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:ShutDown Later 1.0.1
Size: 12K Date: 7/22/92 Version: 1.0.1
ShutDown Later 1.0.1 - I wrote this little program because sometimes I
download files at night. So as I dont like leaving my Mac on, I estimate
the download time and then I launch "ShutDown Later". ALL UNSAVED DOCUMENTS
Name = RT color icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:RT color icons
Size: 3K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
RT color icons - Own Railroad Tycoon and can't believe they didn't make the
effort of colorizing the icons?! Me too!! Well here's my feeble attempt
and making some color ones. Please let me (Vegemite) know what you think.
Name = QuickFormat! 7.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuickFormat! 7.1
Size: 44K Date: 7/22/92 Version: 7.1
QuickFormat! 7.1 - QuickFormat! 7.1 is a high speed floppy disk
initializer. It allows you to configure the process under which the disk(s)
are initialized. With QuickFormat!, you can cut the time it takes to
initialize a disk almost in half.Version 7.1 has several bug fixes and the
new order address. Shareware $15. This is a Demo version.
Name = Expl.Peng.Trash
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Expl.Peng.Trash
Size: 3K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
Expl.Peng.Trash - This is a trash icon that can be installed with ResEdit.
It is a penguin that explodes when trash is dropped in it. Simply copy and
paste and reboot. Then drop some trash in and watch him explode!
Name = DFerase1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DFerase1.0
Size: 17K Date: 7/22/92 Version: 1.0
DFerase1.0 - This utility allows users to 'repersonalize' many applications
such as MS Excel and Word. It is SHAREWARE ($5). From the author who
brought you the F1F4 init.
Name = Coffee & Donuts
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Coffee & Donuts
Size: 4K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
Coffee & Donuts - From the genius that brought you Icons For Smokers.
Another set of icl8's that celebrate the wonderful phenomenon of human
addiction! This time it's a full and empty coffee maker (Suitable for use
as a new trash can, though not assigned trash ID #'s), as well as a
chocolate iced donut with its bitten equivalent. Suitable for... nothing
really. But heck, it only takes a minute, and what could be cuter than a
32 x 32 coffee maker?
Name = A Train INIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:A Train INIT
Size: 9K Date: 7/22/92 Version:
A Train INIT - A cute little INIT I made. Drop it in your system folder and
reboot. And when you do a big fireball express comes up and the whistle
blows. Great for train buffs !
Name = Simpsons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Simpsons
Size: 2K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Simpsons - Simpsons icons for a little humor in your Macintosh.
Name = My trash
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:My trash
Size: 3K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
My trash - I've Down loaded several replacements for the full trash can
Icon, but always have returned to this one. (I don't get tired of it.) It
is a crumpled and bent trash can with the lid off and the top overflowing.
You've got to know how to use resedit to modify A COPY of the system to
make use of this file.
Name = Money
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Money
Size: 12K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Money - I have put together a few money icons using a Logitec Scanman and
Adobe Photoshop. They include George Washington and U. Grant . I like to
use these as disk icons to really get some attention. They are not a hint
or subliminal message to send me a few dead presidents I just want to know
how people are going to use them. Please tell me how you like them. Ralph
Name = JerryCan
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JerryCan
Size: 2K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
JerryCan - Animated closing trash Icon for Resedit installation.
Name = HeartbeatButton
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:HeartbeatButton
Size: 6K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
HeartbeatButton - Heartbeat Button Icon for fun and pleasure!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:CURS,ICON,ICN#
Size: 15K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
CURS,ICON,ICN# - A small collection of cursors, icons, and icn# resources
to move around and play with in ResEdit, or whatever. Calvin and Hobbes,
Charlie Brown, Snoopy, other various images, and even the "Second Viennese
School" -- Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern. These icons & cursors have been
seen nowhere before, and not again after.
Name = A.T.I. Set II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:A.T.I. Set II
Size: 12K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
A.T.I. Set II - Yes, yet another set of replacement trash icons. This is
part II. You'll need ResEdit (any version) to implement these. Comes with
full documentation.
Name = Tabby Countdown
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Tabby Countdown
Size: 6K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Tabby Countdown - Tabby Countdown is a great little after dark file that
displays the time for the next Tabby event for you After Dark sysops. By
John Sinteur.
Name = Sparklers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Sparklers
Size: 4K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Sparklers - a sparkling After Dark Module.
Name = Satori
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Satori
Size: 11K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Satori - This is an already upgraded module for use with After Dark 2.0u.
No changes involved other than it now works with the Mac LC and IIsi. A new
feature is, by pressing the Caps Lock key, the colors now change. Compact
Pro compressed file.
Name = Santa AD Module(PICS)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Santa AD Module(PICS)
Size: 46K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Santa AD Module (PICS) - This is a color AfterDarK ScreenSaver module which
features Santa in his sleigh, pulled by reindeer across a full moon. Use
the After Dark PICS PLAYER to display this module. Author is unknown.
Name = Quantam Lines
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Quantam Lines
Size: 5K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Quantam Lines - An AFTER DARK (tm) module. A variation on the String Theory
module. The After Dark screen saver is required to use this file.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:OFF THE AIR
Size: 18K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
OFF THE AIR - With this After Dark module, after a period of inactivity,
you Macintosh will go "off the air" and look like a TV that's been left on
after the station has stopped broadcasting. (And sound like it to, if you
want). This module REQUIRES a monitor/video card capable of displaying 256
colors or greys. It also requires After Dark 2.0u or later. Shareware:
$2.00 (can't get much cheaper than that).
Name = Moire/AD
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Moire/AD
Size: 7K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Moire/AD - Do you like the "Moire" screen saver or "After Dark"? No need
to choose. Here is a Moire module for After Dark. Please note this file
is not usuable unless you have the After Dark Screen saver program.
Name = millions
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:millions
Size: 9K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
millions - After Dark module for 32-bit color. Tested only on 1.1.
Name = Happy Birthday PICS(AD)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Happy Birthday PICS(AD)
Size: 76K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Happy Birthday PICS (AD) - is an After Dark Module for all those After Dark
fans out there!
Name = Earth2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Earth2
Size:128K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Earth2 - This an After Dark Module of the Earth rotating in 8-bit color.
This version corrects the rotational direction. Sorry about the mistake!
Keywords: After Dark, Module, PICS Player.
Name = Columns
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Columns
Size: 2K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Columns - Columns is another After Dark module for your evaluation.
Name = Christmas Tree
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Christmas Tree
Size:146K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Christmas Tree - This is a PICS file which can be used with After Dark or
any PICS player. Created with Swivel 3D, this Christmas tree rotates 360
degrees. Can be used with the PICS Player screen saver in After Dark and
for some strange reason, it runs faster when used in a Multimode screen
saver. Contains color and works on Mac II's and IIfx's. Free from FLIGHT
Name = AD Star Trek TNG
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD Star Trek TNG
Size: 9K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
AD Star Trek TNG - This After Dark module features the NCC-1701D moving
across your monitor screen at warp speed. One of the better After Dark
modules I've seen!
Name = AD Roaming Lines
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD Roaming Lines
Size: 12K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
AD Roaming Lines - A color or monochrome module for use with Berkley
System's After Dark screensaver. This module creates constantly rotating
spirals with long tails. Excellent for color AD users. Keywords: After
Dark,AD,Color, Monitor,Screen,Saver,Spirals.
Name = Powerbook OK to Rest
Path = Trilogy III:Files:System7 tools:Powerbook:Powerbook OK to Rest
Size: 5K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Powerbook OK to Rest - This utility was written by Insignia Solutions for
users of SoftPC on the Powerbook Macintoshes to solve a problem common to
many applications on the Powerbooks. After a short period of inactivity by
the keyboard and mouse, the Powerbooks goes into Rest Mode, slowing the
processor to 1 MHz, which makes it appear to be hung. This utility restores
this rest mode after use of the companion utility Powerbook Don't Rest.
This utility was uploaded by Insignia Solutions Technical Support.
Name = Powerbook Don't Rest
Path = Trilogy III:Files:System7 tools:Powerbook:Powerbook Don't Rest
Size: 4K Date: 6/22/92 Version:
Powerbook Don't Rest - This utility was written by Insignia Solutions for
users of SoftPC on the Powerbook Macintoshes to solve a problem common to
many applications on the Powerbooks. After a short period of inactivity by
the keyboard and mouse, the Powerbooks goes into Rest Mode, slowing the
processor to 1 MHz, which makes it appear to be hung. This utility disables
this rest mode, keeping the processor at full speed. There is a companion
utility called 'Powerbook OK To Rest' which restores the Rest function.
Name = JTK’s Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JTK’s Folders
Size:167K Date: 6/20/92 Version:
JTK’s Folders - contains lots of folders with icons for black and white and
color users.
Name = JTK’s B&W Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:JTK’s B&W Folders
Size: 43K Date: 6/20/92 Version:
JTK’s B&W Folders - contains several folders with icons for black and white
Name = IconsFile
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IconsFile
Size: 10K Date: 6/20/92 Version:
IconsFile - Several icons for your use. System 7 and Icons from Hell...
Name = Chinese Textures
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Chinese Textures
Size: 54K Date: 6/20/92 Version:
Chinese Textures - a collection of interesting icons created from Chinese
Name = P2p20
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:P2p20
Size: 14K Date: 6/17/92 Version: 2.0
P2p20 - This is version .0 of Print2Pict. It is a printer driver that
previews and saves printed pages to PICT files or the clipboard. It works
only under System 6 or earlier. Drop it in your System folder and select it
with the Chooser It has an on-line help you can copy to the clipboard and
print using any word processor. It also supports Balloon Help.
Name = Ultima VII Screensaver
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Ultima VII Screensaver
Size: 37K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
Ultima VII Screensaver - This little slice of animation is propagandaware.
If you like it, send a postcard to Origin and tell them you want to see
Ultima for the Rest Of Us!
Name = TextTrap
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TextTrap
Size: 28K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
TextTrap - This control panel is a utility that provides text capture for
many Macintosh programs. When TextTrap is active, then as your Macintosh
writes text to the screen, TextTrap will also write a copy of the text to a
disk file. If the text is drawn as part of a picture it is not possible to
capture the text with this program. This utility may be useful for
capturing text from help screens, games, or communication programs that do
not provide a means to save the text to a file.
Name = ShrinkDown
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:ShrinkDown
Size: 7K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
ShrinkDown - ShrinkDown is an extention that installs a shutdown proc that
causes your screen to wipe to black like old television sets used to when
you restart or shutdown. It works under System 6 and 7 and on multiple
monitors. Serves no real purpose, but can anyone explain Talking Moose to
Name = Hummingbird
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Hummingbird
Size: 2K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
Hummingbird - This is a 'left-handed' color cursor - a hummingbird. It is
in CursorAnimator format so it can be loaded directly. It is not animated,
but the masking used for the bird's wings simulates movement... Hope you
enjoy it....
Name = Computer ON/OFF
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:Computer ON/OFF
Size: 3K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
Computer ON/OFF - Shows a computer starting up, doing some tasks, and
shutting down. Very cool and interesting. LOOKS PRO!! Gives you something
to look at while a large program is loading.
Name = DiskStatus1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DiskStatus1.2
Size: 40K Date: 6/09/92 Version: 1.2
DiskStatus1.2 - DiskStatus is a program which provides a real-time display
of the free and used space of all of your current drives, including
floppies. It can customize it to display only the activity that you care
about or to minimize the screen "Real-estate" used. Since its initial
inception, DiskStatus has been expanded to display just about everything
about your disk and memory and even some other things. It is intended to be
a startup application under Multifinder or System 7.0 Finder, so that it
can sit quietly on your desktop and provide information when you need it.
Name = DataDesk
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DataDesk
Size:202K Date: 6/09/92 Version:
DataDesk - contains the software necessary to use old DataDesk
International Keyboards with System 7. As you may know, DataDesk
International has gone out of business and Prometheus Products is
supporting their products. Prometheus's Description, "Datadesk Utilities
file for using 101 keyboard with Sys7. Of special interest to users of Mac
512's, Plus', and SE's, along with the 101 keyboard."
Name = WindowShade1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WindowShade1.2
Size: 20K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.2
WindowShade1.2 - WindowShade is a unique window enhancement utility for the
Macintosh. WindowShade gets its name from the old window blinds that roll
up when given a sturdy pull. This utility brings the same functionality to
Macintosh windows. By placing the WindowShade control panel into the System
Folder, your windows are given a brand new feature. By double clicking
anywhere on the title bar of a window, the lower part of the window will
“roll up” underneath the title bar. Double clicking on the title bar again
will lower the window to its original size.
Name = QuickClick V1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuickClick V1.1
Size: 14K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.1
QuickClick V1.1 - is a small CDEV that allows you to add machine gun effect
to your mouse for any of those fast arcade games. You can toggle it on and
off by pressing shift, command C. This will trick your mouse into believing
you are repeatedly pressing the mouse. Saves your mouse wear and tera on
those high action mouse uses.
Name = Psychedel•INIT 1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Psychedel•INIT 1.0b1
Size: 4K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.0b1
Psychedel•INIT 1.0b1 - This small System 7 compatible System Extension will
make your Macintosh Finder come to life with the psychedelic colors of the
60's. This requires a color Macintosh to work. It has been tested on a
IIsi, a IIcx with a Radius Rocket and various other System 7
configurations. It should also work under System 6.x but I have not tested
it. This is "Ben & Jerry-Ware." If you like this program, eat a pint of
your favorite Ben & Jerry flavor!
Name = MoreThumbnails
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MoreThumbnails
Size: 4K Date: 6/08/92 Version:
MoreThumbnails - This file can be used with PicktureDemo or with the
commercial version of PickTure, under system 6 or system 7. Normally
there's room for 2 columns of thumbnails on the Mac II screen and for just
one column on the Plus/SE and LC. This file will increase it to 3 columns
on Mac II and 2 columns on the small screen. It simply contains the dialog
resources - DLOG and DITL of the Open dialog box (2 DLOGs and 2 DITLs). The
regular Open dialog items are squeezed together to leave more room for
thumbnails on the right.
Name = Folder Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Folder Icons
Size: 6K Date: 6/08/92 Version:
Folder Icons - It was made by using Gregory M. Robbins' Folder Icon Maker
on an "already"(!) folder icon, the 3D/CFI entitled "New Ideas," in the
General folder, in Vol II, of Drew Hodgson & Vernon Brown's set of 3D Color
Folders, availible on BBS's, AOL, Etc. This is an Icon that depicts
Compactor files are inside.
Name = Dismount 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Dismount 1.2
Size: 6K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.2
Dismount 1.2 - Dismount is a small extension that implements a handy hot
key for unmounting floppy disks in the Finder. When Dismount is installed,
simply press command-option-E, and floppy disks in the internal and
external floppy drives will be ejected and unmounted (the icon will
disappear from the desktop). Version 1.2 also lets you specify a specific
drive number. Command-option-1 unmounts the floppy in the internal drive
(drive 1), and command-option-2 unmounts the floppy in the external drive
(drive 2). These are extensions of Apple’s standard FKEYs for ejecting
disks with command-shift-1 or 2.
Name = Disk Spy
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Disk Spy
Size: 37K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 2.0
Disk Spy - Ever wondered what secret information was kept by your disk?
Well, the answer lies in information that you can ask the disk controller.
These information is called ‘Inquiry data’ and ‘Mode Sense pages’. The SCSI
Spy program allows you to extract this hidden information and save it in a
text file. The information is presented in a format that is attractive to
humans. The program has even proved useful in creating some parameters that
you need to connect a disk to a SUN workstation. This utility will read
that info and comes as a free utility with other SCSI tools.
Name = ClipboardMagician.71
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:ClipboardMagician.71
Size:147K Date: 6/08/92 Version: .71
ClipboardMagician.71 - Version 0.70 allows Clipboard Magician to be used as
an Apple Event server, very few people can take advantage of that because
there are very few Apple Event client applications. Version 0.71 will
introduce more function where Clipboard Magician acts as an Apple Event
client, mostly by adding new CNVTs. Now more people can now actually uses
Apple Event, if only to let one Clipboard Magician to talk to another one
in a remote machine. System 7 compatable release. Here's the newest version
of Clipboard Magician, the user-extensible desk accessory that allows
conversion of data types to<->from the clipboard. This new version speeds
operation with FKeys.
Name = Bad Block Scanner
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bad Block Scanner
Size: 20K Date: 6/08/92 Version:
Bad Block Scanner - This program can check your disk for bad blocks, using
very little memory and fast. There is almost no other piece of software
that scans a disk as fast as this program. Usually, no bad blocks are
found, and after the scan there is nothing you can do. If bad blocks are
found, you are given the option to remap them, that means telling the disk
to substitute new blocks for them without the need to reformat. But (isn't
there alwaysa big but), the data that once was contained in the blocks gone
bad can't be read anymore. That means that the file the bad block was in,
is damaged.
Name = AntiFinder Installer V1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AntiFinder Installer V1.1
Size: 11K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.1
AntiFinder Installer V1.1 - allows you to save memory under multifinder by
quitting the finder with this F Key.
Name = Trashcans
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Trashcans
Size: 30K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Trashcans - This file contains 19 color trashcan replacements for System 7.
In order to use these icons, you need a working knowledge of ResEdit 2.1 or
later and some experience with editing System resources. WARNING! Do NOT
attempt to edit an open (in use) System file! Always make a copy of your
System file and edit that one; when you are through, you can rename the
files and restart your Mac to take advantage of your new trashcan.
Name = TOMN√INIT II 1.0b4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TOMN√INIT II 1.0b4
Size: 34K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.0b4
TOMN√INIT II 1.0b4 - TOMINIT is reborn! TOMINIT II allows menus to be torn
off in any application. Can tear hierarchials as well. Great for large
monitors. Save yourself from those long trips to the menubar. Tear off
titles (TOTs) as well, miniature tear off menus. TOMINIT II works with all
system configurations above 6.0. TOMINIT II has been heavily tested with
System 7.0.1 and System 7 Tune-Up. This contains major changes needed for
future stability. Fixes billions of bugs. Includes new color icons
(Rebuild Desktop). And adds two new requested Hot Keys. Enjoy.
Name = TimeDrive
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TimeDrive
Size: 19K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
TimeDrive - This is a small utility that you may use to compair the
performance of a RAMdisk, a SCSI drive and a the floppy drive. The program
is copyrighted, but no charge is asked for its use.
Name = Ted's™ DataDef v1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Ted's™ DataDef v1.1
Size: 66K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.1
Ted's™ DataDef v1.1 - An EDA-type statistical template for Dos(123 or
Excel)/Mac (Excel, etc.) or Amiga-DOS (Advantage). Computes 29 descriptive
statistics (mostly robust) to describe/define score distributions.
Provides classification into categories as defined by Micceri, T. (1989).
The Unicorn, The Normal Curve and Other Improbable Creatures.
Psychological Bulletin,105:1, p. 156-166. These allow one to evaluate the
probable robustness of statistics for specific distributions. Requires
MacPlus with 1MB RAM.
Name = Ted's™ Change Finder 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Ted's™ Change Finder 1.1
Size: 15K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.1
Ted's™ Change Finder 1.1 - For those wishing to find the differences
between two versions of the same document (programming code, WP document,
spreadsheet, dataBase records, etc.), this stack identifies and underlines
all differences. Copies of a document may be imported (as text files) or
copied from the clipboard Tab-delimited or comma-delimited files can be
evaluated. Four levels of comparison are provided from 1) Most Precise
(slowest) to 4) Fastest. Requires MacPlus with 1MB RAM & HyperCard 2.0.
Name = System 7.0 Style AD ICL8s
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:System 7.0 Style AD ICL8s
Size: 2K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
System 7.0 Style AD ICL8s - Nifty system 7.0.X Afterdark ICL8s (Icons).
Made them myself. First ones I've made. If you like them send me E-Mail.
Name = SwitchApp v1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SwitchApp v1.1
Size: 8K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.1
SwitchApp v1.1 - allows you to use command keys to switch to various
Name = StopWatch12
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:StopWatch12
Size: 18K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 12
StopWatch12 - StopWatch is a free utility written using Think C 4.0.5. Its
main purpose is to make it easier to time and compare applications,
procedures and programs, but it can also be used as an event-logger It is
primarily intended for use with MultiFinder, though this is not mandatory.
It will count up or down from a specified time (between 0 and 99 hours);
It can count in tenths of seconds; You can set a pause period for the timer
to wait before starting the main count, to give you time to switch over to
your other application.
Name = More Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:More Icons
Size: 89K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
More Icons - Collection of over 1000+ ICONs. I use for HyperCard, takes
about 3 - 4 minutes for me to load up the icons for buttons! And I have
Name = MacLoad 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacLoad 1.3
Size: 14K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.3
MacLoad 1.3 - MacLoad - is a program useful for MultiFinder (or System 7)
users. It shows how busy your computer is at any given point. See the
"About..." dialog for more information on how it works and what the
histogram means. The program will work with System 6 or 7, on machines with
or without Color QuickDraw. On machines with Color QuickDraw, color-setting
options are available in the preferences dialog. MacLoad will remember
where you leave it and return to that size and position the next time it
opens. It will also remember scrolling and color options you set in the
Preferences dialog.
Name = LC Startups
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LC Startups
Size:128K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
LC Startups - Two really cool inits for the LC I stumbled accross.
One of them says "I am completely operational and all my circuicts are
funtioning perfectly." The other one plays some rock music.
Name = Jive
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Jive
Size: 32K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Jive - I hope to use this application as part of a Microcomputer
Experimenter's kit, like the classic 20-in-1 Electronics kits from Tandy /
Radio Shack, but aimed at combining the Mac and some "Smart" hardware, so
you can play with a Micro Computer without hacking into your Mac.
Jive includes several menu items that will translate incoming charactors
into binary, hex and decimal and a means of representing incoming data as
an 8 bit grapIt also stores data as text, or in binary if a 'Chart' is
selected, as required Baud rates are the standard rates described in Inside
Name = Hide Window FKEY
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Hide Window FKEY
Size: 12K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Hide Window FKEY - Hide Window FKEY allows you to "hide" a window from the
screen, without closing it or taking it out of memory. This would allow to
check and see what is under the window, etc. Better than System 7's "Hide
Application," because this lets you hide just one window at a time.
Name = GetInfo++
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:GetInfo++
Size: 6K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
GetInfo++ - This INIT will let you see Filetype and Creator signatures in
the Comment box of a file when doing a Get Info in Finder. (Actually, this
only works the first time you comment a file, and only if the Shift key is
down.) Want to add a comment to a file? Use Get Info per normal. Want to
add filetype/creator info to the comment box instead? Do a Shift-Get-Info.
That's the basic idea here. It's a very simple INIT, compatible with
everything, but you DO need System 7 (or it won't load). It's absolutely
the easiest way to get filetype & creator info for a file, and you get that
info in the only logical place for it the Get Info window. Apple should
have done something like this in the first place!
Name = FeelfineCursor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:FeelfineCursor
Size: 3K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
FeelfineCursor - Dr. Feelfine is an entertaining animated cursor for use
with CursorAnimator 2.0.1. The doctor helps you avoid depression/
frustration/anxiety while you w-a-i-t for your Mac to do something. Dr.
Feelfine's therapy consists of making faces and performing other amazing
tricks with his head (he IS a psychiatrist, after all).
Name = Dnut
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Dnut
Size: 2K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Dnut - This series of cursors is stored as a resedit document. Just paste
it into your Finder and adjust the acur resource and you are on your way.
Name = Cursors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cursors
Size: 7K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Cursors includes earth and arrow cursors.
Name = Color Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Color Icons
Size: 57K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Color Icons - contains all sorts of color icons for your use.
Name = CHIME 4.0.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CHIME 4.0.4
Size: 16K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 4.04
CHIME 4.0.4 - The Chime 4.0.4 Control Panel plays sounds as time reminders
at quarter hour intervals. Its features include fully asynchronous sound,
hour tolling, nautical chimes or ship's bells, no disk access to slow
things down, and easy configuration of different sounds to play at
different intervals. It fully supports the new Sound Manager for
concurrent sounds. Chime will not conflict with with other sound
utilities, sound playing applications or games. Version 4.0.4 fixes a
problem that occured with Macs not equipped with the Apple Sound Chip -
sometimes only a single sound would play.
Name = Warp Factor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Warp Factor
Size: 3K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Warp Factor - this is an after dark module of warp drive.
Name = OURA QT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:OURA QT
Size: 6K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
OURA QT - another after dark quicktime movie.
Name = Microbes 1.1b
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Microbes 1.1b
Size: 50K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.1b
Microbes 1.1b - is yet another in the growing list of After Dark screen
saver modules that were losers in the latest After Dark programming contest
held by Berkeley Systems. :( Color: Microbes can be colored on low bit
depth monitors. With 256 or more colors, microbes can be assigned a
spectrum of colors which reflects their health. Size: Microbes now come in
three sizes. Clip art: You can paste in clip art to feed the microbes when
the've eaten just about everything on the screen.
Name = Hubble AD
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Hubble AD
Size: 34K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Hubble AD - An After Dark module created late one Saturday night from the
"Logo" Module included with A.D. An 8 bit digitized image of the Hubble
Space Telescope, as seen from the Space Shuttle, drifts across the screen
(Looks good with the drift speed set slow). Enjoy, Rick
Name = Chopper Modules
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Chopper Modules
Size: 63K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
Chopper Modules - These are two color variations of the original Flying
Choppers. One module has strobing choppers flying around with sexy girls in
bathing suits. The other file has Rainbow choppers flying with Quadra 900s
-it even plays the Quadra's majestic startup sound. Color with good sounds.
Name = AD Kablooie 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:AD Kablooie 1.0
Size: 27K Date: 5/27/92 Version: 1.0
AD Kablooie 1.0 - Nice fireworks module for AfterDark. Mimics launching and
exploding fireworks with color, sound, and flashes. Supposedly works on all
machines and system configurations. Tested with system 7.0.1 and system 7
update 7.0.
Name = Volume Name Unlocker
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Volume Name Unlocker
Size: 3K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
Volume Name Unlocker - Do you have a disk that cannot be renamed, even
though File Sharing is turned off? If so, run this little application.
Name = Spectre Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Spectre Icon
Size: 2K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
Spectre Icon - Here's a replacement icon I made for Spectre. It's a
resEdit file, but I also pasted the icon onto the file so System 7 users
could just cut and paste it without needing to use resEdit.
Name = KScope
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:KScope
Size: 7K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
KScope - KScope is an After Dark Module which draws Kaleidoscope-like
patterns. It is best in color, although it will use patterns on monochrome
systems. It uses lots of memory, since it uses regions. Right now, its sysz
resource is set to 200k, but it might have to be made larger for use on
monitors larger than 13" and/or using greater than 8 bit color. KScope is a
loser (darn) in the After Dark contest, and is being distributed as
Name = Just a Clock 1.0a20
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Just a Clock 1.0a20
Size: 15K Date: 5/08/92 Version: 1.0a20
Just a Clock 1.0a20 - "It's Just a Clock" v1.0a20 dates from 1990, but it's
such a unique desktop clock that I just had to share it with all of you.
What makes this clock so unusual is that it appears to simply float on the
desktop, not bound by any visible window. Very nifty! You can choose
between analog and digital, with or without second hand (or digits), and
you can set the size of either to whatever you choose as well as the font
used by the digital version. "It's Just a Clock" appears to be compatible
with System 7, though I can't vouch for its compatibility with 32-bit
addressing or virtual memory.
Name = EInfo 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:EInfo 1.0
Size: 5K Date: 5/08/92 Version: 1.0
EInfo 1.0 - EInfo v1.0 is a small utility that lets you edit the creator
and type codes of an HFS or MFS file. No frills, very straightforward.
Name = DeskCritters
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DeskCritters
Size: 9K Date: 5/08/92 Version:
DeskCritters - This is a package of 2 INITs: BIGFOOT creates a pair of
walking feet that walk around your desktop, while EYEBALLS gives your
menubar eyes that blink and follow the cursor around. Freeware. MacWrite
docs included.
Name = READER 1.0.9
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:READER 1.0.9
Size: 58K Date: 4/29/92 Version: 1.09
READER 1.0.9 - Reader can open different types of files without having the
application that originally created the file. It also lets you do other
things such as printing and copying. This version contains format drivers
for opening MacPaint, PICT, 'snd', SoundEdit, Text, GIF, QuickTime Movie,
TeachText, and CD track type files.
Name = StretchInit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:StretchInit
Size: 10K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
StretchInit - This init modifies the window definitions so you can drag in
any direction, not just down and to the right. You can grab the upper left
hand corner and grow the window up and to the left or shrink it down and to
the right. Basically this thing allows you to the range of motion that you
now have at the bottom right corner. You can also grab in the middle of a
side and expand or shrink the window there in one direction. I can grab on
the left side of the window and drag it to make it bigger or smaller. Hope
this isn't to confusing. Check this out.
Name = Beautiful Women ICL8's
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Beautiful Women ICL8's
Size: 12K Date: 4/25/92 Version:
Beautiful Women ICL8's - Some Lady Friends and some stars as well. Includes
4 ICL8's from the "Heathers ICL8" file as well.
Name = unUNIX 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:unUNIX 1.0
Size: 5K Date: 4/25/92 Version: 1.0
unUNIX 1.0 - A utility that converts newline characters in a MS-DOS/UNIX
text files to carrage returns so the file is much more readable on a Mac.
Name = TV-Man
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:TV-Man
Size: 21K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
TV-Man - TV-Man is a utility program designed to display various images
tailored to emphasize potential video problems on the Macintosh. Since
every conceivable problem cannot be predicted several aspects of TV-Man
have been made programmable by the user. All test displays determine the
size of the monitor being used and scale their pictures accordingly. This
may lead to some calculation rounding errors especially where the user gets
to set up numbers of bars in the display. The screen area may not be evenly
divisible by the number of bars. Oh well.
Name = Swirly! 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:After Dark:Swirly! 2.0
Size: 9K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
Swirly! 2.0 - Swirly! is an After Dark module that I created while learning
to program with THINK C. It displays swirls of random size, color and
location on any color Mac. This module will not run on a black and white
Macintosh. It supports any screen size and up to 256 colors. Slider
controls allow you to change several variables to alter the swirls to suit
your tastes. Let me know how you like it!
Name = SCSI Spy 1.9b3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:SCSI Spy 1.9b3
Size: 27K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 1.9b3
SCSI Spy 1.9b3 allows you to inspect SCSI information on your hard drive
and SCSI setups easily.
Name = Quick Mount 1.0d
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:Quick Mount 1.0d
Size: 17K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 1.0d
Quick Mount 1.0d - Quick Mount is an application that mounts file server
volumes. Once the information needed to mount a volume is specified, it
can be saved in documents for later use. Double-clicking a Quick Mount
document will quickly mount the volume it specifies --- saving you the
trouble of relocating the volume with the Chooser. By Bruce Gaya
Name = Processorize 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Processorize 1.0
Size: 21K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 1.0
Processorize 1.0 - Processorize is a fun little application which lets you
look into the inner workings of the Mac. It displays information about all
currently running processes (applications, desk accessories, the Finder).
It can also launch and kill processes, even allows for manipulating the
launching parameters. It was written to help me learn some of the new
routines available in System 7, and I thought it was cool enough that
others might want to check it out. Let me know what you think! Carl W.
Haynes - haynes@mace.cc.purdue.edu
Name = My Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:My Icons
Size: 22K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
My Icons - I love the fact that you can customize your icon in System 7,
and I have been taking full advantage of it. Utobian's icons were great,
and I thought that someone else might like to have mine! Iconder does this
for you (superimpose a small icon on to a folder), but I wish I had had it
when I made up most of these! But since I got it, it makes things much
Name = Fly Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Fly Icons
Size: 5K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
Fly Icons - Here is a new batch of 3D color icons that I've drawn up, that
are cool enough to be called "Fly Icons". I have some new Cartoon
Personalities, some new Hard Disks, as well as a few Appletalk Remote
derivatives, and of course numerous folders. Use copy and paste to add them
to new folders. Hope you enjoy the icons, and if you have suggestions,
please drop me a message! fprefect@caen.engin.umich.edu
Matt Slot, CAEN Mac-Support
Name = CUEUP2.0.1B
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:CUEUP2.0.1B
Size: 69K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
CUEUP2.0.1B - This is a beta version of On Cue II 2.0.1 update, 2.0.1b. It
is beta in the sense that it has not been tested sufficiently to release it
as 2.0.1 final, but all known bugs have been fixed. We are releasing this
now so that we can get it into the hands of anyone that needs it as soon as
possible. If you are not having any problems with On Cue II, we suggest you
wait for version 2.0.1 final to update. All System 7 users should at least
update the Move Alias and Move Special modules.
Name = Cool Color Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Cool Color Icons
Size: 8K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
Cool Color Icons - Cool Color Icons. We hope you have A fun time with these
Psychadellic Icons, and for those of you with Microsoft Word (Who dosen't
have THAT?!), try to decipher our "Little Message" & send it via E-Mail to
Name = ChooserUser 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:ChooserUser 1.2
Size: 19K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 1.2
ChooserUser 1.2 is a freeware control panel that lets you control who can
change the owner name (or user name under System 6). It also allows the
owner name to be changed at startup, either manually or automatically. This
program will be particularly useful to public Macintosh labs found in
university settings.
Name = DT Designer Pro™ 2.03
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:DT Designer Pro™ 2.03
Size: 41K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 2.03
DT Designer Pro™ 2.03 - This version of DTD Pro is System 7 ready. DTD Pro
is used with the ProView 8, ProView 24, ProView "V" 8 and ProView "V" 24.
As with all the other Mirror software, it will still function under System
6.x just fine.
Name = SCSI Evaluator 1.07
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:SCSI Evaluator 1.07
Size: 34K Date: 4/09/92 Version: 1.07
SCSI Evaluator 1.07 is the latest version of this fantastic hard drive
performance testing utility. A must-have utility!
Name = PRAM-5.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PRAM-5.0
Size: 19K Date: 4/09/92 Version:
PRAM-5.0 - Updated version of PRAM 4.0 utility application. Resets and sets
individual fields in the parameter RAM. MacPlus or later. System 6.0.5 -
6.0.8. Incompatible with System 7.
Name = LockBootVolName1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LockBootVolName1.0b1
Size: 5K Date: 4/09/92 Version: 1.0b1
LockVolName 1.1b1 is a freeware system extension that prevents users from
changing the name of volumes in the Finder. To install LockVolName, edit
the name your volumes to what you want them to be and then place
LockVolName in your System Folder (Extensions folder in System 7) and
reboot. After this point, the name of any mounted volumes will no longer be
editable in the Finder. LockVolName works by making every editing action on
a volume name the equivalent of typing an up arrow.
Name = LaserwriterLockout 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LaserwriterLockout 1.1
Size: 17K Date: 4/09/92 Version: 1.1
LaserwriterLockout 1.1 - LaserwriterLockout 1.1 is a freeware init/cdev
combination that lets you control which LaserWriters (and other chooser
devices, too) appear in the Chooser desk accessory. This program will be
particularly useful to network environments where access to a particular
LaserWriter (or other chooser device) should be available to only certain
nodes on that network.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BEHIERARCHIC 1.0.5
Size: 13K Date: 4/09/92 Version: 1.05
BEHIERARCHIC 1.0.5 - BeHierarchic is an INIT/CDev which will automatically
create a visual hierarchy in your Apple menu under System 7.0. Simply drop
it in your System folder and restart. With BeHierarchic, you will no longer
have to launch a Control Panel item for instance, since you can access it
directly from the pulled down Apple menu. Any folder or aliases in the
Apple menu folder in your System folder will be displayed when you will
pull down the Apple menu. BeHierarchic is user configurable through the
Control Panel. You can choose different keyboard combinations to update the
contents of the Apple menu or update it automatically.
Name = StuffIt XTND
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:StuffIt XTND
Size: 4K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
StuffIt XTND is an On Location file type for viewing Stuffit files.
Name = Stingray Color Icon Family
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Stingray Color Icon Family
Size: 3K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
This is a pretty decent (I think) set of color icons for the Stingray CDEV
which ships with the Stingray trackball. It is a complete set, including
icl8, icl4, ICN#, ics8, ics4 & ics#.
Name = SoftLock
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sn-Sp:SoftLock
Size: 37K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
SoftLock has been designed to place a software lock on any disk. This
software lock is analogous to the sliding tab lock you can use on a floppy
disk. A password can be used to protect a locked disk, so that it can not
be unlocked by the program, without entering the correct password.
Obviously, this is a dangerous thing to do. If you forget the password, the
disk can be erased with either SoftLock, or Disk First Aid. Either of these
applications will remove the software lock, and all the files on the disk.
Check the help menu in the application for further details & shareware
Name = SetClock 3.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:SetClock 3.3
Size: 15K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 3.3
Newest update of this popular clock setting program. This version adjust
the time it takes to initialize your modem. Sys. 7 compatabile.
Name = QZapAPPL™ 1.0a1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QZapAPPL™ 1.0a1
Size: 9K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 1.0a1
QZapAPPL™ 1.0a1 - Ever rented Mac time? Ever bring your own software
because they didn't have it? Ever try to delete your own software, only to
find out that you need a supervisor with a password, who isn't around, to
do so? If so, then read on! QZapAPPL presents you with a standard GetFile
dialog and looks for files of type 'APPL' or 'rsrc'. It then allows you to
switch the file type from one to the other. If the problem is "Can't delete
application" BECAUSE the type is APPL, then solve it with this!
Name = pixelflipper 1.3.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:pixelflipper 1.3.4
Size: 27K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 1.3.4
pixelflipper 1.3.4 - PixelFlipper, allows you to change the screen depth of
your Functions as Apple's Monitors CDev without having to access the
Control Panel. Now works with all Mac monitors and with up to 32-bit video
cards. Will also save color changes when doing restarts. SHAREWARE.
Name = MacAClock 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacAClock 2.1
Size: 29K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
MacAClock 2.1 - MacAClock is a regular program that displays an analog
clock on a screen. It displays the current time, day and date. You can
assign individual colors to different parts of the clock. Nice!
Name = Earth-30
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:Earth-30
Size: 6K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
Earth-30 Cursor, Copyright 1992 by Brian A. Foster. Others have attempted
to produce a good looking, rotating color Earth cursor. Well, there was
always something wrong: either the color mapping was different from the
"Standard 256" supported colors, or Australia seemed to move around, or
major lakes suddenly disappeared, or the cursor's "hot spot" was up in
outer space, or whole frames were just left out. I think that with this
release I have fixed all of those problems. Though I don't guarantee my
accuracy, this color Earth cursor is closer to being wonderful than
anything else that I have seen. Its action is smooth, and it's colorful
enough to get your attention on screen.
Name = DesktopReset1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DesktopReset1.1
Size: 9K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 1.1
Using the Finder's standard way of rebuilding the desktop can result in a
bad desktop file, especially if the desktop file was damaged to begin with.
Desktop Reset solves this problem by actually deleting the desktop file,
which forces the Finder to rebuild it from scratch. This should result in a
good rebuild.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DATE-TIME FORMAT
Size: 4K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
Control Panel (cdev) to set formats for short and long dates and time
(24 Hour or 12 Hour). Makes use of new System 7 Script Manager but is not
System 7 dependent.
Name = Control Key
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:Control Key
Size: 15K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
“Control Key” was created to allow the owners of pre-ADB Macs (512E to
Plus) the use of ConTRoL characters using the standard or international
keyboard. These characters can be accessed through two methods. First,
pressing “Option-Command-Shift” is the equivalent to pressing the CTRL-Key
in that any character pressed with this combanation will generate the
equivalent ConTRol character. The only problem is that few programs will
recognize those characters directly, or trap the key-combination for their
own purposes. Therefore I added the second method. By Anthony Saxton. Only
compatible with system versions 6.0.5 or later.
Name = AutoIdle
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AutoIdle
Size: 11K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
AutoIdle - This is yet another of those automatic screen blanking
utilities, called AutoIdle. It should be compatible with all versions of
the Macintosh, including a Mac II with multiple screens. It is also
compatible with Multifinder. To use it, you place the AutoIdle file in your
System Folder and reboot the machine. After 5 minutes of inactivity, the
screen will be blanked and an icon will appear at random places of the
screen. In general, AutoIdle tries to display the icon of the application
that is running. The name of the application will appear under the icon.
If AutoIdle can't locate the appropriate icon, it will display a gray
square. By Larry Rosenstein.
Name = ApplicationMenu4.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:ApplicationMenu4.0
Size: 13K Date: 3/22/92 Version: 4.0
ApplicationMenu is a simple INIT that provides a popup menu of the
currently applications under MultiFinder™ or System 7. There are 3 ways to
activate the popup menu. Click in the menu bar to the left of the Apple
menu, click in the menu bar to the right of the MultiFinder icon (or System
7 application menu), hold down one or more modifier keys (command, option,
etc.) and click anywhere on screen. Each of these hot spots can be turned
on or off by clicking the appropriate checkbox in the Control Panel. This
can be useful if some other utility use parts of the menu bar.
Name = ShowInitIcon1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:ShowInitIcon1.1
Size: 6K Date: 3/04/92 Version: 1.1
ShowInitIcon 1.1 allows you to show multilpe lines of inits. Version 1.1.
Provided by the author.
Name = MacCompress
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MacCompress
Size: 29K Date: 3/04/92 Version: 3.2
A utility that allows your mac to extract from Unix Compress (.Z) archives
MacCompress version 3.2. Copyright 1988 Lloyd Chambers, all rights
reserved. MacCompress is free, but NOT in the public domain.
Name = CustomiZer 3.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:CustomiZer 3.1
Size: 7K Date: 3/04/92 Version: 3.1
CustomiZer 3.1 is a program that allows the user to re-enter the
registration information usually requested the first time the software is
launched. This software is designed to help fix spelling corrections or
company name changes.
Name = Jump Start 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:Jump Start 1.4
Size: 26K Date: 2/24/92 Version: 1.4
Jump Start 1.4 - eliminates the “Application not found” dialog box—the one
that appears whenever you attempt to open a document created by an
application you don’t own. It does this by allowing you to substitute an
application you do own for the one you lack. For example, with Jump Start!,
you can double-click on a MacWrite file that’s sitting on your Desktop,
and your Mac will automatically start Microsoft Word and open the file. You
can sit back and watch while Word then convert the file into its own
internal format! Version 1.4 fixes some minor bugs in 1.3 that some users
experienced. No features were added to 1.3.
Name = QK II Stuff
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QK II Stuff
Size: 67K Date: 2/23/92 Version:
QK II Stuff - contains several new QuickKeys tools and packages. Copyright
CE Software. All rights reserved.
Name = Hot Spot 0.1b2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Hot Spot 0.1b2
Size: 6K Date: 2/23/92 Version: .1b2
Hot Spot 0.1b2 - This simple system extension causes the hot spot of the
cursor to blink. A cursor's hot spot is the single pixel position that the
computer will use as the coordinate of the cursor. Normally the hot spot
is obvious (at least to you and me), like the tip of the arrow or the tip
of the finger in HyperCard's hand cursor. Other times, however, it's not
so obvious such as the hot spot in the vertical bar of the text insertion
cursor. I got the idea for this while observing several groups of
elementary and high school students work with educational software written
in HyperCard.
Name = PictureShow2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PictureShow2.0
Size: 19K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 2.0
PictureShow 2.Copyright 1991-1992 by Michael J. Gibbs, all rights reserved
PictureShow is shareware, if you use it send $10 to Michael J. Gibbs.
PictureShow is a small utility that displays PICT images. Nearly all
Macintosh drawing programs can create PICT images, and many use it as their
native format. PictureShow can display as many black and white or color
PICT images as memory allows. It is especially handy for taking a quick
look at pictures because it is very small and fast PictureShow should be
compatible with all Macintosh systems running System Software version 6 or
later. It has been tested on the Macintosh IIx, IIcx, IIsi, and IIfx with
System 6.0.5, 6.0.7, and System 7.0.
Name = Radioactive.acur
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Radioactive.acur
Size: 3K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
This is a neat acur which is the radioactive symbol spinning around in full
color. This is one of many projects which I am currently working on, and
I'm putting them out as fast as I can. I do custom icons and cursors upon
request (and money provides an incentive to work faster), so just let me
know what you want." Edward Early
Name = FKEY Master
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FKEY Master
Size: 9K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
FKEY Master is a small utility that puts you in control of your FKEYs. Its
intuitive interface lets you easily install, remove, and move FKEYs. At
only 9k, you might call it the bodybuilder's FKEY manager. All of the
muscle, none of the fat. It's certainly not your father's FKEY Manager!
Name = 3D Color Folders VII
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders VII
Size: 37K Date: 2/17/92 Version: VII
This file contains "27" custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which include
the necessary (ICN's, ic14's, ic18's, ics's, ics4's, ics8's and masks) for
you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your desktop, even if
you choose the small icon view! Without you having to know anything about
ResEdit or even have the program. With my new 3D Color Folder format, which
are embedded ResEdit files, there is absolutely no need for you to use
ResEdit. No more, why does the blue shadow of my new 3D Color Folder Icons
seem to vanish once you "Paste" them into the "Get Info Window". No more,
having to be a ResEdit expert to have super looking custom 3D Color Folder
on your desktop !!!!
Name = LoadMon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LoadMon
Size: 12K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Copyright © 1991 by Michael J. Gibbs, all rights reserved. Load Monitor is
shareware. If you use it, send $5 to Michael J. Gibbs 16751 Queen Esther
Dr. Surprise, AZ 85374. Load Monitor is a simple application that shows
you (in relative terms) how busy your Macintosh is. It displays a graph
that is periodically updated showing approximately how great a load your
Mac is under. Any Macintosh computer running system software version 6 with
Multifinder or system software version 7 or later. If you try to run Load
Monitor without Multifinder under system software version 6 or earlier it
will crash. Uploaded to AMUG by the author.
Name = Erasure v1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:Erasure v1.0
Size: 8K Date: 2/14/92 Version: 1.0
Erasure does one thing, it deletes a selected file. I wrote this after a
tiring day on debugging an INIT. When the INIT wouldn't work I would have
to throw out the INIT by opening up the system folder and physically
throwing out the INIT. I got tired of constantly opening and closing
windows to do this. Erasure helps by putting up a standard get file dialog
so that you can locate the file winding your way through a bunch of
Name = 3D Color Folders I
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders I
Size: 47K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
3D Color Folders I contains custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your
desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without you having to
know anything about ResEdit™ or even have the program. Provided by Vernon
Name = 3D Color Folder II
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folder II
Size: 62K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
3D Color Folders II contains custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your
desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without you having to
know anything about ResEdit™ or even have the program. Provided by Vernon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:USAGI'S CURSORS
Size: 19K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Ten wild and wacky animated watch cursors that can be used with the
CursorAnimator extension also available in this library. Usagi's Cursors
include cute animals, disgusting bugs, annoying people, and pretty scenery
(yes, these really are watch cursors!) Usagi's Cursors are designed to run
in color, but look good on monochrome Macs, too!
Name = The DI
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:The DI
Size:257K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
This is my second Pascal application. Basically it a startup program.
It launches, displays a pict, plays a snd file (chosen at random), then
quits. For system 7 just put it in your startup items folder. For system
6 just select it as a startup application using "Set Startup" in the
finder. The sounds used are from the movie of the same name starring
Jack Webb as a Marine drill sargeant. You can guess the tone of the
sounds. Basically hilarious. It would change your life, but it will
make you smile.
Name = SCROLL2 V2.1.11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:SCROLL2 V2.1.11
Size: 26K Date: 2/14/92 Version: 2.1.11
SCROLL2 V2.1.11 - Scroll2 is now a Control Panel/Startup document
(cdev/INIT) which gives you twice the scrolling power of the plain vanilla
Apple scrollbars, as well as the ability to customize the appearance of the
scrollbars. It is compatible with System 7.0, in both 24bit and 32bit
addressing modes. To install it, just drag the file "Scroll2 v2.1" into
your System Folder, and reboot. It now includes a QuicKeys 2™ Extension for
compatibility with QuicKeys 2™, while maintaining compatibility with
version 1 of QuicKeys™ under System 6. See the section "QuicKeys 2 &
Scroll2" below for further details and installation instructions.
Name = Color convert
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:Color convert
Size:115K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Color Convert will convert your 256 or 24 bit color images into 8 color
overlays that can print on the imagewriter II with a 4 color ribbon.
Has 2 different scanning methods to help get best results.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BLINDFOLD
Size: 19K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Make files and folders visible or invisible in the Finder. Useful for
hiding private files or cleaning up ugly desktop clutter. Files are
modified through an open file dialog, or in Drop Box mode. Scans all
directories selected in Drop Box mode, so entire directories or disks can
be modified. This utility can be used without System 7. Another Drop
Rob-Box by Robert Gibson.
Name = APPSIZER2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:APPSIZER2.1
Size: 34K Date: 2/14/92 Version: 2.1
Newest version of the Shareware control panel device(cdev) that allows you
to modify an application's MultiFinder partition size as you launch it. To
do this, you simply hold down the control key as you launch the application
and AppSizer brings up a dialog that lets you specify the application's
partition size. System 7.0 compatible.
Name = Accelerator 2.9 & RdMe
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:Accelerator 2.9 & RdMe
Size:116K Date: 2/08/92 Version: 2.9
The RasterOps Accelerator and the Accelerator cdev software speed up
QuickDraw operations by using a technique called bus locking and by taking
advantage of video boards which support slave block mode in all bit depths
(1, 2, 4, etc. bits per pixel). The most dramatic speed improvement is
realized in 24-bit mode (true color) on boards which support block mode.
Copyright Rasterops. All Rights reserved.
Name = Color Quadra Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Color Quadra Icons
Size: 7K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
Color Quadra Icons contains custom Color Quadra Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom icons on your desktop, even if
you choose the small icon view! Without you having to know anything about
ResEdit™ or even have the program.
Name = Color Hard Disk Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Color Hard Disk Icons
Size: 7K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
Color Hard Disk Icons contains custom Color HD Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom icons on your desktop, even if
you choose the small icon view! Without you having to know anything about
ResEdit™ or even have the program.
Name = 3D Color Folders VI
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders VI
Size: 35K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
3D Color Folders VI contains custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your
desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without you having to
know anything about ResEdit™ or even have the program.
Name = 3D Color Folders IV
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders IV
Size: 49K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
3D Color Folders IV contains custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your
desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without you having to
know anything about ResEdit™ or even have the program.
Name = 3D Color Folders III
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders III
Size: 60K Date: 2/03/92 Version:
3D Color Folders III contains custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which
include the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and
masks) for you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your
desktop, even if you choose the small icon view! Without you having to
know anything about ResEdit™ or even have the program.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MACBRIGHTNESS102
Size: 19K Date: 1/31/92 Version: 1.02
MacBrightness 1.02 is PostcardWare. It is for Macs that use software
controlled brightness, such as the Classic and Classic II. When installed,
you click in the menu bar with a defined modifier key, and a popup
slider control will appear. Is System 7.0 savvy, with Balloon Help.
Use Compact PRO to uncompress this file.
Name = Ecco Print1.0.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:Ecco Print1.0.4
Size: 46K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 1.0.4
‘Ecco Print’ is a no-frills network driver for single-user printers. Its
component pieces are created by the enclosed application, ‘Ecco Maker’.
Ecco Print has been tested successfully with the ImageWriter and the
StyleWriter. It does not work with the Personal LaserWriter LS. Ecco Maker
allows you to install either a ‘server’ or a ‘client’ on Macs connected to
AppleTalk networks. On a server Mac, Ecco Maker creates both a new printer
driver and a System Extension (INIT). This INIT will install a AppleTalk
server at system startup. This server allows the newly created Ecco
printer driver to be accessed by Ecco Print clients across the network.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HALF-QWERTY
Size: 23K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
This is a demo of a new type of computer keyboard called Half-QWERTY. It
allows the user to touch-type with one hand. When the space bar is held
down, the keyboard is remapped in a mirror image in the same way that your
hands are mirror images of one another. Typists can adapt in a minute or
two...must be tried to be believed!
Name = Mr Cat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Mr Cat
Size: 2K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
Mr Cat is a fun cursor for cursor animator users.
Name = FlickeringColour
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FlickeringColour
Size: 2K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
FlickeringColour is a cursor file for cursor animator.
Name = Escapade v1.3.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:Escapade v1.3.2
Size: 34K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 1.32
Escapade is a Control Panel (“cdev”) designed for people who prefer to keep
their hands on the keyboard while using a Macintosh. This is version 1.32.
Name = CEToolbox v1.6.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CEToolbox v1.6.5
Size: 40K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 1.6.5
This is version 1.6.5 of the CEToolbox from your friends at CE Software.
Use with Quick Keys and QuickMail.
Name = 3D Color Folders
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:3D Color Folders
Size: 45K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
This file contains "33" custom 3D Color Folder Icons, all of which include
the necessary (ICN’s, ic14’s, ic18’s, ics’s, ics4’s, ics8’s and masks) for
you to have super looking custom 3D Color Folders on your desktop, even if
you choose the small icon view! Without you having to know anything about
ResEdit™ or even have the program.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PRINTERDRIVERS
Size: 23K Date: 1/26/92 Version:
Printer drivers for Epson compatible 9 and 24 pin printers. Includes
information on obtaining an appropriate cable. Epson, Panasonic, Driver,
Name = NOSER
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NOSER
Size: 4K Date: 1/26/92 Version:
Something to do while your waiting. Noser is a disgusting watch cursor
replacement for use with the CursorAnimator extension elsewhere in this
library. It runs in color or b&w. Enjoy it if you can! -Usagi
Name = ChartPaster INIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:ChartPaster INIT
Size: 2K Date: 1/26/92 Version:
This INIT (extension) fixes an incompatibility that exists between Excel
3.0 and several drawing programs, including MacDraw, Canvas, FreeHand and
others. This INIT is the official Microsoft fix to the problem and will
work in all cases, though it does require MultiFinder).
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:IKON VII
Size: 18K Date: 1/06/92 Version: 7
IKON VII 1.0 is a starter kit to help you make your files more readily
recognizable. It includes many suggested designs, and a toolkit to begin
customizing your own. Each icon in this collection is designed to be
visually distinct. Notice that each one grabs the eye in its own way.
Name = Lockup INIT.1.0a1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:Lockup INIT.1.0a1
Size: 18K Date: 1/01/92 Version: 1.0a1
Lockup is a free INIT that simply asks for a password on startup, or allows
you to shutdown instead. No encryption is done. The password is alterable
using ResEdit. This version may have bugs, so email me if you find 'em.
The documentation is in Word and MacWrite.
Name = Tweaker v1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:Tweaker v1.0
Size: 10K Date:12/31/91 Version: 1.0
Tweaker v1.0 This program simply let's you change most of the Finder's
attributes for a Mac file. I wrote this because I wanted a program handy
for 'tweaking' files when necessary. Free
Name = Out to Launch v1.2.6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Out to Launch v1.2.6
Size: 57K Date:12/31/91 Version: 1.2.6
Out to Launch v1.2.6 is an application launching facility consisting of an
FKey and an application.
Name = LaserLAB
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LaserLAB
Size: 30K Date:12/31/91 Version:
LaserLAB provides high resolution printing from Infocus Technologies of CO.
Name = WatchWork
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WatchWork
Size:276K Date:12/30/91 Version:
WatchWork is a MultiFinder background clock application with the following
features, Clock with Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Days, Memory display
Configurable colors, appearance Configurable chimes with many sounds
included Full-featured reminder 'alarms' Watchwork requires system 6.0 or
greater (system 7 is great) ShareWare, with 30-day trial and $25.00 fee to
keep. Watch,WatchWork,WatchWorks,clock,chime,timer,alarm,reminder
Name = SuperSaver
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SuperSaver
Size: 9K Date:12/10/91 Version: 1.0
A System 7 compatable INIT screen protection program. Should work on any
Macintosh system which is capable of handling INITs. Shareware, try it for
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NOCACHE
Size: 6K Date:11/16/91 Version:
No Cache 1.0 -- A hack I wrote while benchmarking. Disables/Enables
68040 caches on Mac Quadras. Why should you care? Because the Apple
Cdev requires you to reboot the Mac, while No Cache changes the
caches on the fly. Freeware.
Name = MAC101KBD
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:MAC101KBD
Size: 6K Date:11/06/91 Version: 101
This system extension and resources are for a very specific purpose:
they allow you to use a DataDesk Mac101 keyboard on a Mac Plus without
using the MasterStrokes software that came with it. Note that this
is for the Mac101, NOT the Mac101e. See the documentation included
for details.
Name = FNDPRN11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FNDPRN11
Size: 19K Date:11/06/91 Version: 1.1
Find Printers version 1.1 comes with c code. This program allows you to
find printers on your network.
Name = FCBINS11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FCBINS11
Size: 14K Date:11/06/91 Version: 1.1
FCB Inspector 1.1 is a freeware Control Panel that allows users to peek at
a Macintosh’s list of open files. It also provides information about these
files on demand and can close ones that aren’t crucial to system operation.
Finally, when using System 6, it allows the maximum number of open files to
be changed. To install it under System 6.0x, drag the FCB Inspector file
icon into your System Folder and reboot. To install it under System
Software 7.0, drag the FCB Inspector file icon over the System Folder icon
and click OK to the dialog or drag it directly into the Control Panels
folder and reboot. By Maurice Volask Address: 173 Princeton Ave. Apt #2,
Amherst, NY 14226-5006.
Name = CRAM BAR 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:CRAM BAR 1.2
Size: 5K Date:11/06/91 Version: 1.2
Cram Bar will make more room for titles, etc. in your top menu by using a
compressed/condensed font size. If your menu bar's getting crowded or has
run out of room, Cram Bar will solve the problem.
Name = FileEdit30
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FileEdit30
Size: 18K Date:11/01/91 Version: 3.0
FileEdit allows you to change the default application the finder chooses
when you ask to open any type of document whose creator can't be found.
With FileEdit 3.0, not only can you change the application the Finder
chooses to open "orphaned" PICT or TEXT files, but you can add any other
type, too. Great for saying goodbye to the "application not found" message.
Name = Mac2MB
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:Mac2MB
Size: 7K Date:10/30/91 Version:
Mac to MacBinary is a translator document for Apple File Exchange.
It translates files from the original Macintosh format into the
MacBinary format. It is useful for those who normally use
MS-DOS or Apple II systems to senad and receive Macintosh software
using the commercial services and local bulletin boards. Without
such a translator, Apple File Exchange would simply move the file
to a Macintosh disk and you would need to run another program to
perform this translation.
Name = Apple Slicer 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Apple Slicer 1.0
Size: 12K Date:10/14/91 Version: 1.0
Apple Slicer is a utility which splits the apple menu into several
sub-menus to improve the ergonomy. The menu’s items are split into
sub-menus on the basis of their alphabetical order. The installation of
Apple Slicer is very easy to do - simply copy the Apple Slicer file into
the system folder. To deinstall, simply move it out of this folder.
Although tested for over a year, no problems appeared with other
applications or application on all types of macintoshes. Only version
1.2.10 of SuitCase II is incompatible with Apple Slicer when the SuitCase
option which places its item at the top of the Apple Menu is set. By
Jacques Lovi of Belgium.
Name = Disk Timer III B2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Disk Timer III B2
Size: 19K Date:10/05/91 Version: 3
Disk Timer III is a great tool for finding the speed of your drive.
Measurements include access, read,write speeds and fastest average and
slowest test results.
Name = IIsiSoundFixFKEY
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:IIsiSoundFixFKEY
Size: 2K Date: 9/28/91 Version:
IIsiSoundFixFKey helps fix the sound loss problem on a Mac IIsi by setting
the setting the sound volume to 7, beeping, resetting the sound to its
original setting and beeping again.
Name = FileList+.Doc(MS Word 4)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FileList+.Doc(MS Word 4)
Size: 85K Date: 9/13/91 Version: 1.0
This is the documentation for file FileList+1.0. Because of the functions
contained in FileList+, it is HIGHLY suggested this documentation be
downloaded and read.
Name = SCSIInfo V1.1.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:SCSIInfo V1.1.
Size: 19K Date: 9/09/91 Version: 1.1
Version 1.1 resolves all bugs reported by users to date, and features a
vastly improved Mount function. SCSIInfo can now mount volumes even if they
were turned on after boot. SCSIInfo, in addition to the standard 'Mount,
Scan, Reset' functions, provides a comprehensive table of information about
each device attached to your Macintosh. Particularly useful for removable
media drives, in that you can remove your driver init, and still mount the
volume on your desktop. SCSIInfo is shareware.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LULLABY
Size: 38K Date: 9/09/91 Version:
This is an application that works like After Dark or any screensaver INIT
or Extension. It is designed to run in the background like Applicon. After
running it the first time and selecting the preferred "hot" corner and the
preferred screensaver module, you should place it .. or its alias .. in the
Startup Items folder. The first character in its name is a space to ensure
that it loads before other Startup Items that run primarily in the fore-
ground. All the graphics in the modules are black&white because I program
with an SE/30. Color fans may be better off with After Dark. Anyway, since
it is an application, you should experience no INIT conflicts.
Name = Chinon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Chinon
Size: 63K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
This file contains the CD Drivers for the Chinon CD-ROM player. All users
of System 7.0 or above MUST utilize Foreign File Access version 1.1.1d2 or
above! The version of Foreign File Access that was previously provided to
CDA-431 on the distribution disk is NOT compatible with System 7.0 and must
be removed from the system folder. Chinon is now shipping version 1.1.1d2
of Foreign File Access on the CDA-431 distribution disk (along with the
toggle cache version of CDinit).
Name = Rotenstien2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Rotenstien2
Size:145K Date: 8/05/91 Version:
Its Rotensteins utilities. They are great and fun. They help with
problems like temporary files and inits or DAs that crash games and
programs by temporarily turning them off so you can play or work without
fear. Great ones. Includes BootCheck, cdev shrinker, Init Cdev, LogOut 1.1,
Nothing, QuickStart. Use compactor to decompress.
Name = Rotenstien1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Rotenstien1
Size:145K Date: 8/05/91 Version:
Its Rotensteins utilities. They are great and fun. They help with
problems like temporary files and inits or DAs that crash games and
programs by temporarily turning them off so you can play or work without
fear. Great ones. Includes Daily Organiser, Frame•it, Tempermant, Daily
Source and more. Use compactor to decompress.
Name = Excel 3.0 Color Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Excel 3.0 Color Icons
Size: 9K Date: 7/28/91 Version:
Got tired of looking at Microsofts attempts at color icons, so created a
mmuch more colorful set of icons. File contains all sizes. Free..Enjoy
Keywords: Icons,ICL8's,Excel,Color,Icons. Compactor file.
Name = FileMover
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FileMover
Size: 93K Date: 7/20/91 Version:
FileMover is a file copying script language that automates large scale
file transfers. It includes wildcard file name matching and incremental
backup. This is especially useful for people working on local networks.
Name = Chaos Too
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Chaos Too
Size: 6K Date: 7/10/91 Version:
Chaos Too is the second version of the Chaos module for Pyro! 4.0 or later.
New features include support for multiple monitors, selection of shapes to
be drawn, draw on color monitors only, bug fixes and more. Chaos Too is
postcardware. Send me a postcard and let me know how you like it!. See
accompanying text file for additional infomation. The original Chaos module
had over 2500 downloads from Genie, CompuServe and America Online.
Keywords: Pyro,Pyro!,Chaos,Screensaver,Fun,JAMAH,color.
Name = SystemSwitcher1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SystemSwitcher1.1
Size: 25K Date: 6/19/91 Version: 1.1
System Switcher allows you to run to different systems and have the ability
to choose one or the other. This can be especially useful if you're running
the U.S. system release plus a foreign language system release such as
Kanji. System Switcher 1.1 will recognize and work with the newly released
System 7.0. Compactor Classic/Deluxe compressed file. Keywords: System
Name = QuickFolder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QuickFolder
Size: 4K Date: 6/19/91 Version:
Quik Folder Init (extension) modifies the standard Macintosh "save" dialog
box to add a button which allows you to create a new folder on the fly.
Seems compatible with System 7. Self-extracting Compactor format file.
Keywords: Init,Extension,Folder,Save,Dialog
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:ADB RESET
Size: 4K Date: 6/19/91 Version:
ADB Reset is a shareware application and FKEY that will reset the ADB
(Apple Desktop Bus) of your Macintosh. The FKEY (invoked by hitting
a specific keystroke) is particularly handy if your mouse freezes up.
This is a Compactor Classic archive... Keywords: ADB,RESET,ADB RESET,
Name = PrintAid 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PrintAid 1.4
Size: 20K Date: 6/18/91 Version: 1.4
For printers other than LaserWriters, this Control Panel extension (CDev)
allows background processes to continue. This is not a print spooler, but
the author claims it is very useful for background printing. System 7
compatible. Keywords: Print,Printer,Background,Process,Spooler, Buffer,
Ram,System 7,Control Panel.
Name = Floppy Unlocker 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Floppy Unlocker 1.01
Size: 11K Date: 6/17/91 Version: 1.01
This nifty little application will allow you to put a software lock (or
unlock) on your floppy disks, and unlock hard disks. If you ever had a
floppy disk that displayed as "locked" even though the tab was in the
unlocked position, you can use this to unlock it. Freeware.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NEW CREATOR
Size: 18K Date: 5/25/91 Version:
This program allows you to change the creator of Paint, Pict, and Text
files so that they can be opened from the Finder by a different
application. It can search an entire volume or just one folder for files
to change. Keywords: Utility,Paint,MacPaint,PICT,Text,Creator.
Name = Apple Color Icons 7.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Apple Color Icons 7.0
Size:154K Date: 5/25/91 Version: 7.0
With the release of System 7.0 by Apple, it hasn't taken Immedium Design,
the people who brought us all the pre-7.0 color icons long to design and
release its first set of Apple color icons for System 7.0. This initial
release by Immedium Design includes color icons for all of the included
file in Apple's System 7.0 release plus some other popular Apple
applications. These are professionally quality icons, with future releases
from ImmediuDesign to follow so as to allow a level of consistency among
your 7.0 icon not possible by depending on the software companies.
Documentation for installing these icons is included in this file.
Name = Icon Archive w/docs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Icon Archive w/docs
Size: 11K Date: 5/18/91 Version:
A file containing close to 50 icons. The icons are all of folders so
that one can paste these icons on top of the normal folder icons. If you're
confused, download it and read the help file. (Resedit needed) (and system
7) Brought to you by: Matthew Kweskin (M.Kweskin) Keywords: system,7,system
7, icons, folder.
Name = Renamer
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Renamer
Size: 7K Date: 5/17/91 Version:
Are people constantly renaming your hard drive? If yes, then this INIT is
for you. Stuffed.
Name = LED
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LED
Size: 9K Date: 5/11/91 Version:
Drop this INIT into your System Folder and restart. Hard drive or floppy
disk accesses will light either the Scroll Lock or Num Lock lights on your
Extended Keyboard respectively (Caps Lock is not affected). There are
three versions of the INIT included. Be sure to read the enclosed
documentation to find the right INIT for your machine. This INIT is for
Extended Keyboard users only. Compactor Deluxe format. Keywords: extended
Name = Excel 3.0 ICL8's
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Excel 3.0 ICL8's
Size: 5K Date: 4/28/91 Version:
This ResEdit file contains the icl8 color icons for Excel 3.0. For use in
Sundesk or Icon Colorizer. Keywords: COLOR, EXCEL, ICL, ICON, SUNDESK.
Name = file decon 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:file decon 1.3
Size: 23K Date: 4/25/91 Version: 1.3
This is a program that removes unprintable (i.e. bad) characters
from TEXT files. It comes with a sample "bad" text file (a file
with a lot of control characters in it) to demonstrate its use.
One of it's best uses is to convert files downloaded from Unix (tm)
hosts - because Unix uses a different convention to signal the end
of line condition than the Mac does. Version 1.3 fixes bugs in my
previous upload. Please remember to use this utility on TEXT files,
NOT binary files (like formatted word processing files)!!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:J-K:KOPYKAT
Size: 20K Date: 4/21/91 Version: .9
KopyKat adds a hierarchial menu to your Edit menu items (Cut, Copy, and
Paste) in any application plus allows you to use a clipboard for each menu
item. Works within and across different applications. KopyKat is an Init
(Startup Document). This is version 0.9. Compactor format archive.
Name = Video Card Utility 1.0b3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Video Card Utility 1.0b3
Size: 15K Date: 3/30/91 Version: 1.0b3
This unsupported utility is a "Monitors CDEV Extension" which may be of
assistance in obtaining interlaced, RS170-compatible video output signals
from a Macintosh II-class machine equipped with the Macintosh II Video
Card. It may support 1,2,4, and 8 bits-per-pixel interlaced video. In
also may also provide an optional "no flicker mode" for the 1 bit-per-pixel
mode. This mode eliminates the flickering caused by thin horizontal lines
(like the racing stripes at the tops of windows) that occurs when Macintosh
video is transferred to video tape.
Name = Original Mac & 6.0.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Original Mac & 6.0.5
Size: 13K Date: 3/30/91 Version:
This file contains an updated help (Tech Note) for using the Orginal
Macs with System 6.0.5. It also contains Scott Armitage's XPRAM
1.0.2 INIT. If you have only 20 bytes of PRAM you need this INIT
to use System 6.0.5. The "Tech Note" is not produced or endorsed by Apple
Computer. The author is not connected with Apple Computer in any way.
Keywords: xpram,512ke,6.0.5,128k,system,INIT
Name = Drop Menus
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Df-Dz:Drop Menus
Size: 6K Date: 3/30/91 Version:
Drop Menus is a small INIT that emulates the functionality of Windows/DOS
menus - clicking on the menu bar drops the menus; clicking again makes a
selection, or dismisses the menus. Still works the good-old Mac way as
well. Pretty much a sick hack, and not guaranteed to work with every
application, but it works perfectly well with most. Freeware. Includes
THINK C source if you want to tinker with it yourself.
Name = INITInfo 4.5Text upgrade
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:INITInfo 4.5Text upgrade
Size: 18K Date: 3/22/91 Version: 4.5
INITInfo 4.5Text upgrade - INITInfo 4.5.TXT is a supplement of additional
conflict information along with previous files.
Name = MHW-Hard drive specs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MHW-Hard drive specs
Size: 20K Date: 3/08/91 Version:
This file lists almost all the hard drive specifications you would need to
format a drive. The file contains the following info: model number, cap,
cyc, heads, access time, sectors, encoding method (RLL,MFM,SCSI).
Name = MenuKey
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MenuKey
Size: 7K Date: 2/28/91 Version: 1.0
Menu Key, when installed in your system folder, will allow the display of
the currently enabled command key selections. Just hold the command key
down for more than 1 second and the template will appear. Saves the time of
having to check many pull down menus. Compctr Deluxe/Classic file format.
Keywords: INIT,Command Keys,Display.
Name = HeapTool 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HeapTool 1.4
Size: 30K Date: 2/14/91 Version: 1.4
Tame those unruly INITs with HeapTool! Adjusts system heap automatically as
needed. If you're experiencing frequent system crashes, give HeapTool a
try. Shareware. Version 1.4. Compactor file.
Name = PseudoFPU
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PseudoFPU
Size: 63K Date: 2/09/91 Version: 1.1
PseudoFPU allows the Mac IIsi and LC to run programs which normally require
an installed Floating Point Unit (FPU) or Math Coprocessor. Version 1.1
checks for applications which run faster without PseudoFPU installed so
that they always run at maximum speed. Keywords: PseudoFPU, Mac IIsi, Mac
LC, FPU, Excel.
Name = PLAY ONLY-Read My Lips
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PLAY ONLY-Read My Lips
Size: 56K Date: 2/02/91 Version:
PLAY ONLY-version of Read My Lips is the companion utility to the
commercial version of Read My Lips software. Read My Lips lets you attach
sounds/voice to documents you create using popular word processing, desktop
publishing, and presentation software. Both the built-in microphones of
the new Macs as well as MacRecorder are supported for recording of
sounds/voice. Read My Lips also lets you use pre-recorded sounds and
attach them to your documents. The commercial version is available through
mail order software houses. The play only version is freely distributed so
that anyone may listen to sounds/voice attached to documents.
Name = 3D Windows 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:A-Ag:3D Windows 2.0
Size: 15K Date: 2/02/91 Version: 2.0
If you like the look of the NeXT interface and windows, download this Cdev.
Works only with a Mac II or SE/30. Looks best in color. Compactor file.
Keywords: CDev,Window,Interface,NeXT,Color,Mac II
Name = Picas2Points FKey
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:Picas2Points FKey
Size: 5K Date: 2/01/91 Version:
Install this FKey in Adobe Illustrator (or Aldus FreeHand, etc.), then
any time you need to enter dimensions in points, this FKey will convert any
dimensions entered in picas to its point equivalent. For example, 1p6 will
become 18. Very handy for creating rectangles or ovals or for moving things
numerically, especially when you're dealing with hundreds of points! FREE!
Name = Launcher™ 3.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:Launcher™ 3.5
Size: 32K Date: 2/01/91 Version: 3.5
Launcher 3.5 is a highly useful Finder utility which allows you to launch
your most used applications & documents more easily than having to
constantly dig through folders. Launcher works with all Macs and all
systems releases. Documentation included in MacWrite format.
Compactor Classic/Deluxe file.
Name = Timepiece
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:Timepiece
Size: 20K Date: 1/29/91 Version:
Timepiece.Sit is an init which puts a slick, high tech analog clock in the
lower left hand corner of your screen.
Name = LockDisk1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LockDisk1.0
Size: 19K Date: 1/29/91 Version:
LockDisk1.0.sit is a CDEV that changes your system disk to read-only
status. This can be handy in several ways. You can test things to see how
they will run in a CD ROM environment, you can't get a virus on a read only
disk, Kids can't destroy your data and for trade shows.
Name = BCAST20
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BCAST20
Size: 72K Date: 1/29/91 Version: 25Jan91
This is Broadcast version 2.0 which allows users to send messages to each
other over appletalk.
Name = Newer1.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Newer1.1.1
Size: 83K Date: 1/21/91 Version:
Newer 1.1.1 is a backup and restore program, which preserves full
folder structure on the backup in Finder-accessible form. It does
not handle a multiple-disk backup set. Very flexible in the degree
to which it lets you exclude/include folders, files, file types.
Also useful in keeping disks in sync if you take your work back
and forth between home and office. Shareware $25.
Name = Memory Mgr Init
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Memory Mgr Init
Size: 15K Date: 1/21/91 Version:
Seems that the several of the later Mac II models (ci,si,fx) and also the
Mac LC have a bug in their roms which affects the performance of the Apple
memory manager. This INIT from Apple should correct the problem. The
archive also includes some information about the problem.
Keywords: MacII,ci,si,fx,Mac LC,68030,68020,memory,manager,rom,init
Name = GooPanel 1.0a6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:GooPanel 1.0a6
Size: 63K Date:12/16/90 Version: 1.0a6
This is an application which replaces Apple's Control Panel DA. It opens
cdevs same as Apple's DA. GooPanel allows multiple cdevs to be opened at
the same time. Also includes an INIT which runs GooPanel when any cdev is
double- clicked. Basically operates the saem as Apple's treatment of cdevs
under System 7.0 but runs under System 6.0.X. This is the fifth release,
and it is free! Compactor self-extracting file.
Name = bootman
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:bootman
Size: 12K Date:12/16/90 Version:
Bootman is from Bill Steinberg, and allows you to write the "boot blocks"
for your operating system. Features a graphical interface and a good online
help file which explains the function of boot blocks. Highly recommended
addition to your group of miscellaneous utilities. Freeware.
Name = Shutter INIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:Shutter INIT
Size: 3K Date:12/10/90 Version:
Shutter INIT - This is a mean trick to play on fellow Mac users. This 1k
INIT (startup document) will _restart_ the Mac on startup; i.e., the thing
will start up, shut down, start up, shut down, on and on...! Terrible
prank! Compacted with Compactor. *** SYSOP NOTE *** If you download and
use this file, PLEASE keep in mind everyone's sense of humor differs
greatly. Use of this init on someone's Mac is liable to upset them more
than a little bit.
Name = SIDDrvr
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:SIDDrvr
Size: 11K Date:12/02/90 Version:
A Driver to register SID (and other audio digitizers) with systems 6.0.6
and above. Keywords: sid,audio,digitizer,sound,input
Name = Fumble Fingers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Fumble Fingers
Size: 3K Date:12/02/90 Version:
Fumble Fingers in an init that watches for a certain word (or group of
words) to be typed. When it sees that word, it replaces is with a
replacement word. The search word and replacement word can be changed
using ResEdit. Initially, whenever you type "Cat" in a place that uses
the standard text edit routines, Fumble Fingers replaces it with "Dog".
This init is absolutely free. I take no responsibility for whatever you
might do with it.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:APPLAUSE
Size: 31K Date:11/30/90 Version:
Finally figure out some of the new stuff from Apple? Fire this
F-key for a round of applause. Install w/ResEdit, Suitcase, etc.
Name = The Volume Manager FKEY 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Tf-Tz:The Volume Manager FKEY 2.1
Size: 20K Date:11/10/90 Version: 2.1
This is The Volume Manager FKEY version 2.1. It will allow you to
change the speaker volume with only a couple of keystrokes, and it
saves time since you won't have to wait for the control panel to
load. It has 4 user modes: Switch, Instant, Manual, and Configure.
It comes complete with documentation and an installer script to make
installing safe and easy.
Name = Finder Patch
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Finder Patch
Size: 16K Date:11/10/90 Version:
This is a collection of patches (resources) which allow you to customize
your Finder, adding options such as full color (not outline color),
different fonts, organized icons, a "Quit" option, and more. Requires
ResEdit. Docs included. Compactor-format file.
Name = YesNoCancel1.0b5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:YesNoCancel1.0b5
Size: 10K Date:10/31/90 Version:
Handy little CDev that you can use to enter keystrokes for dialog boxes
commands and options. Keywords: INIT,Dialog,Macro,Keyboard,Shortcut
Name = Fruits of Passionv2.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Fruits of Passionv2.4
Size: 14K Date:10/25/90 Version:
This is a Cdev written by Christophe Andres which allows you to change the
Apple Icon in the top-left hand corner of your Macintosh Screen. You can
change this icon to a variety of others including a banana,cherry,floppy
disk,trash can, or 3 other choices. In Compactor 1.51 format.
Name = IIfx Serial Switch
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:IIfx Serial Switch
Size: 4K Date:10/13/90 Version:
This is a cdev which allows Mac IIfx users to slow the serial port speed
down in the event of compatibility problems. For example, it needs to be
used with Air Warrior, but there are other programs (word processors, for
example) which may need the serial port speed reduced. Since the IIfx has
a separate processor for each port, data can be transferred much
faster...not all programs can handle it.
Name = BAD11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BAD11
Size: 7K Date:10/13/90 Version: 1.1
Allows you to initialize marginal disks by mapping bad sectors. Great
Utility! Version 1.1.
Name = ChainMail
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:ChainMail
Size: 35K Date:10/13/90 Version: 2.1
Chain Mail2.1: A cdev mail utility that can be used with file servers.
Automatic notification when mail arrives. Fantastic alternative to ripoff
products like Microsoft Mail. Freeware if you're not using it for military
purposes; it contains extensive documentation for use with AppleShare and
TOPS networks. You must first write your message in some word processor.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TAPTYP
Size: 19K Date: 9/28/90 Version: 1.21
TappyType is for those times when you are nostalgic for the good, tough
days before word processors.
Name = Play 'em all
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:Play 'em all
Size: 3K Date: 9/08/90 Version:
Play 'em all! plays all the available beep sounds from your
System file. It's a quick and easy way to find out what beep
sounds are installed. (Listen to them instead of reading a
of names...) Have fun with it!
Name = MultiScreen FKEY
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MultiScreen FKEY
Size: 45K Date: 8/10/90 Version:
Once you place the resource file "CelestialResources" included in this
package in your System Folder, you will be able to select from one of
11 animated modules each time the FKEY is invoked. Read the Teach Text
file included before you install. Enjoy!
Name = Apple Video Utility
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Apple Video Utility
Size: 14K Date: 8/10/90 Version:
This video utility allows developers and video-knowledgeable users to
obtain medium quality video output at extremely low cost. This is not
intended for the unsophisticated user. If you don't know how to make a
video cable, this software is not for you! Supports 1 to 8 bits per pixel
RS170 video output Requires a Macintosh II-class computer, an Apple 640 x
480 4 or 8 bit Mac II, Video Card, System 6.0.3 and 32-Bit QuickDraw.
Includes terse instructions about building a video cable. You CAN possibly
damage your Macintosh or Video equipment by using an improperly constructed
Name = Heap Helper
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:Heap Helper
Size: 66K Date: 8/04/90 Version:
This is 5 MacPaint documents which explain how to set your System Heap
size, which is probably a necessity if you are using more than a couple of
Inits or CDev in your System Folder. Compactor format file.
Name = In Use
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:In Use
Size: 10K Date: 8/04/90 Version: 2.0
In Use puts an Icon to the left of your apple in the menu bar when your
SCSI devices are in use...
...From MacNet
Name = FENCE 1.20
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FENCE 1.20
Size: 32K Date: 7/13/90 Version:
This version adds 3 new features: hidden typing, Return key now exits to
the Finder, and three attempts shows a trespasser warning. This is a
startup application that password protects your hard drive. It has some
features that other programs don't have: 1) MultiFinder friendly. Window
hides the desktop from prying eyes. 2) Safe. Dosn't encrypt or lock
anything. (That's why it's called FENCE; It's easy to climb over.)failed
password attempt (sneaky). 3) The password you use is not case depentant
(use upper or lower characters) 4) Shows last bootup date and time and
creates a dummy file showing the failed password attempt (sneaky).
Name = BigPat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BigPat
Size: 15K Date: 7/01/90 Version:
This file is a Compactor archive containing the three files BigPat,
Pik-a-Pat, and Background Pats. BigPat and Pik-a-Pat are cdevs which
allow color background patterns which are larger or smaller than the
standard 8x8 to be edited and stored on a MacII or higher. Background
Pats is a file containing some demonstration patterns. To use, just dump
all three into your system folder and access through the control panel.
Name = LipService
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LipService
Size: 5K Date: 6/23/90 Version:
LipService is a nice little CDEV that allows you to have your Mac Talk to
Name = Findersounds
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Findersounds
Size:127K Date: 6/22/90 Version: 1.2.1
Bug fix update to Finder Sounds (Sonic Finder). Requires 6.0.4 or
better. version 1.2.1.
Name = Voicebox 1.2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Voicebox 1.2.1
Size: 13K Date: 6/17/90 Version: 1.2.1
VoiceBox is cdev/INIT that reads static texts in an alert box and/or a
dialog box when it appears. Various parameters can be set on the Control
Name = Named Folder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Named Folder
Size: 5K Date: 5/14/90 Version: 1.0
"Named Folder" is a handy little INIT that everyone will use. On the
desktop when "New Folder" (or command-N) is ordered, the new folder will
no longer be given the name "Empty Folder" (which, in the past, you had to
select and manually change). Instead, a dialog box is presented which
allows you to name the new folder before it is created.
Name = Bartender 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bartender 1.0
Size: 5K Date: 5/12/90 Version: 1.0
This INIT enhances your scroll bar by allowing you to double-click to undo
last scroll. Shift click to go to end of the scrollbar and others. It
works with the Scroll2 cdev.
Name = Clockspeed cdev
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Clockspeed cdev
Size: 7K Date: 5/12/90 Version:
The Clockspeed cdev is an offspring of the decelerator application.
It slows down fast macs so that some games that were not timed
against the system clock could be slowed down to the point of
being playable. The cdev calibrates the wait time against the
system state and has ten buttons for speed control of the
delay to be installed. The delay can be changed or removed at
any time from the control panel.
Name = Boaster
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Boaster
Size: 14K Date: 4/28/90 Version: 1.0
Boaster is one of the dumbest INITs ever made. Using ResEdit you can load
as many icons as you want into Boaster, and then when you start your Mac,
all those icons will be displayed, as if they were separate INITs loading.
(You will need to use Icon Wrap if you have more than one line of INITs.)
What is the purpose of Boaster? Supposedly it is to impress your friends
when they see all those strange icons display at startup.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HMG™ CURSORS
Size: 19K Date: 4/06/90 Version:
HMG™ CURSORS.SIT - Two new (and one old) animated cursors and associated
resources: Batman theme includes flying bat cursor, and bat cave trash
replacement Starship (old Enterprize) with Black Hole trash replacement,
and UFO flying saucer. All cursors have associated Menu and String changes
for dialogs.
Name = Text Sucking Leech
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Text Sucking Leech
Size: 8K Date: 3/18/90 Version:
Text Sucking Leech.sit is a utility the grabs the text out of files for
your use later.
Name = Reader User's Kit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Reader User's Kit
Size: 49K Date: 3/18/90 Version:
Reader User's Kit.sit Reader is an application which allows you to read the
contents of different types of documents without having the application
that originally created the document. Reader does this by using special
files called format drivers. Each format driver can open one type of
document. Included in this upload are format drivers for MacPaint, PICT,
'snd' resources, SoundEdit, and Text. Format drivers just don't open the
files, for example, the text format driver can also print and copy
selections to the clipboard. You can also search the text. Documentation
on how to write format drivers can be found in the MacPro Roundtable.
Name = Scroll Speed Limit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Scroll Speed Limit
Size: 16K Date: 3/18/90 Version: 1.1
Scroll Speed Limit 1.1. This is a Cdev that allows you to set the speed
limit for some of the scrolling activities, making mousing around a little
easier. Especially useful for the faster Macs.
Name = RecoverWordDoc12
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:RecoverWordDoc12
Size: 10K Date: 3/18/90 Version: 1.2
RecoverWordDoc, a utility to recover the ASCII text from corrupted Word
Name = bintomac
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:bintomac
Size: 6K Date: 3/11/90 Version:
bintomac.sit converts files from binary to Mac format.
Name = Macenvy2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:M-Mc:Macenvy2
Size: 57K Date: 2/24/90 Version: 2.1
Macenvy2.sit - great init for system analysis.
Name = VirusRX
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:VirusRX
Size: 41K Date: 2/05/90 Version:
Apple's virus detector in version 1.6 allows you to detect WDEF, NVIR, INIT
29, and ANTI virii. Also adds a button to check all drives.
Name = Multi_Spool
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:Multi_Spool
Size: 15K Date: 1/28/90 Version:
Multi_Spool.sit is shareware from Italy. Will only work under multifinder.
This init installs a DA under the Apple Icon and spools your printing even
if enough memory is not available.
Name = FunKey
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FunKey
Size: 7K Date: 1/23/90 Version:
FunKey.sit is an init that allows you to select installed F Keys from a
Name = FindSnd2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FindSnd2
Size: 56K Date: 1/17/90 Version:
This file is a REPLACEMENT set of sounds for the Finder Sounds cdev that
works with system 6.0.4. These are a more subtle set of sounds that won't
become a nusiance. The volume of most of these sounds has been cut in
half so that for example the "dit" sound for scrolling is now barely
audible at a midrange volume setting. With more refinement, sounds to go
with finder actions show the potential for being useful rather than just
another MacParlorTrick. You must have downloaded the FinderSound cdev to
use this file.
Name = RAM Check 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:RAM Check 2.0
Size: 7K Date:12/25/89 Version: 2.0
RAM Check 2.0.sit is a small memory checker!
Name = Fix DeskTop 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:Fix DeskTop 2.0
Size: 11K Date:12/24/89 Version: 2.0
This application corrects inaccuracies in the invisible desktop file. It
will reduce the size of this file freeing up disk space and also speed up
Finder operation by eliminating unneeded data in the file.
Name = FreeRAM FKEY
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FreeRAM FKEY
Size: 4K Date:12/24/89 Version: 1.0
This free FKEY displays the amount of Free RAM in the menu bar. The size
and type of information in the scrap are also displayed. Click or press a
key to restore menu bar. If the Caps Lock key is down, the current heap
will be compacted and all purgeable blocks will be purged. If executed
on a machine running in color, the current menu colors will be used to
display the information.
Name = onespaceINIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:onespaceINIT
Size: 11K Date:12/24/89 Version:
In typography, you ordinarily type only one space after a period at the
end of a sentence. For those who were weaned on typewriters and
ordinarily type two spaces at the end of a sentence, this INIT will
prevent you from typing two consecutive spaces.
Comes with an explanatory Hypercard stack.
Name = Tablecloth Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Tablecloth Demo
Size: 20K Date:12/24/89 Version:
A 10 Minute Demo of "TableCloth". Tablecloth is a screen utility for
clearing your screen of clutter when using multiple programs under
Apple's MultiFinder. It is of particular use to those using large screen
monitors. The filed is stuffed.
Name = FKEY Lackey
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FKEY Lackey
Size: 29K Date:12/24/89 Version:
FKEY Lackey automates resource installation and management. Lackey can
Pack all the FKEYs from any file or folder into a suitcase. It can
Unpack some or all of the FKEYs in a suitcase by making a new suitcase
for each FKEY. It can Install one or more FKEYs into an existing file
or application. Plus much, much more! The file is stuffed.
Name = Word Wrapper(TM) Demo 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Word Wrapper(TM) Demo 2.1
Size: 29K Date:12/10/89 Version:
Word Wrapper(TM) Demo 2.1.sit is a demo of the word wrapper application
which removes carriage returns.
Name = Bomb ICN#s
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bomb ICN#s
Size: 3K Date:12/10/89 Version:
Bomb ICN#s.sit is an alternate trash can in bomb form.
Name = TextHack
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:TextHack
Size: 4K Date:12/07/89 Version:
TextHack.sit is an init that will colorize names in the Finder, windows,
dialog boxes, etc. By Ray Lau.
Name = frshstrt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:frshstrt
Size: 42K Date:12/07/89 Version: 1.6
frshstrt.sit is a CDEV that organizes your system folder. This is version
Name = ExtraColor cdev 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:E:ExtraColor cdev 1.2
Size: 10K Date:12/07/89 Version: 1.2
ExtraColor cdev 1.2.S This CDEV allows you to colorize your cursor from the
color picker. Shareware from Italy. Doc's in CDEV.
Name = Force
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Force
Size: 4K Date:11/15/89 Version:
Usually when you boot up, all non-startup disks are mounted last.
ForceMount is an INIT that causes all available disks to be mounted
immediately. This allows your other INITs to use other disks.
Particularly useful for utilities such as Suitcase II if you have a
partitioned HD.
Name = United-104
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:United-104
Size: 22K Date:11/13/89 Version: 1.04
Utility to combine binhexed files and strip text headers.
Name = Ripper
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:Ripper
Size: 16K Date:11/03/89 Version:
Ripper.sit is a great visual effect in an F Key that rips folders and uses
Name = DataPak2.6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DataPak2.6
Size: 44K Date:11/03/89 Version: 2.6
DataPak2.6.sit are the utilities for Mass Micros 45 meg removable cartridge
drives. Version 2.6.
Name = Obnoxious
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Obnoxious
Size: 22K Date:10/15/89 Version:
Obnoxious.sit is a practical joke init it screams at different intervals
and is very annoying. Your boss and spouse will love it...he..he..
Name = QM-Link 2.0ß7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QM-Link 2.0ß7
Size: 95K Date:10/14/89 Version:
AppleLink access through QuickMail software. Will work with Quickmail
version 2.01 or higher.
Name = ScrapSaver
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:ScrapSaver
Size: 3K Date:10/01/89 Version:
ScrapSaver.sit is an init that saves the content of your scrapbook during
Name = BurningFuse
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BurningFuse
Size: 6K Date:10/01/89 Version:
BurningFuse.sit is an init that gives an interesting graphic show on
restart and shutdown.
Name = Oliver's Buttons1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Oliver's Buttons1.0
Size: 5K Date: 9/30/89 Version: 1.0
Oliver's Buttons 1.0. INIT that makes your buttons look different
(including check box and radio buttons).
Name = pointer
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:pointer
Size: 7K Date: 9/30/89 Version:
This is a "mouse scaling" CDEV, which gives you much greater control over
how fast your mouse moves (better than the normal Control Panel setting).
The default setting has your pointer move just a little when the mouse is
moved slowly, and the pointer zooms across the screen when the mouse is
moved rapidly. This is particularly useful for big screen monitors.
Name = Unity311
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:U-V:Unity311
Size: 15K Date: 9/18/89 Version: 3.1.1
Utility to combine several text files into one file.
Name = PowerOut 1.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:PowerOut 1.02
Size: 31K Date: 9/17/89 Version:
PowerOut 1.02.sit is version 1.02 of PowerOut the utility that gives you
line voltage readings and warns of pending power outages.
Name = CatCurs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CatCurs
Size: 3K Date: 9/12/89 Version:
CatCurs.sit - this file has cats for pasting in to your system with
REsedit. These are funny looking cats for cat lovers.
Name = InvisWin
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:InvisWin
Size: 5K Date: 9/09/89 Version: 1.1
FKey makes the active window invisible. Useful under Multifinder to hide
windows not in use, or to avoid having to constantly redraw complex
Name = DensePrint 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DensePrint 1.0
Size: 27K Date: 8/30/89 Version:
DensePrint 1.0 is a utility that prints text files with embedded carriage
returns in a multiple column format that squeezes more performance out of
high density printers. User selectable font sizes, margins and other
formatting is available.
Name = PhoneMate
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PhoneMate
Size: 20K Date: 8/14/89 Version:
PhoneMate is a soundfile and an init which allows you to have a sound file
play when your phone rings (as long as your modem is hooked up).
Name = Talking Moose 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:T-Te:Talking Moose 2.0
Size: 51K Date: 8/06/89 Version: 2.0
Talking Moose 2.0 is a CDEV for utilizing the old Talking Moose chatter.
Name = FetchIt 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FetchIt 1.1
Size: 18K Date: 8/06/89 Version: 1.1
FetchIt 1.1 is an init used for finding files to open which are compatable
with the appication you have chosen.
Name = WindChooser 1.12
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WindChooser 1.12
Size: 19K Date: 8/01/89 Version: 1.12
WindChooser version 1.12 is an init that allows you to change window views
to look like NExt and others.
Name = ShutDown/ReStart 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sd-Sm:ShutDown/ReStart 1.4
Size: 8K Date: 7/27/89 Version: 1,4
Two application, one to Shutdown the Mac and the other to restart. Both
do a "graceful" exit from applications, i.e. they close all open documents
and Desk Accessories. These work great with On Cue or Quickeys. The idea
is to save time by not having to go to the Finder then use the menu
Name = WhereSIT1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WhereSIT1.2
Size: 34K Date: 7/25/89 Version: 1.2
WhereSIT version 1.2 allows you to search sit files for contents. Great for
search and locate functions without unstuffing files.
Name = MultiMeter
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Md-Mz:MultiMeter
Size: 14K Date: 7/19/89 Version:
MultiMeter is a multifinder efficiency testing program to check
applications for Multifinder awareness and efficiency.
Name = Dawn 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:Dawn 2.0
Size: 22K Date: 7/09/89 Version: 2.0
Dawn 2.0.sit allows you to utilize Color Pictures as a background Screen on
any Color Mac. Version 2.0 has had problems running with Quick keys,
DAMenus and Color Desk.
Name = cdev shrinker
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:cdev shrinker
Size: 8K Date: 7/05/89 Version:
Changes CDEV display to name rather than ICON's.
Name = Backdrop 2.16
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Backdrop 2.16
Size: 15K Date: 7/05/89 Version: 2.16
Backdrop v2.16 for graphic Mac screen backgrounds.
Name = Bigger SFDialogs
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bigger SFDialogs
Size: 2K Date: 6/19/89 Version:
Bigger Dialog and save boxes resedit template
Name = HeapFix
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:G-H:HeapFix
Size: 8K Date: 5/29/89 Version:
Heap Fixer by CE Software. Enlarge/Reduce System Heap Size.
Name = Folder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:Folder
Size: 4K Date: 5/29/89 Version:
FKeys to create and delete Directories (Folders).
Name = LooneyIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:LooneyIcons
Size: 9K Date: 4/29/89 Version:
Looney Tunes Icon
Name = IconsFromHell
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IconsFromHell
Size: 3K Date: 3/26/89 Version:
Icons from Hell!
Name = Bind Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bind Icons
Size: 14K Date: 1/29/89 Version:
Binds Icons to applications
Name = ColorFinderIconSystem
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:ColorFinderIconSystem
Size: 24K Date:12/22/88 Version: 6.02
Color Icons for system 6.02
Name = NewsClocksApp
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NewsClocksApp
Size: 6K Date:12/16/88 Version:
Corrected version of 8 time zone clock application
Name = Anti-nVIR
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Anti-nVIR
Size: 43K Date:12/07/88 Version: 1.0
NVir extracting Program.
Name = Works to Works
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:Works to Works
Size: 13K Date:11/26/88 Version:
Translator for AFE, converts Appleworks files to MS Works.
Name = Anonymity
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Anonymity
Size: 8K Date:11/15/88 Version: 1.0
Depersonalizes programs.
Name = LDTape34
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:L:LDTape34
Size: 75K Date:10/26/88 Version: 3.4
LoDOWN Tape Backup Software v3.4
Name = Blesser1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Blesser1.1
Size: 22K Date:10/04/88 Version:
Utility to allow more than 1 system folder setup. This is version 1.1 of
Blesser for using System 7.0 and System 6 on the same disk.
Name = MacIISysFoldICON
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:MacIISysFoldICON
Size: 2K Date:10/04/88 Version:
MacII System Folder Icon
Name = Sampler
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Sampler
Size: 10K Date:10/01/88 Version:
Application to try DAs, INITs, Snd, Sound, CDEVs(?), Fonts..
Name = Sum Signatures
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:Sum Signatures
Size: 8K Date: 8/24/88 Version:
New set of signatures for Symantic Utilities owners only
Name = Bro
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bro
Size: 12K Date: 7/15/88 Version:
Appletalk Chat init
Name = ColorMapScrapbook
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:ColorMapScrapbook
Size: 6K Date: 7/04/88 Version:
Resedit Color Map resources for MacII & Sys 6.0 Map DA
Name = 6.0 Watch/Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:6.0 Watch/Icons
Size: 3K Date: 7/04/88 Version:
System 6.0 watch icons
Name = Screener2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:S-Sc:Screener2
Size: 10K Date: 7/04/88 Version:
MacII screen reduction CDEV for running MacPlus programs
Name = AppleShare Kill
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AppleShare Kill
Size: 5K Date: 7/04/88 Version:
AppleShare Kill - for random logon users
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:XPRAM INIT
Size: 3K Date: 7/04/88 Version:
Mac 512E init to give CDEV control panel access
Name = BootBlock6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:BootBlock6
Size: 12K Date: 6/20/88 Version:
System 6.0 bootblocks installer
Name = Print Utility 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Pm-Pz:Print Utility 1.0
Size: 22K Date: 6/16/88 Version:
Print util tools
Name = 779Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:779Icons
Size: 60K Date: 5/31/88 Version:
Big bunch of icons....lots and lots!
Name = FKEY Sampler#1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FKEY Sampler#1
Size: 12K Date: 5/21/88 Version:
Set of six Fkeys: Clock, tax estimator, crap game, etc.
Name = A_Works
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:A_Works
Size: 4K Date: 5/01/88 Version:
Acta to Works converter program
Name = DeskCheck
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:D-De:DeskCheck
Size: 9K Date: 3/10/88 Version:
Utility checks status of ICN, BNDL, FREF, etc.
Name = PadLock
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:P-Pl:PadLock
Size: 30K Date: 2/29/88 Version:
FKey Locks Mac while you are away
Name = FrontCentr
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Fj-Fz:FrontCentr
Size: 7K Date: 2/24/88 Version:
CDEV will center dialogs/alerts around cursor.
Name = Curlers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:Curlers
Size: 3K Date: 2/15/88 Version:
Init like "Quote Init", supposedly better. Smart quotes.
Name = Overwood2.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:Overwood2.01
Size: 17K Date: 1/30/88 Version: 2.01
Name = AplFontCDEV
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AplFontCDEV
Size: 6K Date: 1/06/88 Version:
Will change the default font from the control panel
Name = ChooseCDEV™
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:ChooseCDEV™
Size: 12K Date:11/13/87 Version:
CDEV for control panel, Puts CDEV's in "your" order
Name = StuffIt Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:StuffIt Icons
Size: 3K Date:11/13/87 Version:
Compactor Alternate Icons
Name = IBM trash Icons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:IBM trash Icons
Size: 2K Date:11/13/87 Version:
IBM Trash Icons
Name = NTSC
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:N-O:NTSC
Size: 2K Date:11/13/87 Version:
Mac II NTSC video output FKey
Name = Bomb Alert
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bomb Alert
Size: 5K Date:11/03/87 Version:
Bomb Alert F key
Name = QFolder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Q:QFolder
Size: 5K Date:10/26/87 Version:
Installs init that makes new folder in save boxes.
Name = IBeep
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:I-Im:IBeep
Size: 10K Date:10/22/87 Version:
Beep II init file
Name = System icon replace
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:System icon replace
Size: 3K Date: 8/27/87 Version:
System Icons
Name = Apple Talk ICON
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Apple Talk ICON
Size: 3K Date: 8/27/87 Version:
AppleTalk Icon
Name = Image Writer ICON
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Image Writer ICON
Size: 2K Date: 8/17/87 Version:
Imagewriter ICON
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:W-Z:WORKSII
Size: 3K Date: 7/27/87 Version:
Patch to allow MS Works on the MacII.
Name = CheapBeep
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CheapBeep
Size: 63K Date: 7/03/87 Version:
Cheap MacII Beep
Name = TextIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:TextIcons
Size: 12K Date: 6/30/87 Version:
Text Icons - tons
Name = ISR
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:In-Iz:ISR
Size: 20K Date: 6/12/87 Version: 0.96
SuperMac's test utility program for a DataFrame HD.
Name = AutoBlack1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:AutoBlack1.5
Size: 16K Date: 6/07/87 Version: 1.5
AutoBlack version 1.5
Name = Astronomical Events
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Astronomical Events
Size: 3K Date: 5/28/87 Version:
Astronomical Events
Name = Better MacPaint Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:Better MacPaint Icon
Size: 3K Date: 5/11/87 Version:
Better MacPaint Icon and Doc's
Name = FeedMe
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:F-Fi:FeedMe
Size: 33K Date: 5/10/87 Version:
Funny Sound file plays when Mac needs disk!
Name = HDMini-Icon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:HDMini-Icon
Size: 14K Date: 5/09/87 Version:
HD Icon changer
Name = Big Screen
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Big Screen
Size: 9K Date: 4/27/87 Version:
Big Screen init file - converts screen to size you set!
Name = CalMkr2.2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:CalMkr2.2.1
Size: 40K Date: 4/05/87 Version: 2.2.1
New Calander Maker version 2.2.1
Name = NewIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Icons:NewIcons
Size: 4K Date: 3/28/87 Version:
New System Icons
Name = CompleteDelete
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Cn-Cz:CompleteDelete
Size: 4K Date: 3/28/87 Version:
Complete Delete Utility
Name = SysAlert
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Sq-Sz:SysAlert
Size: 4K Date: 1/28/87 Version:
Adds Finder button to Bombs if not too bad.
Name = Clipper1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:C-Cm:Clipper1.5
Size: 5K Date:12/27/86 Version: 1.5
Clipper FKey 1.5 and Docs.
Name = ROMSysAlert
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:R:ROMSysAlert
Size: 4K Date:12/13/86 Version:
New ROM system crash resources (return to finder).
Name = Bench
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:B:Bench
Size: 11K Date:12/13/86 Version:
HD Bench Marks Program
Name = Antifreeze
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Util:Ah-Az:Antifreeze
Size: 3K Date:12/13/86 Version:
AntiFreeze FKey - fixes cursor freeze